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Everything posted by mccrispy

  1. Wow! That's a good spot! I'll see whether I can spot it happening in any of my games. Nasty - especially as Lini quite often gets 10+ in her checks to temporarily close.
  2. I'm deeply suspicious of the whole randomiser, not just the card randomiser (where an undefeated Bane shuffled into the deck is more often the first card drawn after the shuffling) but the dice too (I had a Heroic-level game where Seoni only ever rolled a 1 on a D4 "for" me, and 4 "against" me - it was freaky, but that's not the only example; I *expect* dice to roll below average dice on Heroic or Legendary levels)
  3. Yeah, it really doesn't help when you can't see what the skill dice is. It's the same with card feats - you can see how many extra cards you have, but not how many you had before bonuses. It comes from when they "improved" the UI in 1.1.3
  4. The Devs are purportedly working on a retroactive fix for the problem with Quest characters that missed out on Feats due to the bug with failed scenarios. Hopefully they're smart enough to implement the fix for all characters (or - even better - the architecture is such that fixing it for quest fixes it for story)
  5. Sorry, can't remember. But not that I remember - but that was back before I had as much experience with workarounds as I do now.
  6. I've had some success by clearing cache/data from various Google services and PACG when I get this sort of situation. It ensures that you have no local data issues and only a (you hope) clean Cloud save. As a Caveat, I have occasionally lost some experience by doing this. I suspect that PlayFab is highly asynchronous - or the way that OBS have implemented saves is.
  7. I've seen this bug before, but not for several patch versions. Odd to see it back now.
  8. Thanks. Weirdly, I can see them both now. Wonder why I couldn't see the google docs version first time around...
  9. I get the "can't get the dice to roll" issue reasonably often. I also get "can't drag the cards" too. When this happens, it's time for a VRT (Vault Round-Trip). That usually works, but sometimes this inability to get the UI to respond to drag/swipe is a precursor to a UI freeze. If it is, I just kill the App (I'm on Android). A reinstall shouldn't be necessary.
  10. Do you have any more detail? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86274-reporting-issues-useful-information-to-provide/
  11. Did you check whether the other character was healed? The graphics seem a little wonky (focus stays on the character playing cure), but the game auto-picks the target of the healing if there's only one valid target.
  12. Ah, I have no experience with Apple devices, so I'm afraid I have nothing to suggest. Sorry.
  13. As Kiirnodel indicates, I'm afraid you have a misconception of how the game works: you don't have a pool of cards from which you get to build your character's deck each time you play; each character's deck is fixed until you find cards during a scenario and update the deck at the end of the scenario by swapping out original cards with cards that the party finds during the last scenario. This is not a deck-builder. I know the game well. I own the physical game and have played it many times. What I am trying to say is that the cards that I acquired during play do not show up in the deck manager. So if I pick up a Longsword +1 on a Yes, I too own the physical game and have played it many times. I have also played this digital version many times and have logged many, many bugs. When you refer to "the deck manager" are you talking about at the end of the scenario, during party setup (hitting "deck"on the character sheet), or during scenario loading (hit the "view decks?/cards? button)? None of which, BTW, give you access to the cards in the Vault (all the cards that are in the APs that you are using in the scenario) unless one of you characters is missing a card - usually 'cos you have two characters in the new party with a copy of a card that you only have one of in your Vault, or because you Banished a card and didn't find a card of that type during the scenario (depending where the issue you have is being triggered)
  14. It's a tricky one, players would get annoyed if they didn't automatically switch to the double dice bonus, but on the other hand, why would I want to make a 3D4 check instead of a 2D12+2 check? The question is, how to avoid irritating both camps with a solution (just auto-pick the skill with the best average score would be my vote, but sometimes you trade a higher maximum against a better average/probability, 'cos you need to take a chance in order to succeed at all)
  15. I think that tenders a general problem with "end of turn nice" powers and closed locations. I have the same problem with Gale Armour.
  16. #1 known bug, devs are working on it (and have been for some time) #2 I don't recognise that staff (I assume it's from the bundle), this appears to be the first bug logged with that item. Congratulations! :D If a Vault round trip wasn't possible, or didn't work, and neither did Forfeit, I suspect that killing the App was your only option.
  17. Yeah, that sounds like the behaviour I see: it changes the check type to match the skill of the Blessing, which means if you don't have that skill, you get 2D4 rather than 1 die of the skill that you do have.
  18. As Kiirnodel indicates, I'm afraid you have a misconception of how the game works: you don't have a pool of cards from which you get to build your character's deck each time you play; each character's deck is fixed until you find cards during a scenario and update the deck at the end of the scenario by swapping out original cards with cards that the party finds during the last scenario. This is not a deck-builder.
  19. Try a VRT (Vault Round Trip), or failing that, you may have to Forfeit (bummer!) If you're on Android, you could post your saved game - but the devs are unlikely to get around to sorting it out (if they are able to) before your need to play forces you to Forfeit
  20. If you open Seoni's character sheet and check the Advancement tab, does it indicate that you should have received some reward that you haven't? Missing out on rewards at the end of (unsuccessful) multi-character scenarios was an issue prior to 1.1.3 but was fixed in 1.1.3.
  21. VRT only works while you're in a Scenario. If you have a blank rewards panel, you have a different problem to the OP, one that has been reported but for which I have seen no resolution. (Deleting the data in Google Play fixes a few issues that are otherwise recalcitrant. Of course if you're on iOS...)
  22. I think that Hannibal_PJV has it here. I frequently have to choose between 2D8 or 3D4 when playing a Blessing on a Barrier Check. Managing the skill used for the check is an important (but less-used) part of the game.
  23. What version of Android are you running? Your experience is atypical with respect to crashes on tablets: if it was the typical experience on a tablet then Obsidian's world would be on fire! So there must be something particular to your setup.
  24. It we knew the answer to that... we'd all be much wiser. Nevertheless, it's very common - especially after a reboot or a long break - for you to log in when you launch the game, only for your PFID to be unavailable. Exiting the game and relaunching usually fixes that. I *always* launch from Play Now, so that's not the answer. First thing I do every time I launch the App is to check my PFID and relaunch if it's not present. It's one of the many compensating behaviours that I've had to adopt in order to play this fantastic - but bug-riddled game.
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