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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. That and the running. The running! They think the entire house is a racetrack including any part of my body that happens to be lounging around and they use their claws to gain more traction! <sobs>
  2. Nevermind that, Toe Licking Bandit! TOE LICKING BANDIT!!!
  3. I hope this doesn't affect my cellphone. My Verizon cellphone has always served me well, and at low, low costs. Verizon also offers highly flexible shared plans for families!
  4. Well, smacking someone on the head is pretty unpredictable in whether or not you're really knock them out, kill them, or just tick them off, plus it would be pretty hard to guess how long they'd be out for. Using ether, chloroform, or whatever was in the syringe in Contracts however, you could much more efficiently gauge roughly how long someone would be out. I liked how in the older games, the longer you soaked the handkerchief and held it over the persons face, the longer they'd be out. It's actually a bit disappointing to hear you can just beat them into unconciousness if I'm understanding you correctly. Jeez, taken out of context, that might have been one of the most disturbing paragraphs I've ever written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If it's randomized between killing your victim, ticking them off, and successfully knocking them out I'll be one happy gamer.
  5. WIIIIIIIIIIII!!! (w00t)
  6. Cable. @ DeathzBlade: Because there will be a sequel if this one turns out successful. They will milk the franchise until it's a withered corpse. And then milk it some more.
  7. You bring yourself to his level.
  8. Dude, why do you even bother? He's either incredibly stupid, or a troll, maybe even both.
  9. WHAT?!!
  10. The Hoff and his powers of Machismo shall save us all.
  11. And a gas mask. I'd just get new locks personally, they don't cost all that much. Also, I'm snickering and I don't care.
  12. I don't think he's ever taken a science class.
  13. Actually he has. If you look in the comments there's a slew of messages written in broken English under alt accounts trying to discredit the author. He doesn't do a very good job of it though.
  14. Just like to point out I called it. Why must I enjoy things that fail?
  15. Meta just sent it to me in an unrelated AIM chat. BAM!
  16. Yeah I was right. Her being a member of the group that killed the Morlocs makes it kind of weird for her to be hanging out with 'Callisto' though.
  17. They called her Arclight I think.
  18. Well if you liked the opening scene with Nightcrawler there's a lot to like about this one. Seriously, the directing was actually pretty impressive. Ratner's come a long way.
  19. Where's the animated GIF of that one?
  20. Uh, no, you like to struggle with awful controls and fixed cameras. RE games are not shooters.
  21. Yeah, there is pretty decent variety for the levels, but it's mostly jungles and make no mistake those are the funnerest. There are abominations as well, very B-TV-ish too. Somewhere inbetween the NOLFs and Dooms. It can be tactical or run and gun depending on how you play it. Me, I was a little coward and I always tried to be as sneaky and stealthy and take out as many enemies from as far away as I could. I generally play games this way, it works well.
  22. I hated the carrier. Heli always ripped me to shreds before I could draw a bead on it. I don't remember how I beat it aside from plain trial and error.
  23. Actually I just remembered I got the two programs mixed up. The one on Earth did have escaping matter, but I remember a fancy Animamation from the Nova program the described something similar to what Mets said. Though rather than eruptions they proposed the the crust goes all melty and the old pieces of rock break up and sink while new stuffs rises. This probably makes more sense than what silly little me said.
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