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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. Heh..I've actually been quite the geeky person since I was a kid. Dad got me hooked on Atari and Coleco Vision before I was even 10 years old (mmm...hours of Ladybug, Pacman and Pong ). I also did a lot of mini-game computer programming in my middle and high school years, I'm a fanatic Star Wars and Star Trek fan, I've got a subscription to at least 5 major game sites (Gamespot being my favorite), and I can barely stand waiting for NWN2 to come out I haven't seen a reaction like yours for a while hehe, seems like females are coming out of the closet more these days..made me laugh. Oh and currently listening to Evanescence cd, My Immortal. Edit: I love Deelite, Groove Is In The Heart is awesome hehe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YOU DO NOT EXIST! GIRLS LIKE THIS DO NOT EXIST! @Eldar: Do squawking chickens count as music?
  2. I just finished a Black Angus sammich. I brought it home from work.
  3. Fenghuang


    Preacher is a really cool comic. Read the first two Hellblazer trades, trying to figure out which Swamp Thing trades are involved in the crossover at the end of trade one, and which one has Constantine's Origin/first appearance before buying more. Read the first three Preacher trades, ording the last six with my next paycheck. I have a problem.
  4. I want a review!
  5. F'real.
  6. So I just got out of Seoul but I basically blew my stealth cover wide open on this one. It seems kind of silly to me that it works this way, considering the only people I killed were right in the middle of an air strike zone, and even though they see me they promptly recieved a sniper shell in the head. Is there any way to save the pilots without blowing my cover wide open?
  7. But I listened to it in highschool and it's sort of a dirty pleasure. Wait, I know, where's my Doors Box Set. Okay. Break On Through To The Other Side - The Doors
  8. Eh, also I just remembered. When you're a Brujah intimidate is your friend. Works more or less like Persuasion but it's tougher 'n' scarier. Lots of lines about ripping people's heads off and such.
  9. Guys I need help. I'm listening to Linkin Park. I'm enjoying it. :'(
  10. 1. You don't have to kill the friend, you can just tell her to bugger off while being really mean to her and she should, or use persuasion or other vampy powers on it (Dominate, Malk version of Dominate, etc.) 2. I can't remember what he third Brujah power is (Celerity, Potence, and ???) but Level 5 Celerity plus fully upgraded firearms skills makes for some awesome battles. Gets even better if you've got Auspex (I did this with a Toreador build). The coolest thing about Celerity is when you get in the higher levels you can see the individual bullets zipping by and walk right around them, and all the environmental noises slow down. They really spent a lot of time polishing it.
  11. I got mine within the first week and no soundtrack in it. The hell?!
  12. There's a sword that's better hidden in one of the last levels too. Watch for it. In the specifically.
  13. Or Jim! When he plays! Which he hasn't been! Because his boss is a crackhead right now and she's driving him out of his mind.
  14. omg that sounds like fun :D I may give stealth another try (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wait and do it on a Malk playthrough, then use the History CVAR and select 'Ninja'. :D
  15. Or Quiznos!
  16. That's just it. The impression I'm getting from IBM, is that the Cell's strength is gaming. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Weren't they talking about putting it in refridgerators and home theaters and crap though?
  17. Duke Nukem Forever is real?
  18. I dunno, it's fun sometimes.
  19. I just killed everything in that game with Wardogs. Hundreds and hundreds of Wardogs. Hell, my little ol' Wardogs even took down several battallions of Elephants. Though it wasn't as cool to watch as when I stuck the Elephants with arrows and spears.
  20. Stealth is even more fun with Obfuscate. Invisibility FTW!
  21. That's called spawning Eldar. Overused and a pretty crappy way to make a modern game IMO.
  22. Yeah! They'll pay me to do nothing or suffer the consequences!
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