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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. What the hell is sarcasm? Seriously though; people who never played Kotor2 before usually go to general and not spoilers to avoid knowing such stuff. Even if it is impossible NOT to know when you meet him, somebody who hasn't met him probably doesn't know yet, right? Thus for those (who visit the board and have not finished Kotor2 or are very early in it) spoiler tags are used in general to have them have the "chance" of avoiding spoilers...
  2. For SS or anyone else interested. Day2 on the Avril quest: So I reloaded a save and this time wanted to do the rat quest normally. . I talked to him about the subject and he agreed to hunt. I had to ask a second time though before the quest updated and he started hunting with me (note: Reason for this coming up later). Kill, kill, kill... What seems. IF you click the Training icon and then EXIT there, then click a line that should upgrade a quest the quest does not update. Ah well... minor issue; but quite annoying if you don't know it... Finished quest and went to the fighters guild. At night, so all slept. Left and went to the Mages guild. Nobody down there so I did some stealing, returned to fighters guild. And suddenly they ALL wake up, walk around (no training options either) and go back to sleep. I go wake the chief of the guild, talk and return down and they do it AGAIN. Are fighters guild members of Anvil paranormal that they all similtaniusly wake up if there is a crime (theft/trespassing) commited far outside their sights? Did some more exploring and arrived at the docks. Visited some harborhouse (lost name), not the Inn. Went to the sleeping rooms and in the first room there was somebody sleeping right away. I lockpicked her door and waked her. After that she tried to sleep again, yet instead of doing that in her own bed (which was later occupied with a male Orc and a male Argonian when I returned about 3 hours later; is a bed supposed to be occupied by 2?) she moonwalked upon other locked doors trying to get in those beds. She did that for an hour of 1.5, then I left. Meanwhile the owner walked in and went to a high locked red door. So I run behind her and when she opened the door runned through it. It never (3 days later still open) closed again. Free looting for me... Wen't to the Inn to update . Had some time so also cleaned some ship of undead. Then went to the site for the . I arrived too early though and did some exploring. Near the Troll Candle Camp I found some odd stone structure, a Jode Stone (sp?) who gave a nice bonus. Altough for some odd reason there was a half-cutoff stone here; flying in midair. Creepy... Wen't back to Anvil after looting some cave (where nasty critters damaged my stats) and found myself in FPS problems when walking close to a patato (and grapes) plant. Okay, sure, I understand why an enemy like a spirit, Lich and such drain FPS, due to the lightning... but why does standing close and watching to a patato-bush cost me 15FPS? Looking away or walking away from the bush gains these 15 quickly back...Weird. Entered castle around morning. Despite notcing that the queen only had 1 bodyguard and a city guard, the barracks had a strange merging between a crate and sack, and the had some issues telling me "I see your a follower of the Gray Fox, too". In the middle of the night I visited some farm and the habitant (after yelling what do you do here!) had some quest for me. So I did that one, and it involved getting into a castle. There I noticed something quite unusual. On a SINGLE one-personbed 2 guys in full Daedra-armor where sleeping . I have Detect Life and only saw something low... so I thought a rat. Nope it was a sleeping person. Detect life had only one lifeform in sight but after mister waked up suddenly they splitted into 2 . It caused some quick change of tactic... Khajiit out...
  3. Haven't noticed any difference myself actually with and without... Only a different cutscene, that was it. The droids and such atleast are usefull in the fight. Also closing the sidedoor seems to be useless on the actual combatpart itself. So just enter and loot the place, that way the door is usefull... "
  4. Galaxies? SW-games I like: Kotor's Rogue Squadron 1 (only for PC) That's it...
  5. Somebody missed "General"... if you are there (instead of in spoilers) use the spoiler tags... It's easy! [spoiler]Add spoiler here[/spoiler]
  6. All I ever need to make him spill his beans: Ask him what his droid can do. Then say the functions can come in handy Accept payment for fixing planets. On Onderon tinker with the droid seller when GO-TO is in your party Enough...
  7. I believe they actually can. After fixing them you can choose them to "shoot on friendlies", not that it really matters since they are only used in cutscene's
  8. First see then believe. If such a thing has some technical issues, slow response speed or if it is too sensitive (one heavy heartbeat and ya miss or jump off a cliff) or not sensitive enough (meaning you have to throw the thing around) it makes it ALOT less confortable to use then a mouse/controller...
  9. You installed it in the same map again? If not it might be a register error...
  10. Wrong door. Try near the 3rd (and most furthest) tower, the one where you had to do the quest for the Bith. Also; try using your map... it will make things really clear
  11. It looks like the guy on the cover of the Age of Empires II box... ALOT It looks really really really familiar to me atleast...and I cannot recall buying/playing a SEGA game in a long while
  12. Face it...they did. Otherwise explain the patches debacle... and OE's big role in it...
  13. As you might have noticed one core detonates early. Go to the weapons bay (visible as such on the map) and use the console that hangs on the wall there to arm the missile. Then go to the missile and take of the protoncore. Then use this core on the only place where you need to plant where you haven't planted yet... Edit; Damn I am slow...
  14. If you have 2 or more diskdrives is it in the one where you installed the game? Did you add hardware recently that adds an additional drive (harddrive itself or USB-stick or something like that)?
  15. Found here;
  16. Install or start-up? Make sure it is disk1 and not one of the other 3...
  17. You either suck with hitting or the mods don't really care about this one. Which is...weird!
  18. Those mods and their superpowers It wasn't exactly a translation, more a collection of the most important things said and that then translated to english. Original was Dutch. So since it is translated (by the mag) from English to Dutch and by me back to English you cannot trust it (see NWN2 takes 20 hours thread if you don't get it) Indeed it is...
  19. 1: As mentioned KSE. Backup your save before altering and the program itself is pretty straight-forward 2: The first host was Nvidia GameFoce or something. Check the latest pages of the "Patch is here" sticky in Technical. IMHO they are NOT worth it, the music one is though...
  20. Yup, known for quite some while now...
  21. Going to Anvil...; Enter town, start at the Horsesellers. In the night, so the door is locked. A lockpick helps and I welcome myself in. A guy named Ernest tells me to "go inside" if I wan't a horse. Well, Ernest, I AM inside. Silly guy... walked into my sword after that. So I waked up the Miss and asked her for a horse. Sure; she would sell me a horse... Ernest would get it for me. Ernest? That dead body over there? I turn around and see the body is gone . Nowhere to be found anymore either... (altough then I didn't know where he "should" have given the horse; maybe his corpse was there. RELOAD. Attempt 2: Lockpick and enter. Ask the miss for a horse and Ernest would happily give one. He was behind me yet no longer when I turned around. Freaky teleporter guy. So I go outside and what do I see; Ernest is sitting in mid-air and gets of "mid-air". He then tells me the horse next to him is mine... eh? There is no horse next to you. Seems like a common issue, already had this mid-air horse-rider when I bought another horse during night. EXIT TOWN. Enter city: Lil' exploration, talked to some guards and visited the church. Then entered the fighters guild and waked everybody for a talk. Dog Moyo (or whatever he is called) moonwalks on a closed door 24/7 and some guy named Rhano moonwalks against a wall and goes back to sleep less than an hour after he woke up . Got myself a nice quest and off I wen't. Oh, and same Rhano mentioned something about "advanched training" because he couldn't train me anymore; I had some feeling I shouldn't have gotten that line yet. But that could be me. So I went out to the Mages guild. Loads of nice stuff so I decide to join. The guildmaster told me something about how nice the stronger regulations where that prevented scavangers to enter. Well; the mageguild would have never been as empty as when I left again . Nice "stronger control who enters". Sold half-the-content to the local Alchemist though, he just gave about 2K gold for stuff from his own guild... Visited the smith. Nothing interesting there. To finish off my short run through Anvil I did the fighters guild quest I got. So got to the lady, offered my help and wen't into the dungeon. So when I returned she was not very happy with me, as you might have guessed. With a failure I returned to the Guild, expecting a fine, reprimande or atleast ANY penalty. What did I get? PROMOTION... I only did 1 quest for you guys and even failed that one and I get promotion? WTF? Ah well, the following Mode of Postal I did not survive and so ended my day in Anvil. EDIT; oh, and M'aiq told me about the killing of the emperor once for Rumor. Should he be able to do that?
  22. But this really doesn't helps them in the longrun... They *seem* to have noticed and try to milk Star Wars less, but only time will tell...
  23. That was because it was a totally different magazine and thus also a very different preview
  24. I give up on the discussion with Alanschu. Congrats, you won! On the blame LA/OE; I blame LA. They could have saved their hide by making it look like OE did it by just giving some proper support but witholding 1.0B (in unfinished state) and the movie/music-patch both for 3 months really showed THEY are the ones at fault. Also the high bugginess of Kotor2 can not be written to OE since the QA was at LA at the time (Main reason #1 OE hired their own QA for NWN2, PNJ, PG and the rest)...
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