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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Yes. One of the wrecks from the wreckage around Malachor. But while restoring ingame content is one things, altering *.bikmovies is a whole other... So I guess we will have to live with OE leaving the EH alive in the LS-ending...
  2. Stupid GameFaq gives issues.... And edit doesn't work <_< http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/920601.html Then select Warp Code Area List...
  3. <_< http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/920601.html Then select Warp Code Area List...
  4. Oh, and just to add; Bastila's Lightsaber does NOT exist. You get a regular saber. Silly gameguides with their faulty info...
  5. I am pretty convinced the "Death of the Ebon Hawk" movie displaying for LS characters is a glitch...
  6. From memory: Give Visas a lightsaber. Put in a color you don't want. Then go into the EH and exchange the color with another (the one you wan't duped). Then take it away or something like that... Damn. I don't remember either anymore :'(
  7. Try letting him kill you...
  8. 'when the exile enters the Academy he has to make a choice.' Only with TSLRP. About the content that got scrapped:
  9. Also make sure the EnableCheats=1 line is in your Kotor2.ini
  10. The Visas dupe glitch "
  11. Another example would be DX (PC-based interface) DX:IW (consolised interface) Difference: Loads and loads of depth less
  12. There are no healers in MW. You need to pray at an alter to some god and then pay up there. Then pick the "cure disease" option. Since there is quite a nasty bug in MW (not fixed by any patch nor expansion) you will become quite familiar with the "cure atribute" ability of these things (or you become so annoyed that you will make a spell for it, like I did...)
  13. Drink a cure disease potion... or cast a cure disease spell. Or find a Tribunal Temple/Imperial Cult Shrine and pay the $10 to get cured...
  14. Fooling around in Oblivion "
  15. Really? I had met 3 Vampires in the Burial Grounds but the beginmap where the questobjective is and where they told me about the terrible evil there were those Wolfs all over the place...
  16. Fixed in 1.2 and/or 1.3, silly BioWarians
  17. Lvl 29 and only ONCE got a x5. Never saw a +4... Bugs? Sun Burn when clouded, with heavy rain and thunder? Hrota cave abonded, free looting space? "Quest not updating" also happens with Buy spell NOT with refill enchanted item Skeletons who have been knocked back may loose some limbs who magically return Gin-Wulm has "Imperial City" twice after talking about "Training" When entering the fort for the I was informed of a presence of terrible evil and that I had to be on my guard. Why did my lvl 28 only meet Rats and Timber Wolfs then? Some guard in Bruma managed to get himself INSIDE a staircase... There are some unreachable people in the Arena Bloodworks... Detect Life sees them, but there is no way to them...
  18. How about she isn't in then, just like Carth when being DS? "
  19. Or FF10-2 (logical numbering is "strange" in Japan it seems) Still playing ET, UT2K4 and Oblivion
  20. Seeing how PS:T's good gameplay was in the first hours or so (till you hit a certain maze) I think one can yes. If you didn't manage to get out of the mortuary though then not ofcourse...
  21. There is always the Whereami armband by Darth333
  22. Yeah, the PC only allows for genres that have been done before. Like, you know, SPORE, the well known game that has no renewal what-so-ever...
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