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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. No votes That must be the first time Go-to looses... Oh wait, this was a most popular vote, wasn't it
  2. If we get to know the name of PG before that of PNJ PNJ can probably be announced dead...
  3. Yup. Same for both, just make sure you got the right ini...
  4. And with smoke ofcourse " And Dantooine without the Disable Vertex Buffer Shaders line.... "
  5. Sonic... Last or not at all...
  6. Then explain why most online downloads ALSO cost $50,- If I have to choose 50,- for a digital copy (+$ downnloading, +$ for a disk) VS. 50,- in a shop (already on disk, with box, hopefully with manual and NOT pdf...) I will easily pick the shop-one...
  7. Url Shekk is going to get it... (as a matter of fact he only survived up till this SS because I healed him myself ")
  8. Depends. Probably a Grey Sider has kept the masters alive and thus gets the LS ending...
  9. GTA:SA is a good example of why one should prefer a hard-copy instead of a DL. Same with Oblivion. *cough*Not*cough*
  10. whoa It did take you 4 hours to see
  11. Replaying Fahrenheit... in German Ah well, better to learn it this way than from some stupid book/tape/whatever
  12. You cannot "buy" them from his shop. Either: 1) Kill him when you confront him with the wrench 2) Buy it when you confronted him with the wrench yet kept him alive (you evildoer! )
  13. You forgot the part from the HK-50's on the Telos Polar Cap (same as the one 1B-8D sells) The pacifist package is for sale with the Rodian Seller in the Nar Shaddaa Trade War Bonus Mission after stabalising 2 planets (being Dantooine and Onderon) for her as Telos seems to be broken (fix at Gizka, but I wonder IF it opens up more here)...
  14. Virtua Fighter 5... Hmmm, I doubt PG will show... ah well, 2 more games to go...
  15. Not really. Seeing as OE is a dev and E3 is mainly for producers to show their wares...
  16. Gonna be short and just say: "KSE"
  17. Guess you were right Answer: I am a survivor of the Harbinger, just as you were, Master. With the unexpected termination of my previous Master, you are the only organic which I may now serve.Hesitant Explanation: That has been the subject of considerable discussion since our arrival here, master. Many have attempted to claim you and this unit as salvage.I was crudely interrogated concerning our brief history together on board the Harbinger... before its communications, weapons, and engines suffered the cascade failure that disabled the ship.Speculation: It is possible you were incapacitated and locked in the well-shielded cargo compartment as the Harbinger was being systematically crippled, master.Recitation: Following the unusual set of coincidences that led to the cascade failure in the Harbinger's systems, we were boarded by a small freighter with unknown ID codes.Your cargo compartment was breached, and you were taken on board the freighter shortly before the Harbinger's systems began to go critical. I, too, managed to board the freighter before the Harbinger's destruction. We were most fortunate to have survived, master.Explanation: I believe it was a smuggler's vessel by the name of the 'Ebon Hawk.'Apology: My memory core cannot provide a clear answer on that point, Master. Suffice to say that once we arrived at this floating rock, our situation became much clearer.
  18. Why all the pro-military bullcrap Eddo? Did you get a job at Shell or something? And yup. I agree that the 2 sides are exactly the same. The US-military also try to sneakily kill as many citizens as they can, prefered woman and children. They also have no moral whatsoever and are happily dying for their belie...eh...
  19. Not that that matters with the HUGE amount of FP in then end combined with the
  20. So, if this is all true, WHY do we still pay $50,- for downloading? Especially for a game (Half-Life 2) that WILL sell 2 million copies... Now who are the greedy punks? Devs or Valve? Besides that the article fails to mention Valve does wan't a share of the cut... VALVE greed FTW... Ferrari's for every employee! EDIT: Valve better spends the $2,- billion they earned into making the best game ever... " EDIT2: Just clicked the link and figured out it was a TROIKA dev. Explains why it makes no sense...
  21. Here's an other E3 list And NWN2 is on it... Sega doesn't seem to have PG planned though, and PNJ...well, I don't know...
  22. Actually HK-50 drags the Exile into the EH to escape the Harbinger...
  23. Above 2 posts make me go , butt if you really don't know how the actual ending is supposed to be check out the TSLRP forums... or one of the many cutcontent threads here in spoiler... http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=29764
  24. A big for the Lovewolf...
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