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Everything posted by 269Hawkmoon

  1. Unless you are Kyra, you can't defeat Iesha Foxglove. You check must have the Magic trait and it is a non-combat check. Only Kyra can add the Magic trait, via her "+1d8 and the Magic trait" against undead power. So, while you can roll above the check target, you can't actually defeat her unless you are Kyra.
  2. You are definitely talking about Arcane Armor. These monsters in B and C would have rendered it useless (and been capable of dealing your 4 damage): Bunyip (damage can not be reduced) Satyr (damage can not be reduce, though this is a non-Combat check to defeat) Siren (damage can not be reduce, though this is a non-Combat check to defeat) Plague Zombie (deals Acid damage, though only if you fail a Constitution or Fortitude check after failing to defeat it) If you were attempting a combat check to defeat and you didn't have to attempt a Constitution check after not defeating it, then if it was the Bunyip you wouldn't be able to play Arcane Armor. Anything else in B or C is likely a bug.
  3. FYI: I think if you click the magnifying glass that says "Black Fang's Dungeon" at the bottom of the location box, you should sell all the rules in effect at that moment. So if there was something giving you a -1, it would be listed there. Not that what you have isn't a bug, just letting you know how you can double check the rules. I missed noticing a rule when setting up a Heroic scenario one time and only caught it when I looked at that section during a check.
  4. BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/53569/app-news-pathfinder-adventure-card-game-released-i
  5. 1. In the physical game, you could choose to not attempt to acquire a boon. In the digital game, the best you can do is choose the worst skill to roll. 2. You should be able to press the "Story" button. You'll see your Krya + Merisiel party and a section that says something like "Make a new party." Choose the "Make a new party" button. Each party is kept separately from each other, so yes you can run multiples at once. I think quests are also considered a separate party. 3. I think you can only play adventures B, 1, and 2. You probably own adventures 3 - 6, but you won't be able to start a scenario from them until the content is released.
  6. I think every card that could be gained through a chest has a placeholder in the Gallery. Once you actually open a chest and get that card, the details of the card are in the gallery. So, if you see the artwork of the Flaming Shortbow +1, then you must have opened it from a check. If you just see a sort of placeholder for Flaming Shortbow +1, you haven't gotten it in a chest yet. I think.
  7. Wow! 50 in the tutorial is pretty good. In later scenarios with 6 I only occasionally get above 60. Sometimes everything aligns right though. Was Orik or Ameiko making the check? I suppose if it was Orik and he had a weapon, his shield bash, Ameiko had her instrument item thingy (the name escapes me) and some blessings. I forget, does Ameiko's "call in a favor" let her add to other character's checks as well?
  8. If you have Sajan (the monk), get him the Boots of Elvenkind. Sajan has good Dexterity, plus Acrobatics. The Boots of Elvenkind can be revealed to add 1 die to his Acrobatics check and recharged to succeed at his Stealth check. It makes him a great substitute for a rogue. He might actually be the best character ever.
  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of Pathfinder Adventure(s) (Card Game)! Some of your questions depend on the size of your party. You've probably noticed by now that no matter how large your part, you only have 30 turns to win the scenario. With 1 character, there are 30 cards in locations. 30 turns, 30 locations. You can take your time. With 6 characters, there are 80 cards in the locations. Granted, you don't have to encounter every card, since you can corner the villain. But it is generally true that the larger your party, the more you'll need to spend cards exploring more than once per turn. RotR is combat heavy. Some of the barriers are even "friendly" like the Large Chest. Most of the "unfriendly" barriers (though by no means all) offer Dexterity as an option. So, here are some general strategy tips. If you can't even get close to an average roll succeeding at the check to acquire a boon, spending resources on it just isn't worth it. As much as Kyra might want Holy Light, Valeros encountering it and needing your group to play 2 or 3 blessings might cost you the scenario. You have to learn to let it go. If you can recharge a card to add to a check (as opposed to discarding it) you might be more willing to make a risky shot at acquiring a boon. In general, you want cards that add to the skills you have. Early on, it might be ok to have the Night Watch even if your character doesn't have the Perception skill (you'll get to roll 1d4 + 1d10 that way), but later, it won't be worth it. Try to get allies that compliment add to skills you have. Here are some of the "best" cards in the game that you can find in B, C or 1 (Treasure Chests will change this list). It is worth throwing resources at acquiring these cards: Ranged Weapon: Deathbane Lightcrossbow +1 Item: Masterwork Tools Item: Staff of Minor Healing Divine Spell: Holy Light Arcane Spell: Scorching Ray or Freezing Ray Allies: Father Zantus (healing), Shalelu Andosana, Sheriff Hemlock, Sabertooth Tiger Good luck on your adventure(s)!
  10. When I saw "Merrifield" I assumed this was some nickname you had given a combo of Merisiel and another character, but I couldn't figure out who the "field" part was coming from.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by one per character in the same box? The first Adventure "Perils of the Lost Coast" has Adventure Reward: Each character gains a skill feat. Through replaying or making new parties or whatever, can I get this skill feat reward on EVERY character? Each copy of each character can only get the reward once. So, if you play as Valeros and get the reward, that copy of Valeros can't get the reward again. If you are able to create a new Valeros from scratch, that copy of Valeros (let's call him Valeros B) can get the reward. On the main screen, if you press the story button, you'll see you can have multiple parties. Each party is separate from the others. Vaerlos A would be in party A and Valeros B would be in party B.
  12. By the rules, they are just returned to the box and not banished. Also, note that for many of the cards you don't want to acquire, even though you can't choose not to attempt to acquire them in the app, you can usually choose a bad skill. If fighter doesn't want a spell, roll with Arcane or Divine to give yourself the worst possible chance (maybe even impossible).
  13. For the character's whose turn it is, after their turn starts, in the top right corner, press the icon of the hand holding the card. You should get a pop up with the other character's icon. Drag the card you want to give them to their icon in the pop up.
  14. What scenario were you playing and was it on Heroic or Legendary? If you replayed a scenario you completed successfully, you might not have noticed it was on Heroic. I think some of the Heroic/Legendary wildcard powers have a rule that if you acquire a card you must discard a card.
  15. That is one of the things the Crowbar can do. It says: Reveal this card to add 1 die to your non-Combat Strength check or your check to defeat a barrier that has the Lock or Obstacle trait; you may additionally discard this card to add another die. So, you can use it when making a Strength non-combat check or when you are making a check to defeat a barrier that has the Lock or Obstacle trait.
  16. By default, Merisiel isn't proficient with weapons, which the power on the Light Crossbow and Shortbow require. Have you gained a power feat to give Merisiel weapon proficiency?
  17. Totally agree. This is awesome!
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