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Everything posted by 269Hawkmoon
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Normal Party: Ezren, Merisiel, Sajan, Valeros, Lini, Seoni (all at different Bar Tables) The damage when moving to a new location has been causing some weird things to happen. I've mostly noticed it after closing a location and being forced to move. Cards get stuck in the "about to discard" slot sometimes. But this last time I realized I never have to take this damage. Ezren closed a location. He moved to another unoccupied location and chose Summon Monster as the card to discard for his damage. I drug it to the "about to discard" position. There was the X on the left and >> arrows on the right. I drug Summon Monster back to his hand to rethink it. But then, I didn't have to discard anything at all.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Normal Party: Ezren, Merisiel, Sajan, Valeros, Lini, Seoni (all at different Bar Tables) Valeros encountered an Arcane lock. He tried to play Devouring Trident, but while he could reveal or bury it, he could not discard it, despite it's "additionally" power. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9soj8hb2fqfh9mg/Screenshot%202017-12-26%2009.53.14.png?dl=0
PSA: A Fighter’s Tale cards
269Hawkmoon replied to a question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Ah. Thanks for the info. I'm just recently got Fighter's Tale and am hoping to finish it up soon. -
Try closing the app (maybe even restarting the device) and checking it again. I've had issues where the thing I bought in the store isn't available until the app starts again. That has been on Steam, but I'm wondering if it is the same thing. Maybe the app only checks for unlocked content when it first starts.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Normal Party: Ezren, Merisiel, Sajan, Valeros, Lini, Seoni (all at different Bar Tables) Lini explored, acquired a Toad and played Fervor to explore again, encountering The Muscle henchman. She defeated it with some help on blessings. She chose to close the location and was successful with a blessing of Saranrae and Fervor's d6. After the location emptied, a "Check to Close" of type "None" and a difficulty of 0 appeared with her rolling a d6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8aqvyapbo2a9hy2/Screenshot%202017-12-26%2009.33.00.png?dl=0 This all causes a break in the game. After discarding the Toad for the movement damage, Lini can't progress. Clicking the Blue Arrow does nothing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/akryjx9cijggj8w/Screenshot%202017-12-26%2009.36.44.png?dl=0
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Normal Party: Ezren, Merisiel, Sajan, Valeros, Lini, Seoni (all at different Bar Tables) Ezren played Sign of Wrath to defeat a Stone Giant. He failed by 1. He was given the option to Evade per Sign of Wrath's power. But the evasion didn't trigger his Illusionist Mind Trick like it should have. It just shuffled the Stone Giant into the location.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Drunken Brawl Difficulty: Normal Party: Ezren, Merisiel, Sajan, Valeros, Lini, Seoni (all at different Bar Tables) On turn 6 (Seoni's first turn of the game) Seoni explored with a Blessing of Nethys. The options were Ambush and Succubus. I chose Ambush. Despite a Greater Aid from Lini, Seoni failed and was forced into the Succubus encounter. Seoni only had 2 cards. Both of them Wands of Enervation (thanks to the duplicating Wands bug). She buried one, then activated her Fireball/Acid power to discard the other. But she failed the check to allow her to play spells. However, at the point she was able to bury the second Wand of Enervation. It seems the fact she'd already played an item was lost. Also, the difficulty modifier from the Ambush was for some reason up to -9 at this point, even though she was rolling 1 die. I think it got more and more messed up with ever die roll (Wand of Enervation, Arcane check, Wand of Enervation). So, two things: (1) She was allowed to play two items. (2) The difficulty modifier got messed up.
User: atwarner #9699 Platform: PC (Windows 10) Scenario: Assualt on the Pinnacle Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Close Quarters, Night Approaches Characters: Ezren (Thassilonian Dungeon), Merisiel (Guard Tower), Sajan (Temple), Valeros (Throne Room), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Leng Device) During the first turn, Ezren explored and acquired Scorching Ray. He explored again and encountered the henchman Viorian Dekanti. He used his Necklace of Fireballs, but got a 22 when he needed a 23. He recharged Mountaineer to reduce the damage to 0. He then encountered Viorian Dekanti again as per her power: "The first time Viorian Dekanti is undefeated this turn, a random character at this location encounters her." I noticed the "Summon" banner (which seem to be getting doubled). The power doesn't summoner her, it just immediately forces a second regular encounter. Ezren played Scorching Ray and Clockwork Librarian and defeated her. But, it didn't let him close (because she was flagged as summoned). He should have been able to close since she shouldn't be a summoned henchman. When resetting his hand, he drew Augury. So at the beginning of the next turn her played it. I noticed there were two copies of Viorian Dekanti on top of the location deck now. So, her summoned copy also decided to stay around. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9au7gikhuz98xjx/Screenshot%202017-12-04%2015.08.41.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/l59pprlgfo9ryz4/Screenshot%202017-12-04%2015.09.34.png?dl=0
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Rimeskull Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Night Approaches, Blood in the Sand Characters: Ezren, Merisiel, Sajan, Valeros, Lini, Seoni Ezren closed a Stone Head on his turn. So did Merisiel (via Disable check). On Seoni's first turn, she explored and encountered a Warlord. She defeated him (Acid Ball + Valeros using Shock Longbow +1). She played Blessing of Nethys to explore. Seeing Stone Head and Dance with Squeally Nord, she chose Stone Head. When they encounter started, she wasn't giving the optoin to bury one of the 3 spells she had in hand. She had to do a check. She succeeded at the combat check. Then was asked Check/Bury. She chose bury, but didn't have to bury anyting. Then was asked "Shuffle/Top" (not sure why). She chose top. Then the location closed and she moved to the same location as Valeros.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Sihedron Tome says "At the end of your turn, reveal this card to draw a new spell that has the Arcane trait, then banish a spell." The Arcane restriction seems to be applying to the last clause incorrectly. I should be able to reveal it, draw an Arcane spell and banish a non-Arcane spell. I've had this happen in multiple scenarios. Most recently during Thassilonian Sins, Ezren acquired Raise Dead during his turn. At the end of his turn he revealed Sihedron Tome. He drew Frost Ray. He could not banish Raise Dead.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Jorgenfist Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Alert Guards, Distratcions Characters: Ezren (City Gate), Merisiel (Garrison), Sajan (Courtyard), Valeros (Giant Lair), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Prison) I've had this happen twice. Both times Lini was at the Mountain Peak. Both times she wanted Emerald Codex from her deck. If she plays Robes of Xin-Shalast to get it, I can't actually drag the card (or any item) to her hand. Zooming on the cards shows no option to click a button to choose. All buttons don't work, so I can't exit to the main menu or forfeit. Both times I've had to end the task in task manager, restart the program, and continue. Then I was able to drag. This last time, I actually revealed Robes of Xin-Shalsat, changed my mind and canceled it before discarding anything. I then explored and encountered Elven Chain Shirt. Lini acquired it. Then the box to choose something from my deck appeared and the game was locked up. After resuming the game via the process above, I was able to continue, but there was nothing to choose from the deck anymore. Since I'm also experiencing bleed from the next card at the Mountain Peak, I will also say that when I explored again the next card was Pit Trap.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Jorgenfist Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Blood in the Sand, Painful Memories Characters: Ezren (Treacherous Cave), Merisiel (Guard Tower), Sajan (Guard Tower), Valeros (Giant Lair), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Treacherous Cave) Seoni encountered Galenmir on the very last turn. That included Sajan finding Galenmir for her via Revlation Quill. Seoni had already displayed an Orb of Storms from a previous encounter the same turn. She used a Blessing of Pharasma to explore, leaving here with only 3 cards in hand. Everyone temporarily closed their locations via some blessings (Lini didn't need any, Sajan rolled without and failed, then I used blessings to make sure Merisiel succeeded). Galenmir thankfully dealt her 2 Ranged combat damage BYA. She discarded a Blessing of Pharsama and Incanter for the damage. I then through everything at Galenmir. Seoni used Superior Arcane Blast, Ezren played Swipe, Lini played Sunburst and discarded Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 and a blessing. Valeros, Sajan and Merisiel all played a blessing each (all giving 1 die). The check was successful. Everyone recharged their spells, but then, instead of activating the scenario power's d6 to see if he was undefeated, Ezren was dealt 1d4-1 Ranged combat damage, which I only then realized hadn't happened BYA. He took the damage, then the d6 was rolled. It wasn't a 1. Then suddenly Seoni was back to a combat check against Galenmir. But with depleted resources, I could only muster a 2% chance to succeed. I failed. Unable to explore again, I lost the scenario.
Traitor stuck on my screen
269Hawkmoon replied to 269Hawkmoon's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Similar problem. Scenario: Sandpoint Under Siege Difficulty: Heroic Wildcards: Driving Rain Valeros encountered Ogrekin at City Gate. Lini was the random choice for Longtooh. But after Lini was chosen, the Ogrekin's power rolled (2). Lini beat Longtooth, then the red "progress" arrow appeared. Clicking it ended the turn (which was treated as Lini's turn).. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wr42ue7hdkdj68x/Screenshot%202017-10-20%2010.14.15.png?dl=0 -
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Into the Mountains Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: An Ill Wind, Blood in the Sand Characters: Ezren (Woods), Merisiel (Descrated Vault), Sajan (Deeper Dungeons), Valeros (Shrine to Lamashtu CLOSED), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Thassilonian Dungeon) Seoni was exploring Thassilonian Dungeon. She played Blessing of Nethys. She saw Detect Evil and Lamatar Bayden. She put Lamatar Bayden on top and explored. She was prompted about evading due to the Temple, but there was no icon to click for encountering. Going out to Main Menu and Continuing restored the icon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4x7nb6c29n46iyz/Screenshot%202017-10-19%2016.22.13.png?dl=0
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: The Fort in Peril Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Mother Father Snakes, Painful Memories Characters: Ezren (City Gate), Merisiel (Warrens), Sajan (Deeper Dungeons), Valeros (Fort Rannick), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Prison) Turn 6, Seoni Previously, Sajan had encountered the villain once and defeated him. Everything was temp closed, so it forced him to either Guard Tower or Garrison. Seoni explored Prison on her turn. She encountered a Thief and acquired him. She explored again via Haste, encountering and acquiring a Guide. She explored again via Guide and encountered Locked Passageway. She used the Theif and defeated it. She saw Lucrcia. She used Blessing of Nethys to examine (Lucrecia and a Bugbear) then explore and encounter Lucricia. Lucrecia should have dealt her 1d4-1 Force damage, but 2d4 were rolled. The result was a 4. Seoni discarded Sihedron Medallion to take care of it. Lucreicia then buried one random card, even though Seoni hadn't discarded any cards as damage. Seoni played Wand of Enervation to reduce the difficulty of the Combat check. She used Superior Arcane Blast and succeeded at the check. A damage animation played, then Seoni was back in a Combat check again. Seoni succeeded via Superior Arcane Blast again and Lucrecia finally went away.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) Account: atwarner #9699 Scenario: The Fort in Peril Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Alert Guards, Fortified Postions Characters: Ezren (City Gate), Merisiel (Warrens), Sajan (Deeper Dungeons), Valeros (Fort Rannick), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Prison) On the first turn, Ezren explored, encountering a Great Axe. He failed to acquire it. He played Cat to explore again, encountering Giant Hermit Crab. He played Invisibility to evade it activating Mind Trick. He played Evangelist to explore again, encountering Eyes of the Eagle. He acquired it, allowing him to explore again. He encounterd Headband of Alluring Charisma. He played Swipe to acquire it. He explored again, encountering a Sneak. He recharged Eyes of the Eagle for the BYA check. He could not play Necklace of Fireballs for the combat check. Not sure if it thought he'd already played an item, but that was a different step of the encounter, so it shouldn't have had an impact. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oth28zk0fo2xeyt/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2021.35.09.png?dl=0
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: The Cult Exposed Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: An Ill Wind, Driving Rain Characters: Ezren (Apothecary), Merisiel (Mill), Sajan (Waterfront), Valeros (Guard Tower), Lini (Temple), Seoni (City Gate) On the 10th turn, Valeros dealt with the Bandit via Mokmurian's Club (no discard) and recharged the 1 card in his discard pile. He explored, encountering a Dilettante. He failed to acquire it. He played Shalelu Andosana and saw a Skinsaw Cultist. He chose to encounter it, thus discarding Shalelu Andonsana. He revealed Mokmurian's Club, choosing not to discard anything, but also revealing Ebon Thorn. He succeeded at the check. Shalelu Andonsana was recharged from discard pile. Valeros didn't get a chance to close. He explored again, the next card was Heavy Crossbow.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Foul Misgivings Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Painful Memories, Retaliation Characters: Ezren (Academy), Merisiel (Warrens), Sajan (Deeper Dungeons), Valeros (Farm House), Lini (Treacherous Cave), Seoni Prison On Lini's first turn, she explored a few times, eventually running into a Sneak. She use Superior Animal Trick (Bear) to succeed at the BYA check. She only had Bear and Major Cure in her hand. She revealed Bear for Superior Animal Trick. Then Seoni plyaed Wand of Enervation, reducing the difficulty down to 5 (-6). Bewilder appeared in LIni's hand. It had previously been in Seoni's. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8qf16x51bcv6a5/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2012.45.48.png?dl=0
Traitor stuck on my screen
269Hawkmoon replied to 269Hawkmoon's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Similar occurrence. Scenario: Crow Bait Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Darkest Night, Too Many Scarecrows Valeros was at the Guard Tower. After dealing with Bandit, he acquired a Wooden Shield, explored again and encountered Xulgath. Seoni got the Ghoul Scarecrow. She defeated it by sacrificing Blessing of Saranrae for Superior Arcane Blast. Then the Xulgath just stayed in the corner and the turn jumped to Seoni as the active character. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rhqyxf7b2h6aixb/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2012.16.08.png?dl=0 I then explored with Seoni. Somehow, she encountered an invisible Ghoul Scarecrow. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sk820z8xsyji2pu/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2012.17.02.png?dl=0 She defeated, then Valeros was instantly encountering Ameiko Kaijitsu. https://www.dropbox.com/s/39rwstj3cs8iml9/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2012.18.10.png?dl=0 Maybe the fact that the next card was an ally "bleed" into the Ghoul Scarecrow that Seoni encountered from the Xulgath? After Valeros failed to acquire Ameiko, he was prompted to close his location. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ku20prgu0agn3os/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2012.19.08.png?dl=0 Except, there was still a henchman/villain ? in his deck. The Ghoul Scarecrow was really Seoni's from the Village House, because it was left without a ? card in the counter. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uso0psjz0pos4x7/Screenshot%202017-10-18%2012.21.35.png?dl=0 -
Platform: PC (Windows 10) Account: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Crow Bait Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Too Many Scarcrows, Darkest Night Characters: Ezren (Apothecary), Merisiel (Wooden Bridge), Sajan (Farm House), Valeros (Guard Tower), Lini (Woods), Seoni (Village House) On the first turn, Ezren explored and encountered a Blessing of the Gods. He acquired it. He used it to explore again and encountered a Goblin Warchanter. Lini was chosen for Too Many Scarecrows. She used Hold Light and Superior Animal Trick to defeat it. She recharged Holy Light, using Superior Animal Trick. Ezren then played Summon Monster to defeat the Goblin Warchanter. He drew a Zombie. The Goblin Warchanter was a difficulty of 11 due to the Darkest Night wildcard (8 +3 = 11). The Zombie should have been treated as a 12 (9 + 3) for the same reason. But Ezren failed the check. Summon Monster says to use the drawn cards highest difficulty to defeat as the result. The rules say that the wildcard should apply to the drawn card. From the Mummy's Mask rulebook: I don't see anywhere in the glossary that the same idea is covered. I couldn't find a section on "Attempting a check."
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Attack on Sandpoint Difficulty: Legendary Wildcards: Spawns from Below, Driving Rain Characters: Ezren (The Old Light), Merisiel (Wooden Bridge), Sajan (Sandpoint Cathedral), Valeros (City Gate), Lini (Descrated Vault), Seoni (Rusty Dragon Inn) What happened: Ezren explored The Old Light on the first turn of the scenario. He encountered and defeated (via Lini playing Greater Aid and Seoni playing Blessing of Pharasma) a barrier that let him explore again (Pit Trap maybe). He encountered Detect Evil and acquired it. He played it, seeing a Traitor. He chose to encounter it. Lini was chosen for the "Spawns From Below". She activated Superior Animal Trick for an easy BYA check. She discarded Staff of Heaven and Earth for Improved Beast Form, revealed Saber-Tooth Tiger for Superior Animal Trick and defeated the Wrathful Sinspawn. The Wrathful Sinspawn was banished. But the screen stayed on Lini. There was a progress button, so I pressed it. Lini reset her hand, the turn ended and it was Seoni's turn (skipping the other 4 characters). The Traitor is just stuck there on the screen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4hqbrz8pelft21j/Screenshot%202017-10-16%2016.27.04.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8t0do2skqqxzjt1/Screenshot%202017-10-16%2016.34.56.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8am8e0eoybv2yn1/Screenshot%202017-10-16%2016.37.40.png?dl=0 I kept playing. Seoni encountered a Werewolf, that also activated Spawns from Below. That went fine and made the Traitor disappear. When I got back to Ezren, the Traitor was the top of the location deck at the Old Light, and it was able to be seen via the examine button.
I consider it a bug in that it isn't marked as playable. Playing it would switch the check to Combat, just like the Disintegrate also in hand. In this case playing Swipe requires a series of steps that no other card (except maybe Sunburst) requires. I do have Sunburst, but haven't noticed the same with it. Perhaps because I've not run into the same situation.
Platform: PC (Windows 10) Account: atwarner #9699 Scenario: The Fort In Peril Difficulty: Heroic Wildcard: Full Packs Party: Ezren (Garrison), Merisiel (Warrens), Sajan (Deeper Dungeons), Valeros (Fort Rannick), Lini (Mountain Peak), Seoni (Prison) On the first turn, Ezren explored, encountering a guide. Rolled for it, and acquired. Buried Chellan, Sword of Greed due to wild card. Discarded Guide to explore, encountering Ghost. Swipe wasn't playabe, but Invisibility and Disintegrate were. https://www.dropbox.com/s/34m1r836kgqmqgd/Screenshot%202017-10-12%2008.58.57.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9pzm0xzgnvf25vr/Screenshot%202017-10-12%2009.02.47.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ut9krteh1h35lmb/Screenshot%202017-10-12%2009.03.31.png?dl=0 If I switch to a combat check in the drop down, Swipe is playable and fully functional. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xakbrw9uva08da9/Screenshot%202017-10-12%2009.04.14.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ey1goqrk72uwb3h/Screenshot%202017-10-12%2009.04.25.png?dl=0
Platform: PC (Windows 10) User ID: atwarner #9699 Scenario: Crow Bait Difficulty: Heroic Wild Card: Fortified Position This has happened in multiple scenario. Merisiel is Acrobat. She has the Improved Item Collector power. She has a Sihedron Medallion. When she discards it to reduce damage, she can attempt to recharge it. It is an Arcane check. She is rolling 1d4 +4.
Occluding Field's math is wrong
269Hawkmoon replied to 269Hawkmoon's question in Pathfinder Adventures: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I swear I saw it say -1. I didn't get a screenshot though. Maybe I imagined it. I will play more and see what I can find. But maybe it's my mistake.