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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. *wrinkles nose*
  2. Actually, other people having toothaches is hilarious.
  3. I don't get it. How is cold-blooded murder of an innocent grown man or mass genocide any LESS immoral than rape or pedophilia or murdering children? Yet, at the same time, I'm inclined to tolerate the former more easily than the latter in games. Just seems like the way we've been conditioned, but that doesn't make the former any more justifiable in games than the latter. I can't fathom why the latter examples could be rationalized to be included in a game, and yet, I've killed many virtual people. Why the double standard, then? I'm not sure if simply hiding from all those taboos will make them go away, and yet the nature predisposition to defend oneself would tell me otherwise. Ultimately, it all lies in HOW the topics are handled. Freaking maturely. And that is where most games fail, I fear. Adding a choice to be evil just for the sake of choice is pretty meh for me. Then again, maybe it's just because I can't see myself roleplaying a sick moron who takes pleasure from cutting people's limbs off and letting them rot but still live for as long as they can, all while slowly bleeding all their relatives and friends to death in front of them. I don't see how having evil choices just for the sake of choices teaches you anything. 'Promoting' roleplaying my arse. If such a scenario was presented in a game, it would need to maturely deal with the biopsychosocial + legal sequelae of such an act. I can massacre whole towns in Morrowind, then pay someone some money and clear my name. That's not roleplaying. That's BS. NWN's OC was drivel, but the Charwood sidequest was pretty good. Dealt with killing children, yep. It was handled in such a way that it was JUSTIFIED. I applaud Bioware for putting that quest in. I simply don't see how much more immersive it would have been if I had simply been the one killing those children 'for the sake of roleplaying'. Maybe it's just my personal biases.
  5. Speaking of which, it's been so freaking long since the last good space sim. Aye, how I long for the day when I can take on a star destroyer alongside some buddies once more. The genre is dead
  6. But POR2 was more fun.
  7. Hard to say. I'm not a big fan of the company anymore. Then again, the next Jedi Knight or old trilogy space sim could be quite nice.
  8. "I wouldn't know about the BEST MMORPG because I refuse to pass that kind of judgment on something I've never played... But I can, without a doubt, state which is the WORST MMORPG. Yes, worse than Star Wars Galaxies. In fact, this game is probably the worst game in the entire history of the world. It's worse than State of Emergency. It's worse than Deer Hunter 10. FINAL FANTASY XI Final Fantasy XI is one of the most party-based MMORPGs in the market right now. Oh wait, scratch that, FFXI is one of the most party-INHIBITIVE MMORPGs in the market right now. For a game that forces you to work with other people in order to do *any* sort of progression, it sure does do a great job of making you want to kill said other people, curl up into a little ball and live the rest of your life as a hermit, isolated from the outside world, severed of all contact from the bad nasty wicked men. The game pigeonholes you into having at least one member of one single class, multiplied by four. You can predict at least half of the composition of 90% of all parties currently active in the game. WHM/BLM/RDM/PLD. This means that all of the other classes will probably spend a large majority (hours) of their game time doing nothing but sitting in town sending tells looking for groups. Hell, even the characters who are in the
  9. Apathy is death. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Apathy is death.
  10. Then again... "To defeat a king's chancellor, you may need a group of diplomats, one spamming "compliments" to heal the guy tanking all of the slack (the tank), while a debuffer tosses in amusing puns to stun the chancellor's attacks. Finally, another diplomat has to keep the king out of range by keeping "small talk" on him (mez)." sounds pretty amusing. No sustitute for real dialogue, though. Not even close.
  11. An innovative idea, but ultimately pointless if the actual writing in the dialogue isn't implemented.
  12. http://www.gamer-girl.org/features/avalloneint1.html Interesting tidbit about good old MCA writing ALL the companion dialogue for NWN2. Very nice indeed.
  13. I think it's unfair to the monkeys.
  14. ..... How about you play FFX first, then see how you like the genre?
  15. Tales of Symphonia. Avoid Resident Evil 4 at all costs. It's pure drivel. Only a blind fanperson would recommend it.
  17. FOOLS. The 'NOOOOOOOO' bit was the best part of the movie. That alone made it worth the price of admission. http://darthno.ytmnd.com/ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  19. Except Dungeon Siege.
  20. Hey, I don't know how old you are or if English is your second language, but you might want to use punctuation and stuff the next time you post something. I seriously had no idea what that post was about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> English is his first language. People who speak it as a second language generally put American internet users to shame. I propose he is of highschool age, and lives somewhere in the US. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I never did understand why punctuation is butchered so badly on the internet. I can understand improper punctuation (ie. using a comma in the wrong place, etc) since I am guilty of that a lot when I'm in a rush, but to have one long run on sentence without even a period in there....I dunno what's wrong with the youth of today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the thing is that todays youth has more important issues to deal with such as making a difference and saving lives whereas people like you waste all that valuable time worrying about proper punctuation in the end they are the ones who will help make the world a better place and not people like you who waste all your valuable time worrying about proper punctuation thats whats wrong with todays education system they have the wrong priorities they should stop trying to teach punctuation and instead promote higher moral value systems by prioritizing productive societal contributions over useless punctuation crap i mean when has punctuation ever saved lives LOLOLOLLIPOP
  21. That would be grreat! In fact, they should make it like Kingdom Hearts, where you combine TOO worlds!!!11! LOL Imagine Atton playing cards with that idiot from Fable HAHA fans from both games would love it! Imageine the interaction!!!! Atton: You're chearter!!! Fable idiot: I throw chicken at you! Atton: I'm Revan's dad! Fable: I slit ur throat! ROFL (Ps: sry for spoilers LOL couldn't help it)) KOTOR2 was grreat but it didn't ahve enough bloom. Having the Fable engine would fix that HAHA that would be grreat i'd love to see KOTOR2 with more bloom LOL I would buy this game plz obsidan make this game plz - llyrandor ur #1 fan!!!11!1
  22. Tales of Symphonia is a traditional-like console RPG with a very fun real-time battle system. Definitely the #1 game I would get if I had a gamecube. The Tales series is great.
  23. Gamespot review up, 9.2 + editor's choice http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/guildwars/review.html "Unlike many other online RPGs, which often take a lot of flak from their audiences for lacking a definitive endgame, Guild Wars gives the impression that it was built with the endgame competition as a primary concern. However, one of its big surprises is just how much noncompetitive content there is. Even if you have no interest in player-versus-player battling whatsoever, Guild Wars will still provide you with more than 100 hours of quality gameplay, which you can tackle either alone or together with other players pretty much every step of the way." "You can have exactly eight skills readied at a time, which correspond to the number keys on your keyboard. Which eight skills you bring to battle and which skills you discover during your adventure is really at the heart of what makes Guild Wars such a compelling experience. It's what levels the playing field in PvP and keeps the action manageable even when things get really intense. Each of the game's six character classes has 150 unique skills, and each one has its own little icon graphic, description, and purpose. For the most part, skills are not inherently better or worse than other skills--they're just different. Depending on how you've developed your character or your role in a player team, the skills will be better or worse for your circumstances. Many skills have obvious uses, while many are much more specific to certain types of situations. Some will serve you better when exploring the role-playing portion of the game, while others will be better suited to PvP battling against real opponents. It's definitely an interesting selection process. It shares a lot in common with collectible card games, and similarly offers a very satisfying reward whenever you discover that great, new skill that makes you feel much stronger while also causing you to make significant changes to your overall strategy. Guild Wars' skill system is a resounding success." "Guild Wars is one of those games that you can easily play for long stretches while losing track of the hours--suddenly it's dark out, or light out, as the case may be. However, in contrast to many other RPGs, there's very little about Guild Wars that inherently demands a lot of your time all at once. It was clearly designed from the ground up to allow you to play in brief spurts, for minutes or maybe for an hour at a time. The PvP battles are action-packed affairs along the lines of what you'd expect from a competitive shooter. The role-playing quests and cooperative missions are typically less than an hour long. Also, you never need to worry about saving your progress or logging out in a safe area, because you can quit whenever you want to, and you'll always restart in the nearest town with all your skills and experience intact. There are no severe or permanent penalties from getting killed--just a temporary hit to your maximum health and energy levels that goes away when you get back to town."
  24. Guild Wars
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