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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. I don't judge a game on whether or not it's playable or not. I judge it on the GAMEPLAY. And that is where POR2 destroys every other game on that list.
  2. I would vote for Pool of Radiance II, but since it's not in the choices, I'll opt for PST.
  3. Let's call it, Fallout 5: The Chosen One Must Choose, but with a TWIST! Let's give a second subtitle! Fallout 5: The Chosen One Must Choose: The Brotherhood of FREAKING HERVE CAEN YOU FREAKING MORON: A Post Nuclear 3D FPS Live Action Role Playing Game. And let's give it space sim elements. And you can pilot a big robot! And you can dual rockets launchers! BETTER YET! You can dual-wield robots which are dual-wielding rocket launchers!!!! And combat will be in FPS mode, but with a twist! It'll have fighter game elements too! Like Dungeon Lords, the ultimate combat RPG of 2004. This will be grreat!!
  4. What exactly did I do in that thread besides spam it into oblivion???
  5. Bethesda will make BG3!
  6. ...... JOIN MY TEAM!
  7. Join my team Magical Volo!
  8. Untrue. Being Magical Volo is magical.
  9. Let us create Fallout 5: THE CHOSEN ONE MUST CHOOSE
  10. Do you think this is our personal battlefield? You little punk, I *will* hunt you down and hang you by the delicates, but this is not the place. This thread is about FALLOUT 4, which Obsidian is making. Let's talk about how great Fallout 4 will be.
  12. .... YOU MEAN MY DAD?!
  13. So be it. I shall kill you.... WITH DEATH.
  14. You know what, Magical Volo never pulled this kind of BS on me. HE WAS A MUCH BETTER PERSON THAN YOU'LL EVER BE. *sigh* Magical Volo is my light, my flower, my candlelit dinner. He ascends from the clouds down and shines the purity of his heart for all to share the love and happiness of the divine world. If only everyone could be like him.
  15. You know what, I'm tired of your freaking attitude. This isn't a place where you antagonize everyone. YOU ARE NOT AMONGST FRIENDS HERE.
  16. Because we've reached the evolutionary point where we have the capacity to grow actual hair.
  17. We would never do that.
  18. http://www.obsidianent.com/jobs/design_writer.htm We are seeking a writer to create story, character backgrounds, and dialogue for a console role-playing game. ?
  19. You guys are the reason why Feargus was pondering closing the boards ;_; DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS SADDENS ME????
  20. I've reported each and every one of you to a moderator. EACH AND EVERY ONE.
  21. You wouldn't know it, but I managed to get some people to actually worship you. I mean, YOU. That is quite a feat in itself. The mere mention of your name makes them shudder.
  22. Pah, you're getting a cameo anyway.
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