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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. alanschu


    It's not. You're the one that keeps trying to bring that back. If Yzerman numbers have him dominating his era (which if you were actually reading my posts, you'd see I have been saying that as well) in such a way that he's in a level beyond elite. Actually, where did I actually state Gretzky-like numbers? You're the one fixated on Gretzky's numbers. Here's all of my posts on the issue: No Gretzky numbers No Gretzky Numbers No Gretzky Numbers No Gretzky numbers, and I already conceded my jumping to conclusions when looking at Mario's QMJHL points. No Gretzky numbers No Gretzky Numbers No Gretzky Numbers. (And even here I mentioned Yzerman career) Hmmm, my first reference to the numbers not having to be absolute, yet relative. Though you did continue to harp on that I was somehow saying he needs to have Gretzky numbers. EDIT: QUOTE TAGS NOT WORKING ANYMORE QUOTE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even the fact that you acknowledge that he has the "possibility" of breaking his records implies much more than just being the next dominant player of his era. I'm not saying that he is expected to break it. But he must be able to put up totals that can make you think it's a "possibility" that he could break a record...in your own words. If I read "way more" in to the hype, then so did everyone else. How many people point out the lacrosse goal and stuff like that. The kid has been receiving HUGE praise for a long time already, and is even known to non-hockey fans. ENDQUOTE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first real reference to Gretzky numbers....which was a response to something that YOU brought up. I wasn't the one that brought up that he has the "possibility" of breaking records. It was you! And it was already after I had mentioned that I recognized it had to be relative. I'd keep quoting, but it's recent enough you can just scroll up the damn page. You were the one that brought up breaking Gretzky's records. Even you stated that the hype means a possibility of breaking Gretzky's records.
  2. What? How can you get publicity if it's not public? Or are you talking about this current "hype" about how they might be doing KOTOR? Even then, I doubt that's going to help their three unannounced project to sell. You're making the situation more complex than it needs to be.
  3. If it was possible to walk all the way back to the beginning without facing any conflict to get back to the beginning, then all they did was save people the tedium of walking all the way back when they implemented the portal.
  4. I know many people that loved Morrowind on the XBOX. When I was working in a restaurant a few years ago, pretty much the entire kitchen was playing it. And yes Blank, Atari would be the best company to contact. Good luck.
  5. Indeed. And a large part of NWN's effort went to making it a perfect Online and Modding experience, with the toolkit and DM-mode and such... When you read previews and interviews with BioWare before the release of NWN you should have known that it wouldn't had such a SP part as a BG 2 Except you're making an assumption that the majority of people would have extensively followed the game in preproduction. Then, you are making an assumption that they would be interested in this modding and online experience. The fact of the matter is, as Bioware themselves have stated the majority of people that purchased the game, bought it for the single player. I would wager that it is an insiginifcant minority of people that actively follow the development of a game on the internet. Seriously...are you daft? You try to make arguments out of something that just isn't there. It's not an admission that there "had to be something wrong with the SP-part." Stop generalizing your experiences over the majority of gamers. Bioware had made quality single player campaigns in the past, and even if it was publicly stated that "it's not going to be as good as BG2" (I doubt they said it like that anyways), I can guarantee that the customers were hoping it would be better than what it was. Your grasping at thin air, when Bioware themselves have stated, numerous times, that the primary audience of the NWN game were single player gamers. It doesn't matter what convoluted idea you have, or what impression you had when following the game. You're wrong.
  6. That's one of the stupidest things I've seen on here for quite some time. There are people out there still buying used P3 500MHz machines with crap video cards because all they want is Internet access. I doubt you'd consider any recent game running on those machines as "playable." Furthermore, it only makes a difference if the installed base you described were avid video gamers. As someone that only plays PC games and hasn't owned a new console in 7 years, I still recognize that the installed base of console gamers far exceeds the amount of computer gamers. Otherwise, there wouldn't be this trend towards consoles that you keep harping your hatred towards.
  7. From what I understand, the audience overlaps quite a bit.
  8. What is wrong with it? Buying NWN only for the OC is like buying BattleField 2 only for SinglePlayer... A waste of your cash... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because the intention of Battlefield 2 is a multiplayer online FPS. You called into question the intelligence of people that purchased the game exclusively for the OC. Which, according to Bioware, is the majority of people that purchased the original NWN game. Many people enjoyed the previous adventures Bioware made. It's not unreasonable to expect that people would have bought the game hoping for a similiar experience. According to Bioware, many people bought the game with the intentions of a rich single player experience. Their intent was to try to amend that with Hordes of the Underdark, as they had received complaints that their OC (and SoU too IIRC) did not live up to their previous efforts.
  9. Alberta gets more money? In what way? We've long been declared a "have" province because of our oil revenues and pay into equalization payments. You will definitely need to validate what you just said, considering the Government of Canada states straight up that Alberta does not receive equalization payments. Here's a chart of the equalization transfers. There's a reason both provinces you mention aren't even listed (because they never receive money via the transfer). This information already has Quebec at a 6 million dollar headstart. I'd like to see where you got your data that indicates otherwise. And if it is true that Alberta got more money, then it's just another indication that the recent governments are retarded and don't know how to handle money, because we don't need it! And I haven't even touched on things such as Trudeau's NEP and all that.
  10. Hear that? It's the sound of the point going right over your head. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You do seem to be familiar with that sound.
  11. How sad. You buy an "not that great" game, and then you only use the worst parts of it... Ah well, consumer "Intelligence" it seems... EDIT; No, the *you* is not aimed to Alanschu, but to any random person buying NWN <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's awfully judgemental and self-righteous. I'd suggest getting off your high horse.
  12. I'd imagine a strategy such as "the big friggin' wall" only really works on defense?
  13. I'm pretty sure the main point of NWN is its single player, as Bioware themselves stated that the majority of the people that played NWN only played the OC. It was all part of their explanation of why Hordes of the Underdark did not officially support multiplayer.
  14. It's not exactly a secret that Quebec gets rather large amounts of money (equalization payments and whatnot) from the federal government of Canada. How are Canadian's "strangers" to you? I lived with a guy from Amos, Quebec, and he had no problems relating. Though he admitted he was not a separatist.
  15. alanschu


    Depends on what other people are doing. If 10 other players are putting up similar numbers, then no. Relative to the rest of the league, yes. He has to be such a dominating player, that when compared to his peers, there's virtually no equal. Maybe a handful of others, but not just in the elite class. You mentioned Yzerman, and if Crosby has a Yzerman career, then that means that he puts up impressive point totals, but all in all gets unrecognized because there are two much more impressive offensive players dominating the game in such a way that no one even really seems to realize you are putting up 140 point seasons.
  16. i agree as a ds character i hated having to gain so mny ls bonuses wen gaining influence over handmaiden <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think that that is the point.
  17. It's been a while since I played, but are you even able to move while the Phalanxes are deployed like that?
  18. Whoops, it is the Concordia. :"> Not sure where I pulled Ticonderoga out of. I am confident that the game you described was still WC1. Though it may have occurred at some points in WC2, I remember it being a much more story oriented game, with you bumping into Angel on the Concordia, and Paladin popping his head up etc. etc.
  19. Whoops, it is the Concordia. Not sure where I pulled Ticonderoga out of.
  20. Like I said, we have no idea what Bioware's actual expectation were, so we can't say if it's good or bad. All I said was that this was why people came to that conclusion.
  21. I never said that games were not getting publicity, nor was I trying to prove that. But, resources are finite. Every comment about a booth babe is a comment that could have been made about something else. This cannot be denied. I'd rather make my own determinations as to whether a game is interesting or not, rather than some reporter that would rather discuss the hot woman he just saw. And Sawyer brought out an excellent point. This is not a consumer show.
  22. To absolute pick the bushes around, and yes we don't know if it is true or not or whatever and I don't want to get into it, but I think Bioware's clear success with every project they have made is why people assumed Jade Empire probably wasn't as successful as they would like. But yes, we don't know if that's true and it was just us speculating so there is no need to go around picking it apart. It's more a compliment to Bioware, as they've clearly done quite well for themselves in such a short amount of time.
  23. Baldur's Gate was their second game. EDIT: Though it seems you were corrected on this.
  24. To be fair, I did add that Canada would probably be worse off too.
  25. You should be careful with the "we's" Personally I think Quebec would be in a world of hurt without Canada. And I don't think Canada would be better off either.
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