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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Except Scrapland was released 18 months after Vice City, and over 3 years after the original GTA 3. As someone that allegedly works in the game industry, I figured you'd recognize that graphical improvements always come with time. To hold them to the same standards for graphics is well...stupid.
  2. I suppose that would add 10, as his feet aren't attached anymore. I wager we're determining if they still have a connection to the brain?
  3. I didn't mind them, but for the most part felt they were tossed in to just artificially inflate the length of the game. Unfortunately, I felt that the difficulty of the game meant that there were times when you were encouraged to wander around to collect experience. Though I was still quite new to the game and found the game to be pretty difficult when I got to the Nashkel mines. I was able to play it again later, but by this time I wanted the story and not getting lost in the woods.
  4. I have no recollection of it in the original Baldur's Gate " Surprisingly enough, those random areas of pointless meandering were suspicously removed for the sequel.
  5. I was wondering why my name was italicized. I can tell by your remark, that you too, are curious!
  6. And you didn't take advantage of it in Baldur's Gate? And how you ever got through Fallout I'll never know.
  7. I've never called mine Splat, but the other names ring a bell.
  8. I'm pretty sure, as Zonos pointed out, there's a ton of male pronoun usage when discussing Nihilus.
  9. Most women that I find attractive do indeed tend to be blond. Though I have liked some readheads as well...not so many brunettes though. Though the hair doesn't seem to matter so much. In all cases they had beautiful eyes.
  10. A young Kreia would look like Bastila...because she actually is Bastila. hehehe...let the fun begin
  11. Pfft.....they couldn't even defeat a team of unsuspecting Colonial Marines.
  12. All spawning from Shadow. That's how great of an NPC he was It's still on topic(ish)! :D
  13. Why don't you put her in charge?
  14. First you have to find me! I could be in that tall grass over there....or perhaps behind that building. But by the time you get there, I'm now on top of the building....and you never heard any of it :D Come to think of it, I bet our two characters could play a sweet game of cat and mouse.
  15. But I can quickly move away and you won't be able to hear me! I'll know where your clumsy footsteps are across the map! Unless you have eyes in the back of your head, you'll always have to be looking behind you.
  16. Do you remember the question sequence? Still....if I'm camo'd with Stealth, that has to give some sort of penalty before you finally see me on the map. I bet they balance out (unless I'm standing straight up in the middle of a flat field). But what happens when we meet in the day time? What good do you Night Ops do you for then!?!? :D EDIT: You could wear both night goggles and UV? I always figured they were mutually exclusive so never tried.
  17. What does it matter if it is in any case?
  18. Hmmmmm. I don't recall every getting the Night Ops skill. Certainly not x2 I think I usually gave myself a teaching attribute as well, so I could get those pesky Militia up and going a bit faster. Still...you have a hard time seeing me with my Stealth and Camo as well....so there has to be some trade off. Though I don't know what bonuses the Night Ops gives you.
  19. IWD definitely runs away with it. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing.
  20. Games that require reflexes are often called "twitch" games. Since the IE let you pause the game with the biggest button on the keyboard, I don't consider them twitch games as it is easy to pull personal reflexes out of the equation.
  21. I can see what it was "limited" in the CRPGs. Though, as you say it's up to the DM...in this case the DM being the game itself, to say "you can only do this" with it. :D
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