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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The team on the Outset: Gus (for a day), with Barry Unger, Grizzly (I was mistaking Steroids for Grizzly...I like Grizzly), MD, and myself. For myself, I'm not the most talented, and I'll admit...my aim is mediocre, but I am a bit of a leader. Not the strongest, but I'm super smart, with decent agility and dexterity. As for bombs and locked doors...keep me away. At least I know what a scalpel is (though not sure what to do with it....). Night Ops/Stealth for tons of fun. I'll keep you all updated on my progress.
  2. Ok, it's settled, Night Ops/Stealth. Codename: Slasher
  3. Hmmm...instakills with knives if you are sneaky. Maybe I'll go Night Ops/Stealth
  4. Well, since I said I'd take your suggestion, I'll see if Gus is available.
  5. Some of that is lost in translation "...."
  6. I'd recommend giving the trial a go then.
  7. I remember Steroids. I used him quite a bit IIRC. I like him, Ivan, and Shadow in particular. Well, that I can remember anyways. In any case, where's that faq at GameFaqs. It didn't seem to mention anything about IMP selections.
  8. Heh, I always went with the lowbies. I never really had a problem clearing the town either. We'll see Oh, I'm also going to try the 1.13 mod, which is supposed to make things more difficult, as well as unlock tons of weapons and other stuff like that.
  9. If you played Torment first, then yeah...probably. I (and probably many other people) played Torment long after both Baldur's Gate games. Especially compared to the first game, the character interaction was way more than anything anyone else had ever really experienced before. And IMO, the timed conversations weren't the bad thing. The bad thing was that certain areas were labelled as appropriate for the conversations, but were often at the tail end of the inappropriate areas (like the dragon's lairs). Someone somewhere was sloppy when they said where it was and was not OK to initiate the conversations. For instance, the timed conversations would not happen in a dungeon. But the timed trigger would still get flagged, and the second you step out of the dungeon it would finally start off. This actually works not too bad, as it keeps the conversations during poor times (like questing through a dungeon) from happening. And I could see many of the conversations happening upon exit of a dangerous situation. The main problem was that places like the dragon's lairs (all of them too) were categorized as being places OK to talk. So you'd get someone talking about how much they care about you (or whatever) right before you meet Firkraag. But Baldur's Gate 2 and Torment are two different beasts with different aspirations.
  10. DING DING DING!!!! :D (w00t) I love you Darque! Finally, someone understands! I have been harping on this point for years! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> At the same time, many people like their characters to be unique. I can see the merit in Gromnir's stance that focusing on the antagonist could create for better stories.
  11. Sooooooo, I have decided to reload this old classic. Now is the time to suggest how to play through it Though, does anyone know what traits my character can get through the IMP interrogation? I'd rather not trial and error each permutation and see what I come up with
  12. alanschu


    Been a while in this thread, so here comes a long one. Hopefully I don't run out of quote tags. You were the one that felt you should bring the topic back up. Your opinion is that Belfour just plain sucks. You then you incorrect facts (such as Kolzig) to help back things up. You then go and say stuff like "GAA is a good goalie stat" and how "Shots against mean nothing because the goalie has no control over it" If a team is poor defensively, then that will hurt their their GAA. Hey, I'm the one with the "privledge" of watching the Leafs every Saturday. They are a crap team, and I am totally hoping for them to not make the playoffs since I hate dealing with Leafs fans and their shock that they were eliminated from the playoffs and somehow didn't win the Stanley Cup. The only reason why Toronto made it past the Senators last season is because of Belfour. But you continue to chastize him for a bad game in Philly, which came as a result of players like Bryan McCabe giving the puck up to Mark Recchi for breakaways, and an overall pisspoor performance by the Leafs. Is it the goalie's fault they let people deke them out of their shorts and split through them like it's nothing? Seriously, go watch that game again...and especially watch the Ottawa series. Yes Belfour is no longer the uber goalie that he once was...but he's still been able to pull the Leafs out for some wins this season. I guess stopping 49 shots in a winning effort isn't stealing a game in your book though. Don't go accusing me of my hockey knowledge when you're still blaming the blow out against Philly on Belfour. When your team decides to make tape to tape passes to talented offensive players on the other team for breakaways, the goalie is in for a long night. If you want to talk bad goalies though, look no further than Edmonton. My team's goalies have a marginally better GAA, but that's not because of the goalie. It's because Edmonton limits the opponents to few shots on goal (2nd in the league in that regard last I heard). As bad as you think your goaltending is in Toronto, at least you don't have to watch your team set records for the number of times they've pulled their goalie this year. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll be the first to say Luongo is better than Belfour. IMO he's the best goalie in the league, and should have been Vezina winner in 2003-2004. Anybody who watched any Florida game would have realized that the only reason they ever had a chance of winning any game was because of Luongo. How many other goalies in front of crap teams have impressive stats? Luongo (and probably Brodeur...but he got off to a slow start too) is in another world. Any team would love to have him. If people were expecting Belfour to be as good as Luongo, then that is their problem. To be fair, you are correct that it's not just the team in front. And I agree with Mkreku that Quinn should play Tellqvist more, if for no other reason than Belfour is old and isn't going to have the stamina to play 60 games plus playoffs heh at a high calibre of play. Yeah, the pictures were pretty funny with the team skating in all #10 Francis. I believe Edmonton did the same thing for Coffey. Hell yeah! Prongs has been playing excellent offensively as of late. Though it sucks that when we get wins, teams like Colorado, Vancouver, and Calgary get OT wins against each other >.< And finally, I wouldn't be surprised if Tarnstrom and Spacek were just picked up to be used in a trade elsewhere. I've heard Buffalo is looking for a defensemen, so I could see Staios, Tarnstrom, or Spacek all being useful for them (and Edmonton willing to trade). One useful thing about Spacek is that I think he'll take people off their game if play Calgary (or I can hope anyways). Until then, I will continue dreaming for a miracle at which point KLowe lands Luongo for virtually nothing.
  13. Oh yeah...I've had that happen to me. I spawned and would be instantly killed because people thought I was hostile. I rarely get instakicked though. My favourite Battlefield memory though was in BFV, where my friend and I (who were quite dominating in Cobra helicopters...or any American Helicopter actually) started a position of never being American any more, and only try to steal their helicopters. I think it was Flaming Dart, where I demo packed all of the control towers and my friend was able to hijack the last cobra. Since there were no more F4s or Cobras, there was literally nothing they could do to take down the Cobra we stole....so we absolutely dominated the map. And we were playing against a clan of goobers that were always American so that they could get the helicopters, which made it even better. As we flew around capping flags and providing air support, we eventually both just died. In BFV though, it was impossible to do damage to the person inside the helicopter...so the fact that our helicopter survived (since we were low capping a flag) was very suspicious. Though we were able to shoot it down in about 10 seconds so we still laughed at that. The next map was another one with a Cobra and F4 (it had an American airfield in the middle). Since my friend in his Cobra is deathly afriad of the F4 (rightfully so), I airdropped and stole it right off the bat, as he took the Cobra. So our dominance continued against the clan of goobers. Shortly thereafter...we were banned. I don't think we ever laughed so hard as when we realized we were banned. Ahhhh good times
  14. I haven't tried Vice City nor San Andreas because I sucked ass at GTA 3 :D Though to be honest the thing I loved most about the first to GTA games was the intense and goofy multiplayer. I know someone made a multiplayer mod for GTA 3, but my friend said the second someone survived a rocket launcher blast he just quit the server and never went back. GTA1 & 2 MP was hilarious.
  15. I remember trying out Gothic II with a "questionable" download since I could not find a demo of the game. I have not been able to find it in stores anywhere (and I'm usually not ambitious enough to look for it online). I still have yet to beat the game. It was a very unforgiving world (in a good way though). Was interesting to explore the world only to have some Orc horde come and kick my ass.
  16. I haven't played Vice City, but it sounded like it was even more interactive than GTA 3. In that you could actually buy real estate and run nightclubs and all sorts of other stuff. Most people I know that have played both seemed to think that Vice City was a much better game. Meh.
  17. I don't know if a game like Zelda is necessarily appropriate though, as Link always starts off as a weakling (at least in the Zelda games I have played).
  18. That would probably get me into actual trouble.
  19. It's funny, because he gets all defensive if you ever call him on anything He's the one living in a bizarro static universe. The funny thing is, is that in his own words, going past level 20 with non-epic rules is more balanced. I could go on, but he'll probably just say "who gives a smeg?" or something silly like that.
  20. Hehe, soil erosion for the main quest. Talk about finding a way to extend the length of the game.
  21. For the record, I didn't call him stupid. Just his comments. Which they were. The PM was "interesting" to say the least.
  22. That may have been true about the original XBOX, but the processor on the XBOX 360 is quite a bit different than what most people have in their computers today.
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