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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Given the fact that Source supports TNT2 chipsets, it should run. I'd suggest contact Valve and perhaps ATI.
  2. I'm wondering what the issue is here. It doesn't take long to install it, nor uninstall it. I play pretty much every demo of a moderately big game just in case.
  3. Heh, and there is a Cow level in the original diablo!
  4. It is being done, but very rarely. Usually this is quite a bit in the process then to seek any potential publishers (S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Submarine Titans, Crashday just to call a few) I have never heard of a publisher agreeing without seeing abit of the game. Thus increasing the risk that devs. put alot of fluff (graphics) in their production to please these publishers, where-after there is not enough time for the actual load <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most games do need design documents and preproduction to entice publishers. I just don't feel PNJ is in this state. I'd say their third, unannounced project probably is though. If that's the case though, then I doubt there's any money, and there isn't much certainty in the game coming out. If no publishers like it, then nothing was accomplished by making the PNJ forum, or for any of the developers to even talk about it. Why are there QA people working on it? And where did Obsidian get all of this money to work on it? Has it been completely self-funded?? In the mean time Mr. Sawyer will laugh at us, knowing the actual truth.
  5. I have heard good things about Urban Combat. If I can find Wildfire I'll probably see if I can pick it up. I'm pretty sure some online distributor is still selling it somewhere.
  6. Still. They'd need money for it. I just can't see money being invested in something over a mere verbal agreement.
  7. Back onto Jagged Alliance 2, has anyone played Wildfire?
  8. This is why, if you choose DS Revan in Kotor 2, the Republic Admiral chasing you is not Carth Onasi. If you chose LS Revan, then it's Carth following you around.
  9. Excellent! I will remain optimistic until I see that it sucks though :D
  10. I was considering either doing a murder investigation, or perhaps a spinoff of the Saw movie where you were trapped in a cell, with 3 other NPCs trapped in cells. You each had notes that explained what you needed to do to survive. While talking you can persuade people to help you, etc. etc. Getting information on people to exploit (or help) them. It was all about creating trust with the people, and trying to get them to distrust each other. You could either be selfish (one of the conditions of escape was to be the only one left alive), or try to help everyone else win the "game" that they were in as well.
  11. Not familiar with Mistland, though I'll remain optimistic, since I'd like a new JA game. According to them (and Strategy first), they are also making a "true" JA3 in addition to JA3D.
  12. For what it's worth, I actually didn't mind Freelancer's mouse look. Meh.
  13. Given the word cap and size of the room, they shouldn't take very long to go through. I considered signing up, but had enough on my plate getting acquainted with my new job.
  14. It's not the same at all. One company (Black Isle) disappeared because they no longer had the funds to do anything about a game because Interplay was going bankrupt! Obsidian is not in that same situation at all. It's one thing to announce a project and then cancel it because they are going out of business. It's another thing to announce a project and "cancel" it because they were not able to make a deal with a publisher. Both Jefferson and Van Buren had a publisher already! All I'm saying is that I doubt they'd even make an announcement (let alone state things such as it being a console game) without a publisher. They'd probably just call it an "unannounced project" like they (and every other developer) typically do.
  15. Interesting! I came out from under the rock I was living in to realize that StrategyFirst has authorized a Jagged Alliance 3 (w00t) I'll admit it, I cried myself to sleep the night (weeks) (months) when Jagged Alliance 3 was cancelled back in the day.
  16. I'm pretty sure that those games were signed and had received funding (if just from Interplay). When your entire company folds though, naturally things are going to get cancelled. Investing a large amount of resources into a game on a verbal agreement is particularly risky though.
  17. Are you referring to Jefferson and Van Buren?
  18. Well, Obsidian was determined to do an IP so they could have conceivably started working on a project with just a verbal agreement. Because, one way or the other, they were determined to do an IP. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What a huuuuuge risk that would be. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't signed....otherwise we probably wouldn't even know about it because it could possibly never see the light of day.
  19. Yeah, I had just come back to say I had found it In other news, the liberation of Arulco is going well! I was able to find a rogue pilot and he has agreed to help out the team. I was able to hire Scope for a one week term, given the new incoming I'm getting from the Drassen mine that was liberated recently. From there, things slowed down. We probably should have pressed on harder, but we had to heal up and felt it prudent that we not lose our main base of operations....we trained up a very skilled milita squad. My main squad consists of myself, Scope, Grizzly, Barry, MD, and Ira. I also hired up Gumpy because he's cheap and smart. Right now he's just looking after Drassen, training up militia as necessary and practicing his marksmanship. The Northeast SAM Site has been neutralized, and the open airspace let us airdrop in right beside Alma. We went in under the cover of darkness into the Northeast section of town. It seems as though Diedranna is using this place as some sort of military stockyard...a great blow no doubt! We had some wire cutters and were able to sneak in past the chainlink fence. I was able to sneak up on and eliminate one guard with an MP5-K with a silencer (thanks both Night Ops and Stealth :D). Very much to my pleasure, it turns out that he had a Dragunov sniper rifle...complete with scope and laser sight. Scope had acquired an SKS in the Special Ops raid of the SAM sight, so I happened to have appropriate ammo for that gun....hollow point to boot! The soldiers we are fighting against don't seem to have much in the way of body armor, so I figured it would come in handy. And boy did it ever! I was able to snipe one sentry in the head with a single shot from one of the rooftops. Unfortunately, no one quite took the bait. But Grizzly, from the other rooftop, did notice that the guards at the gate had heard, and were prone looking in my direction. So I jumped off the east building, cut another hole in a chain link fence, and was able to flank the guard. I got up point blank, and fired a few quick shots into his head with my silenced SMG. We could hear a ton of commotion below us, as Scope took up a position just to my left to cover my flank. Grizzly dropped down and opened a door. While he didn't see anyone, someone must have heard him and tried to cut him off. While he was inside people came swarming into the common area between the buildings. Between my rifle and Scope's SKS, it was pretty easy pickings. It was dark on top of the roof, so they couldn't really see us as we'd slink back into the shadows. A few guys tried to flank us, but Scope finished them off with a quick shot to their head. Things had now quieted down, and Grizzly offered to sweep the buildings given he has a Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun with a duckbill on it....excellent close quarters stoppage. He was able to find the last guy and wound him with a few shots. When he took cover, things quieted down. Grizzly wondered if the wound was fatal, and went to investigate, with me providing cover from the opposite rooftop. As he peeked in the garage door the soldier lunged at him (surprised he didn't shoot Griz) and right when he got beside him, I finally had a clear line of sight and was able to finish the job with a clean shot to the head. Unfortunately, I'm almost out of 7.62 WP Hollow Point bullets. I have more coming in from Bobby Ray's, but they won't be in until tomorrow and we should already have the town! On the other hand, we do have plenty of AP rounds which should stop guys in their tracks pretty effectively. On the Merc front, not too much has happened. It turn out that Ivan Dolvich was KIA on another mission. Too bad, because I had heard good things about the Russian. I have left a message with Shadow, as I feel he'll be excellent for the organization. Now that we are procuring sniper rifles from the enemy, his camoflage and stealth would make a prime spotter...and his ability to handle himself if things get hectic will make things even better. We got off to a bit of a slow start, but we should have Alma by the end of Day 14. With the influx of cash, there likely won't be much trouble hiring additional mercs to take care of militia duties either. We'll then move on to the central city.
  20. It's been a looong time since I've played this game, but I could have sworn there was a way to see what everyone's special abilities were (like night ops and whatnot). Where can I find this info?
  21. All right, I'm off for round 2, sans the surgical strikes with pinpoint accuracy. I'm probably going to skip on Gus though.....too much "Woody" is uncomfortable.
  22. I love WC1&2, as well as TIE Fighter and Privateer.
  23. Might as well Randomize sea level then. I actually don't mind random climate either, though if we were to pick one of the two you listed I'd pick temperate. What is the "Balanced" world? Is that Continents?
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