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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. alanschu


    I remember him having one or two poor games in a row and then bouncing back a bit earlier as well. I think it was the Anaheim/Phoenix time when we lost back to back 6-2 games. Hopefully this is a blessing in disguise and it's enough of a kick in the ass for the people that have been slumping, that cannot rely on Smyth nor Hemsky to carry them offensively.
  2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> People do seem to be avoiding this. I think it's rather important since we're tossing around the hypocrisy label. I disagree. Forcing someone to give up the millions still doesn't make the situation any better. All it really demonstrates is some macabre desire making sure people get their due. In the lawsuit happy continent we live on, it's no surprise that people are looking for the quick fix when it comes to demanding financial compensation for past transgressions. As a funny anecdote, I remember a great episode of John Szafron Versus God where he put peoples ideals where their mouth is. He got some Australian aboriginals to dress up in traditional garb complete with face paint, and went to one of the houses marked with the sign "We recognize that this house is built on aboriginal land." So the aborginals and John knocked on their door, and stated that they were claiming the house since it's on their land. Needless to say the owners of the house were quite surprised. Though they did invite them in for some tea! It was pretty damn funny.
  3. Birthday threads are overrated. Check back and you'll see I am missing one. It's what the kewl people do.
  4. Not the same situation. Now, if Ozzy Osbourne got wads of cash selling drugs back in the day, and that got him to where he is today - and then he told other would-be drug dealers they shouldn't sell drugs, that'd be a closer analogy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So the fact that Ozzy Osbourne may have actually learned that what he was doing was actually bad is moot? Also, didn't native tribes wage war against each other for land?
  5. Hmm. You do know of the defeat of Prussia in WW1 and subsequent exacting measures taken against them by their subjugators? Well this was one of many pretexts for the rise of Nazism and the Third Reich. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Prussia did not exist in WW1, and hence could not have been defeated. Prussia, along with many other states that made up parts of the Holy Roman Empire. Prussia ceased to exist in 1871, after the end of the Franco-Prussian war.
  6. This debate kind of reminds me of the time someone called Ozzy Osbourne a hypocrite when they heard him talking about how you shouldn't do drugs, because he took lots of drugs himself back in the day. Though at the same time, I would think that if anyone were a qualified person to tell me about the bad effects of drugs, it'd be him! Is it not possible for people to learn from the mistakes of the past? No doubt we'll have to bash Italy, because the Roman Empire did lots of bad stuff. Might as well toss in most of Europe actually, with all the imperialism going on not too long ago. As a final question, did the native tribes themselves not war with each other over land?
  7. Killing someone in the defense of others or in self-defense isn't murder.
  8. Because that's who occupies it now? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So people who live in the USA today are responsible for what Brits, Spainards, French and Porteguese did 300+ years ago? Hmm. Interesting concept. Guess that means those lousy Canadians should also be subjected to criticism and contempt, since they are responsible for what the Brits and the French did to the native populatioin up there. And blame the Mexicans for what the Spanish and Porteguese to the Mayans, Aztecs, and other native cultures. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those lousy Canadians are subjected to criticism and contempt.
  9. alanschu


    I have serious worries with my Oilers team now
  10. On the plus side, I'll only have to wait 10 minutes!
  11. And what about Jung's personal and collective unconsciouses? The truth will out! Acausal parrallelism FTW! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember thinking Jung was a crackpot when we studied him in my psych classes.
  12. Don't forget the wonder that is Paradox Entertainment!!!!
  13. alanschu


    I figured there'd be someone else out there. The big thing I guess for him (assuming some sort of objectivity, which I'm not convinced of. Raycroft does play in Toronto) is that he played more games :\ Cam Ward probably shouldn't be on there, but I guess he was the the Conn Smythe award winner. Fleury I'd take. Brodeur I'd take. Kolzig I'd probably take. Lehtonen I'd take. Lundqvist is probably more being rewarded for his last season than this season. Plus he's in New York. Miller I'd take. It's not a horrible affront that he's not on the list, depending on when it was made (I used the cutoff as the end of October). You could still make an argument for him being on it. Huet's numbers may be "better," but unfortunately for him they were based on only 5 games. I think that that was the biggest thing. It's only really an affront now that he has played really well the past little bit. I'd be surprised if he didn't make the All-Star team though.
  14. My last name is Schumacher, so there's some German ancestry there. And given Hungary is nearby.
  15. As far as I know my family tree does not branch into Hungary.
  16. Though the same could still be said for our schools. Though unless they are exceptionally smart and get everything funded by scholarships, they may have to take out some student loans or something. Though if they are exceptionally poor, they'll undoubtedly qualify for the bursaries which are handed out based on financial need. THere's also plenty of smaller scholarships that are handed out more liberally that make things easier. As for the hours, I'm not sure if them seeing it as a job is any better or worse. They'll work harder, but in my own personal experiences I worked harder at university when I had some personal financial investment in it. I imagine that this is a bit of a wash, and probably cancel each other out. The biggest benefit of your system is that people would not be coming out of school with any student loan debt.
  17. I'm curious what, if anything, you know (or care) of the issue Jorian.
  18. Last I check no one was forcing you to sit in any particular way. You can still sit the way you want.
  19. alanschu


    Aebischer was still getting a fair share of starts to start the season though. 3 of Huet's first 4 games had less than .900 Save Percentage. His lead in the GAA and Save% is a recent phenomenon, as was his most recent shutout. Unfortunately, the ballot doesn't update as players play well, and Huet's push to the top for save percentage and GAA has been his stellar play in the last little bit. Depending on when the ballot was put online, I don't see it as being a giant affront. After October he was a mere 2-1-2, a GAA of 2.92, and a save percentage of .899. Kiprusoff got off to a slow start, but he still played twice as many games, and has the recognition of being one of the elite goaltenders in the league. He gets on the ballot by reputation alone. On the plus side though, you can write in your vote, so it's kind of moot.
  20. I disagree. The big thing they did was make it viable for people to play it and make progress, without allocating hours of their life per day to it. Some "hardcore" MMORPGers hated this, but you can't really argue with the results. It's possible to play for an hour and actually accomplish something.
  21. Most likely you hit Print Screen, then open Paint and paste it in there. I'm not familiar with another way.
  22. alanschu


    I think by the time it was set up, Aebischer was playing at the time. Didn't Huet have a bit of a dry spell?
  23. I assume he's referring to the article that talks about Nintendo replacing the guy's strap.
  24. I said VOIP, which is Voice Over IP. Been using it since the Roger Wilco days back in the late 90s. I'm not confusing you with Gromnir. The first part was towards him, and the second part was towards you. The miscommunication it seems is that you thought we were typing not talking. Given I thought you understood I was talking, it seemed like you were making a statement that pausing was still somehow redundant for our game. Just noticed this last bit: Sorry Gromnir, but I actually did have two other people (3 persons not named alan.....how witty). There names were Stefan (who now works at Bioware) and Chris (my roommate). Sorry if my anecdote wasn't good enough to counter your anecdote. As for the "interface gotta work for everybody," I'm not sure what you're talking about here. Didn't NWN also allow the ability to pause? It's not like every server has to have it enabled. Are you actually encouraging the action of removing options for the users? I'm surprised that you of all people seem to be making such blanket generalizations.
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