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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. So you made it all the way into act 3 at 2 FPS?
  2. Try this. Put the "My Documents" folder onto your game drive, and treat it like an area for saved games. Then, on your C drive, create something like "Important Documents" or maybe even just "Documents," or perhaps "Bubaloo" and when you save your Word Files, PDFs, and text files, you put them there. This seems like a way to separate them to me.
  3. They are not documents. They are game files. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry: Computer Science. A computer file that is not an executable file and contains data for use by applications. Originally, the term referred to only a file created in a word processor. When Apple introduced the Macintosh in the mid-1980s, it called every data file a document no matter which software application was used to create it. The terminology migrated to the Windows environment, which later provided a My Documents folder as the default storage location for all personal data. Default folders for pictures, music and videos are located in the My Documents folder. See template and style sheet. http://www.answers.com/topic/document It's been like this since as long as I can remember (which would probably be right around the time my Dad picked up a Mac Plus).
  4. I do not want to change where My Document folder is at. I like it where it is at. It has all my important must keep files in it. It is a place for DOCUMENTS that I am using and working on. That means Word files, PDFs, and notepad text files only. Game files do not belong in the Document folder because they are not documents they are game files game files belong on my game drive. That is why I have a game drive. My Documents is for documents. Game drive is for games. How hard of a concept is this?!?!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Saved game files do fit under the computer interpretation of documents.
  5. Don't worry Mus, I'm on your side. I'd much rather get EXP (if that's one's motivation) by doing stuff of substance and completing quests, rather than just perpetual killing of monsters.
  6. The Great Depression was, sadly, ended because of World War 2. People were starving in a major depression before the conflict began, for a full decade. You say that you're not the one making things black and white, and then state unequivocally, that people enlist in the military so that they can fight in wars, or are otherwise deceived and tragic characters.
  7. I'd be surprised if you couldn't add feats. There's a feats.2da file that can be editted IIRC.
  8. The sarcasm was so thick that I felt an emoticon would only take away from it.
  9. A citation would be exceptionally helpful. It wasn't a sarcastic smiley. It was the "shifty" smiley because I thought your comments were rather limited in their scope. In the future I suppose I'll refrain from posting smileys when a comment appalls me. It seems to me that in order to get the free stuff, you have to be pretty open about the fact you're an addicted heroin user. Did anyone really say that it would solve the problem? Though perhaps it could open up avenues to help solve the problem. A place like a clinic that provides the drugs could just as easily provide addicts with information about where they can go and what they can do if they do want to kick the habit. I'm not a big drug user, but I suspect the drug dealer on the street isn't too interested in you kicking your habit, so it may be somewhat difficult to get that information out of him.
  10. Egalitarianism for post-secondary education is overrated. People are not entitled to University degrees, and allowing any Tom, ****, and Jane access to it means you have more people taking advantage of it, and not really learning anything. My University (University of Alberta) actually concluded that students perform better in school, and ultimately get more out of it, when their own money in it. There's additional financial obligation to do well in school, since few people want to waste their own money. Letting people in to school that wouldn't value University enough to pay their own tuition either inflates class sizes, or eliminates the number of people that do actually want to be there (especially given the mark based nature of applications. It's very easy to get a kid that coasts his way to high marks in High School because High School is a joke, and then just goes to University because it's something to do). I'm not sure how things are in the United States, but I still get people bitching and whining about tuition up here all the time. The thing I notice about many of these people, is that they also like to waste their money on stupid **** like going out to bars and plopping down over $100 a weekend on drinking. As for the 'bandaid' of scholarships, my school awards millions of dollars for it each year, and a large chunk of them are not even mark based, so it's not like you need to go in with straight A's to get them. THere's also student loans and bursaries that can be awarded, and are actually awarded based on financial need.
  11. And I took exception to the fact that you got pissed off because of the personal significance it had in your life, while at the same time doing nothing more than offering "condolences" because someone suffered in a way that you didn't. I think the issue is that people feel that if we're giving it away, then that must mean we are condoning their use.
  12. That's exactly my opinion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So first you go around laughing because you understand something better than us, and then later agree that nobody can understand it better than anyone else? Awesome.
  13. I don't recall ever thinking this about Paladins.
  14. Yes, I'm sure that makes everything all right. So not only does the junkie STILL get their fix, other people have to needlessly suffer along side them. The reason why they "give" the drugs to the addict isn't to "solve their problems" (in your words), nor is it even to save money.
  15. What about the family that suffers through their son getting murdered, because some junkie needed some extra cash for his fix?
  16. Given I don't particularly care for doing completely random exploration, I don't miss it in NWN2. I don't mind side quests or exploration, as long as it makes sense to do it. And the main quest absolutely cannot give the impression that there is some urgency to it. Ultima VII makes perfect sense, as you are brought in basically to learn what is troubling the land. So you're in essence encouraged to explore. Morrowind was also good for this (from what I remember), though Oblivion not so much. FF7 was goofy, because there's a big giant meteor coming towards the planet as you spend time chilling at the Golden Saucer.
  17. That's not true at all. The Carsomyr is very useful, but I don't need it. Timestop is insanely useful, but I don't need it. Armor is useful, but I don't need it.
  18. alanschu


    A fugly game, but we won, so I won't care too much. Roloson rocks!
  19. SO what does Lawful, Chaotic, Neutral, Good, and Evil mean?
  20. It's a weird world if a hungarian understands the meaning of alignment better than some american guys. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WTF are you talking about?
  21. Well, the DMs in the computer games seems pretty consistent.
  22. Why don't you put your My Documents on your game drive, and just do typical Save As for your Word and other documents on your C drive? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why should Hades have to change the entire way he uses his computer just because of NWN2? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> See, this is the problem. You're blaming EVERYTHING on Neverwinter Nights 2. If you noticed, he was bitching and moaning about other games doing the same thing. I offered a solution to his problem, since it would mean that he wouldn't have to worry about space constraints or anything of the like. Furthermore, it's HARDLY changing "the entire way he uses his computer" as if you choose to move your "My Documents" folder, it asks you if you want to move all the contents as well. The change is so amazingly superficial, and exceptionally easy to do. I'd argue that playing something that you don't enjoy is much more pointless. You're just grasping at ways to bitch out the game if you honestly expect game developers to make estimates based on SAVED GAMES. They might as well say you need a full 250 GB, since if I was reckless with my saved games that's how much space they would take up.
  23. Its stupid. Playing the part of a mercenary is not evil, it would be more neutral than good or evil. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you keep doing it over and over, I could see an argument otherwise. Especially given that Evil seems to mean selfish in the D&D world.
  24. Why don't you put your My Documents on your game drive, and just do typical Save As for your Word and other documents on your C drive?
  25. Well, my sword's ability to Dispel Magic on hit was rather awesome. Magic Missile was the mirror image destroyer.
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