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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. And you're the genious that keeps playing something that he hates
  2. I remember using breach pretty much all the time. Even when my guys had +5 Carsomyrs and whatnot.
  3. I don't know for sure, but check out the Warlock. It looked like I was unable to select any classes as a Warlock, but maybe it was an alignment restriction.
  4. Oh well, that leeway it seems is counteracted by the extreme underrepresentation of the white male in reported crimes and so on. Not to mention the over representation of white males in white collar, high income jobs. I'm a white male myself, and I wouldn't go around saying that the minorities have the ability "to walk all over those that have been 'in power.'" The reason why it seems minorities have all this "power" is a counterpoint to the fact that white males are still the dominant power brokers of Western civilization. It's just that it's so institutional and systemic that it's all taken for granted.
  5. Freelancer (a game released in 2001 or so) has its saved games show up in My Documents as well. This is nothing new, and while there are still games out there that don't do this, it's becoming pretty common. I had no idea you were qualified at all to make such a statement. If you have a concern, it'd probably be best to inquire in a bit less of an "OMG I hate this game and everything about it, yet I still play it because my goal is to bash it beyond belief" type rant, and just ask. As for complaining about the file size and recommended HD space, all I have to say is give it a rest. We get that you don't like anything about the game, and that you'll stoop to any level to bash it. There's no need for you to bother posting rants, especially about inane things like how much file space it uses, and blasting it because it's recommended requirements didn't take into account that you'd have 30 different save game files I guess I should have bitched out Ion Storm, because I had over a GB of saved games for Deus Ex, and that was back in 2000, when I only had a 60 GB HD and not a 250 GB HD. If you're finding saved games are taking up too much room, then delete the saved games you don't need any more. The 100+ MB saves only come towards the end of the game, and if you're not making a million different saves for every 5 steps you take in the game, you're not going to actually need 3 gigabytes of space for your saved games.
  6. alanschu


    WRONG! He never said any such thing. Sorry, I'll believe Pronger before some chump on a message board. The issues he had were not with the team. There's more to his life than the team that he plays for. I figured you'd know that. I guess I over estimated you. Pronger initially requested a trade midseason. Kevin Lowe asked him to wait it out until the end of the season, to see if he might reconsider. For a guy that allegedly hated the team, he sure did a wonderful job of playing to the absolute best of his ability (including a level of play far above what he was playing prior to the trade request. He had a poor start of the season compared to the end and the playoffs). He had every opportunity to phone it in, but didn't. Most people don't do that if they dislike the organization that they are playing for. Especially when they've already secured a very lucrative 5 year deal. Because you're a troll. In fact, you've since changed your mind. First you were slagging on the city itself, stating that that was why Pronger left. And now that you see a different avenue to cause trouble, you've decided to change your interpretation so that it's Pronger didn't like specifically the Oilers. Your entire posting history is filled with antics such as this. I'm surprised you even bother denying it. If you were even half of an Oiler fan, you would already know all about the Pronger situation (including I'm sure a ton of false rumours). Your being a 'fan' of the team is simply because of the Messier connection (in your own words even). It probably wasn't covered to much down in North Bay, but here in Edmonton the fact that he stated repeatedly that there were issues with his family, and he felt it was his obligation as a husband and a father to place the needs of his family ahead of his playing career. But I'm sure that the numerous interviews he has done stating this was all just a cover, and that the truth of the matter was that he just didn't like the Oilers. And that's the only reason.
  7. I enjoyed Grobnar as well. "Oh boy...this makes me feel like a Gnome. Which is good, because I am a Gnome!"
  8. alanschu


    Sorry, I'm going to believe you over what FCP himself has actually said. The reasons have been cryptic, but they relate to the family. And while we don't know the specific reason, the most popular consensus among most fans and the media, were that his family did not feel comfortable in the city. I actually have no beef with the guy. He did something based on what he thought was best for his family. And I'm certainly going to take his word over someone that's just trying to get the couple of Edmonton fans on this board riled up by spreading additional hearsay.
  9. I'd think more about different people, if I had encountered more Githerzai. Since Dak'kon is the only other one that I am familiar with, it would make sense that I'd be reminded of him. He's the only basis for comparison that I know of. Looking at it deeper, it seems as though they are both big believers in the teachings of Zerthimon. So the connection makes even more sense.
  10. As a not so funny aside, the only person I know personally that has had struggles with the game is my roommate, who pirated the game. Not that legit people aren't having issues, but it did remind me of the pirated copy of the Half-Life expansion, Opposing Forces, that had issues with the game that were actually found to be limited to only the pirated version. It was hilarious watching people bitch out Gearbox/Valve for the problems, only to eat their words and stumble saying that they did have legit copies and all that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> good for those you know (except your roommate) I know about 20 players, and only one has no problem at all (he says) all others (including me) have one problem or the other, I just don't talk about it, because i hope for : a. more patches b. money to get better parts for my PC <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I suggest you look closely at my post. On a final note, why did you except my roommate? He's the one that DIDN'T pay for the game. I just laughed at him.
  11. Of course, Dak'kon is a Githerzai, just liek Z is. Kind of like when I see someone speaking French, I think of French people.
  12. alanschu


    What? Chris Pronger himself has said he has no issues with the team, nor with any person related to the organization.
  13. As a not so funny aside, the only person I know personally that has had struggles with the game is my roommate, who pirated the game. Not that legit people aren't having issues, but it did remind me of the pirated copy of the Half-Life expansion, Opposing Forces, that had issues with the game that were actually found to be limited to only the pirated version. It was hilarious watching people bitch out Gearbox/Valve for the problems, only to eat their words and stumble saying that they did have legit copies and all that.
  14. Yet you persist on playing through it, despite the fact you give the impression that you really aren't having any fun whatsoever.
  15. I believe that is what the description of Cold Iron says as well. Though I haven't actually experienced any of it. Meh, then I blame the AI. I preferred Qara to Sand, and given that she's a sorcerer, it's very easy to make use of the metamagic feats. She was responsible for a large number of my kills. She killed the three dragons I fought, and had acquired the "Dragonslayer" ability.
  16. So Avellone is ripping off his own character? Awesome.
  17. There is some uses from Cold Iron I believe, but for the most part, it's not much better than Iron. I made a sword out of Silver, and then buffed the crap out of it. I did make that full plate out of Mithril though, for obvious reasons
  18. Considering they state straight up during character creation that it doesn't really have an effect on the game, I'm not too surprised.
  19. I think I was taking flack for being a Tiefling at numerous points throughout the game.
  20. The only experience I have about them is from PST, and Dak'kon made it seem like "knowing" was something his race valued extensively.
  21. Welcome to the Githerzai. Somehow I don't think she did it any more than Dak'kon.
  22. Eshpeshally when dere shlurred speech ishn't typos, but ish ****ll shlurred ash if I waassh shpeaking liiike a sdrunk. Seriously, if you're drunk, you don't accidentally type 'H' when typing an 'S.'
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