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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I am a bit leery. I always seem to get in the same range, which seems bizarre. I'll consistently hit in the .120 .130 range on some clicks, and my slightly slower clicks are usually in the .180 range. I never seem to get anything in between. If I am a bit slower, I'll get in the .250 range. EDIT: I'm not sure the speed of the sheep is consistent, but the measurement of time seems to be based on where they end up. It could just be my mind playing tricks on me due to speed, but I swear that some of the sheep where I have gotten super fast times (less than .100) have actually come out slower, and some of the more high ones have actually come out faster. But maybe there's something to that.
  2. It's a strategy game that has each player controlling their own country. with a host of decisions to make. Even then, as I said, I've done the same in D&D style games such as BG2, both Icewind Dale games, and Neverwinter Nights. You talk about games like Everquest and WoW, which is odd because I stated that pausing would be a much bigger issue in a persistent world. You stated straight up that pausing in "any legit MP session" was "idiotic," based on your own anecdotal evidence. I'm providing my own anecdote that there are in fact people that play MP, that still use pause at times. Not necessarily a whole lot, but in a game like Icewind Dale (which features D&D style combat) where my friends and I are each controlling 2-3 characters, pause comes in handy at times. Same went for Neverwinter Nights. "Idiotic" seems to be a bit harsh of a term for pausing in a multiplayer game. If none of the players care that there is the occassional pause, nor do any of the players do annoying stuff like intentionally pause the game in bizarre fashion simply to be annoying, it's not really that big of a deal. Yeah, they were usually pausing to do something in combat. The most common instances where if we were ambushed in the game. Given the explanation can be given at the same time as the pause, it didn't really matter if the explanation was redundant. As we got better at the game, and more acquainted with our characters, it typically didn't happen as much. But I'm not sure why it should matter to you that some of my friends were pausing the game. Did it affect your game experience? I'm not saying there should be full on support for pausing, to the extent that it cannot be disabled.
  3. alanschu


    Jason Gregor commented that he felt the boos were the loudest he had heard, including Mike Comrie's boos. I had a chance to hear his full press conference today as well, where Pronger spoke about how he really enjoyed his time with the team. He feels that the Oilers are in good hands with MacTavish and Lowe at the helm, and stated that he feels Edmonton has some of the best and most passionate hockey fans in the world. He loved being a part of the 'Our crowd is loudest' competitions between other teams during the playoffs. He spoke quite highly of the organization and their professionalism. I read a Kevin Lowe comment that states he still doesn't fully understand Pronger's reasoning for his trade request, but qualified the statement by stating the obvious: he isn't Chris Pronger It's funny, because I think if he had come out publicly stating all that he said yesterday, there would have been less hoopla over the whole ordeal. Oh well.
  4. I suspect it'd be a much bigger issue in a persistent world. And I made sure to state that it was with my group that it was not an issue, and made sure to not generalize it to other people. Perhaps one factor was that we always stuck together, so it wasn't like we'd be busy pausing for a fight while the other people were doing random stuff across the map. The fight I was pausing for was the same fight they were involved with. Also, whenever someone paused, they usually mentioned why they were pausing it over whatever VOIP we happened to be using. It's not all that uncommon either. The Paradox games are real time, and they involve a multiplayer that allows pause (which is a good thing, because sometimes big events happen and you want to spend some time contemplating what may be the best course of action). If someone pauses the game, only they can unpause it for the first 30 seconds. After that, anyone can unpause it.
  5. I don't have a problem deleting stuff. I have a problem with undoing stuff. Like the fact that some stuff is not undoable.
  6. Well, it's a bit early to rule out NWN2 on the MP front. I recall having issues with the original in MP as well, not to mention toolset issues. I thought it was pretty funny because I remember people being upset that NWN didn't follow in BG2's footsteps.
  7. I rolled my eyes at Sand who said he questioned my judgment by siding with Qara, and felt like siding with Garius as a result.
  8. alanschu


    I love watching some of those old videos of hockey highlights. I was too young to really appreciate Gretzky in all of his awesomeness. I knew he was great, but when you're 5 you don't really comprehend that he's absolutely demolishing previous scoring records. There's a great game with Russia versus the Finns where Pavel Bure gets 5 goals, and you can really see just how fast he is. A loose puck and he'd be two or three strides away, and by the time he gets to it, he's already at max speed leaving the defenders in the dust.
  9. I preferred Qara to Sand. She melts faces. Appropriately, it was her that killed Sand in the final fight.
  10. sorry vol, but it doesn't work... not with 6 or even 4 folks all able to stop game on a whim. makes us wonder if you ever played mp nwn. HA! Good Fun! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I only played NWN 2 MP with 2 other people (so 3 total), but we still had pauses. They weren't too common, and usually when it happened we wouldn't unpause until everyone is all ready or not. I imagine it would depend on the people as to whether or not pausing would work or not. I can't imagine adding an extra person would have pushed it past critical mass and made it unwieldly.
  11. Both are probably acceptable options. You may also want to contact Lucasarts, the publisher of the game.
  12. See mkreku, sometimes finding old posts and doing some digging CAN be fun. You're well on your way to becoming like me! My favourites are still:
  13. I'm not sure exactly what you're saying here. I mean, in order to rotate, you'll need to have a point to rotate around. Are you saying you cannot change where that point is? The biggest issue I have had so far (which isn't too much. Stupid life has interferred with my toolset work) is the undo implementation.
  14. alanschu


    Hahaha that Oates commercial is one of the lamest things I have seen.
  15. Thanks. That makes sense. It'd be absurd if it was any other way.
  16. Heh, more exploitative than munchkinish. There was one that harmed the undead that came in really handy at various points in the game (and worked on KoS too IIRC).
  17. This is the exact problem that I have. After patch 1.03, I am now running with 6x AA (Or at least suppose that I am, it doesnt actually look much better) turned on, with the exact same frame rate as with it turned off. And whether pre or post patch, absolutely NOTHING in the settings menu has any effect on my framerate at all, with the exception of a very minor performance increase from turning down resolution. I have a hyperthreaded PC, and I noticed yesterday that when NWN2 was minimized, it was only using about 500 mb of memory(I have 1 GB of RAM) and about 45% of the CPU. However that is most likely just because I minimized the game. Ive been meaning to experiment and see what happens while I am actually playing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was talking about the original Neverwinter Nights, not Neverwinter Nights 2.
  18. I know Garius asks, but will Ammon Jerro actually accept? I have no problem with Garius asking. IIRC, Jerro shuts him down. I don't even recall if there was an [influence: Success] latched on to his dialogue. And I would still never buy that 180. His entire purpose has been to kill the KoS. Sure, he could do other evil stuff to do so (he's a fanatic), but to suddenly ALLY with his nemesis? Ah, so that Killian ending wasn't the actual ending. I couldn't see MacGuyver doing that though!
  19. What if the person with the rod was KO'd? But yeah, you could make the ritual required at the beginning. Heck, they could even do it in a cutscene.
  20. That's a crux of pretty much every RPG though. Faulting NWN2 for that is to fault the entire genre. Even Baldur's Gate had the NPCs starting with differing experience levels based on when you first met them. Hence why I said that they should have made it mandatory for him to use his ritual skill. But then like you said, if they did that, if he (or you) gets KO'd during the last fight, there's no point in even going on (if you're out of resurrections). Some of us may all clamour for a less forgiving, and more difficult game, but imagine how much it would suck for you to get to the final stage of the fight and realize you were screwed because Jerro was KO'd and you couldn't revive him. The impression I got though, was that his mere presence was required, so as far as I was concerned, I still did really need him. As for Ammon Jerro defecting, does he? I never gained any influence with him in my game, and he didn't defect. However, if he can defect, then I think that THAT is stupid. Here's a guy who's entire life purpose was to destroy the King of Shadows, and when he finally gets to it, he defects? THAT is stupid. Fortunately that never happened to me in my first playthrough, or it would have really soured the ending. I don't remember Killian's ending being the "bad" ending. I wasn't so much referring to Ammon Jerro when I wrote this, but rather the idea that it should be possible to do have any outcome you desire. I was referring to the idea that it's not possible for anyone to read the scrolls. Unless I'm versed in its dialect and language (which it seems Ammon Jerro and Zjhaeve are), I think it's silly that me and my Watchman background could just pick up a scroll with a foreign language on it and recite it with success.
  21. alanschu


    The arm strength on isn't actually all that impressive, given that you aren't really supposed to use your lower hand to shoot the puck. Lemieux gets a nice one during the game in this video It's still not the best one hander I've seen him do. I saw him get tied up just to the side of the net, and watched him put his stick with one hand between his legs, and flick it top shelf on the goalie while fighting off a defender with his other arm. I can't seem to find it unfortunately, but it is easily one of the most jaw droppingly impressive goals I have ever seen.
  22. I don't mind the decision that only Ammon Jerro and Zjhaeve could read the scrolls. Sometimes I think it's silly when everyone can do anything, including pronounce "awo3i45u23opnjwc" correctly I didn't mind Jerro's entrance into the party either, but I believe that that was because I interpreted the significance of him doing the last ritual differently. I guess if they just made it mandatory that at some point against the KoS you had to use his ritual, it'd be okay. But they didn't. To be honest, I like it when some things are out of the player's control. I was happy that there was no way to save Shandra. Making all the events of the game completely deterministic by player actions is actually a negative for me. What I really love is when there's a choice, where if you make the choice to do one thing, the other option results in something bad happening. An example I remember is in the questions that Batlin raises to you in Ultima VII. He describes a situation where you, your mother, and your betrothed are all lost at sea, and you have the choice to either save your mother, or save your betrothed. Whatever choice you make, results in the death of the other. There's no way to save them both. I like stuff like that. I find it makes the game more emotional for me.
  23. Hey, Newfoundland just found huge oil reserves, so I wouldn't call them Canada's shame anymore.
  24. alanschu


    Hopefully we don't get too carried away and do something stupid though.
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