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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. This is a good point. A lot of new players freak out when the go to Character Selections screen (where the 'NEW' tab is selected by default) and don't see the heroes they have leveled up so far. True. It could be easier to understand for new players.
  2. Isn't that a very stylized 'D' rather than a 'P' (which would make sense because Peck)? Yep... It can be a D... Hard to say, but Sounds plausible!
  3. And yes, somebody would do it. I don't remember not so Many games that did not have save game editor...
  4. Maybe a separate quest mode gallery where you can see what cards Are what level in quest mode, like normal gallery in story mode.
  5. 1. The characters use very different development system in quest and story mode. So They Are not compatible. Real rules Also says that you can not gain save reward twice so it would mean that you could not get any upgrades to your character either in story mode or quest mode if you could move between them and that would not be fun at all, so no moving between two Gaming modes! 2. This is debatable yes. The Main reason is that this allows more options to sell more stufff to players and maybe make some money to make new adventures in the future. So the desision is mainly finansial. 3. This game need better tutorial and some ui redesign. So there is possibilities in this part. 4. There is already option to turn of some effects. Maybe it could have one option more to turn of everything. 5. In real rules you can only change your cards when you make a new character. It works in the same way in the digital game. Just do it before playing any scenarios! Just like in the real game. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzscb35nwtl30mb/Photo%207.5.2016%2023.28.41.png?dl=0 That big P Letterman in the low right corner, but better tutorial to this would be absolutely needed for new players! 6. This should be working just like in the real game, but there seems to be a bug in there. Also remember that you can not rebuild you deck in the higher levels. Only if you make a new character. Aka your character die and you make a new one. Or you have too few cards to build your deck. Also in the real rules.
  6. It is... The real question is how high... Steam or phones? New content or bug fixes? And so on. There Are so Many things that has to be done and Somehow be balanced. But if I have to ques. Phone support is quite high, next there will be new contents and some upgrades. Quest will get something new and some new content to sell. Then multiplatform and then some more content and then Steam and expanded multiplayer. But this is just wild quess ;-)
  7. It is the same in the original card, so it should be ok. (Ranger deck) https://www.dropbox.com/s/sbgbkv71y6w3msd/Photo%2021.6.2016%2015.09.06.jpg?dl=0 There Are some characters, that can use it, like Lonshot allready said. Here is one From the ranger deck https://www.dropbox.com/s/mm3w6kb5ci0lkwr/Photo%2021.6.2016%2015.14.43.jpg?dl=0
  8. It is... The full explanation can be found From Paizo forums.
  9. And if you don't end using all of your cards during the 30 rounds you Are wasting resources. With big party, big hand is quite essential. With small party smaller hand size is ok, but not always. See how Many cards you have left after scenarios.
  10. It is... Not sure if it should be though. Have seen it many times my self.
  11. Good question. My ques is that it is based on the highest level character, just because that would be the easiest way of doing it.
  12. One AD is almost the same as 10 levels. There are 6AD in story mode, so there will be level 6x im quest mode at least most propably level 70 in the upper limit, but that is just a ques based on that they don't offer extra content beyond AD6.
  13. No. No affect at this moment, but dev is cooking something. Yes. They Are there for giving player alternatives.
  14. There Are dev ansver to this in one or two old conversations.
  15. Try this http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qmqz?Rise-of-the-Runelords-We-Need-a-Snapshot-of#1 http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2r81m?Rise-of-the-Runelords-We-Need-A-Snapshot-of#1
  16. Within same platform, yes. Multiplatform is coming. I would Expect sometimes in the autumn.
  17. Check out that your google play is active and has the right user. There has been instances where the google play account has changed for some reason and that causes the "loss" of purhachess because They were bound to,another play account.
  18. Ccg move the goal constantly. New upgrade set regularly every two months. You can think these as separate expansions. But yep only digital media make it inscreasemental Style.
  19. Definitely hard to kill Little bugger ;-) I don't think that this has been confirmed to be fixed. That may mean that it is not ready to the next patch either, but Lets see. It is not as bad as it used to be though.
  20. Look this for info http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87180-beat-here-comes-the-flood-cant-continue/
  21. This... http://www.jukola.com/2016/en/ Old man is this time on 4. Leg. First I was put on the 2nd leg, but the first team needed some upgrades ;-) so I was pulled From the second team to the shorter leg. Weather is nice. Raining constantly and the Night will be dark. What else you can hope when going orienteering?
  22. Also there seems to be spesific pair interactions. Lem and Valeros will be different than Kyra and Valeros and so on... Impressive!
  23. It has reported to give power instead of card feat.
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