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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. These wild powers Are for hardcore gamers with good party. I personally even think that darkest Night is not the hardest power. I have had much more difficulties with other some other powers... Nice to have challenge ;-)
  2. Do you have too Many cards? And you can not drag them of, or you just have cards that you don't want to have? If it is later, it works as it supose to be. You can only chose cards in the Beginning of the game. Later you have to find those better cards and this way of getting rid of those you don't want or you have to go on location that allows banishing cards.
  3. ) the game hate you personally ;-) But, yeah, some power combinations Are just fighting against horrible odds. You did Great fight! I Salute you!
  4. So bought 30 chest and open one in each day ;-) I mean if there is calender based drop system. That would actually be cool, but I don't Expect that. Should we open google calc to see what is happening? Nah... Too much work.
  5. Press story icon, select the croup. Drag crahacter you want to the Group other out of the Group.
  6. Also remember that there is total of 20 character limit, so you may run out of character slots...
  7. the a adventure Path 4 should come out july, so I Expect the next patch then. Or was it at the end of this month. But somewhere around that time period.
  8. This one reasons I like to play this game over and ower with different characters. I like that Kyra teases Merciel to be good women, and how embarred Merciel is. "Don't mention this again"... You really start to see personalities. Mesa like!
  9. I have not seen so far, but it could be possible that They could be card rewards when gaining level. I am at level 29 so if there is it will be much higher. Look cards tens to be reasonable high trade items, so They would be very high in the boon pile in anyway. Maybe level 35-55 stuff...
  10. You have to take the last card. If Magga eats it, you can not proseed. It is a bug but you can counter it.
  11. If I am not wrong, They will add new cards to treasure 2020... There is not any reason them to stop produsing new treasure card to spesific day. So there will always be something new tomorrow. So it is like waiting that better gpu, next year there will be something new in anyway.
  12. Here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87238-wrong-reward-for-level-30/
  13. All cards that you don't accuire goes back to the vault, aka game box and may be found again later in the game. So yes.
  14. Try to close that play app. And restart it and log in in it and then try to start the pathfinder app... This play Center game Center thing should be in some video or something... I personally did shut it down and was really wondering why this pathfinder app does not work. And only thing was to restart and logging in that app... I only have it active because of this game, otherwice it would remain silent and not active...
  15. It is not bad, it just does not cower so Many aspect in this game that people think Are bugs, but Are instead features and UI related unexplained things. So tutorial, good, just make it, more complete!
  16. Was it season pass promo? Ok I stay corrected. Same as Poog and that fancy fire blessing. Nice cards those too ;-)
  17. It should look something like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6x2emunndxqgdv/Photo%209.6.2016%2021.52.00.png?dl=0
  18. Hmmm... Known issue. At this moment try to not roll those cards and just proseed to the next place. I have seen same in general store but only in HCtF. In other scenarios it has worked fine. You Are playing on phone. How much it has memory? Some errors seems to be related to too small memory in some devices.
  19. Horsechopper is a treasure card so it should not be seen in your gallery unless you find it. This game has bugs, but if you keep some prinsibles in mind at this moment you will be fine. - use only heroes of the same level in the party. It should be ok at this moment, but just to be sure. - don't kill your characters, it should be fixed at this moment, but just to be sure - if stuck, go to vault and come back. - if it does not help forfeit. With these I have done story mode B-3 three times with no real problems And quest mode up to level 29... So not bad at all for game that is not quite ready yet. There Are some scenarios where you have to follow certain procedures at this moment (I am watching you Here comes the Flood) but how to manage that has been well dokumented in these forums. Happy Gaming, and good paches!
  20. Ok, so it really seems to try to connect to you play account... So far so good. But it does not seem to get contact with the game server... How strictly secures your network is? In PC I would Expect firewall settings but in tablet... Harder to say.
  21. Look this tab https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v7cfsq8ho5lr5o/Photo%2026.5.2016%2014.55.14.png?dl=0
  22. Just don't close locations in here comes the Flood. You will met nastier bugs later... And those Are very high priority. But, yes this Also in some timetable.
  23. Yes. Sound mixer is always nice option in the games. I normally turn music to really low, keep ambient high and everything else at normal. So really good proposal, two thumbs up!
  24. Dafuq - 260 pages! Holy... It was not wrongly renamed rulemonster ;-)
  25. Sounds similar that Seelah bug where she can predict the next card... So there is similar code Path bug here.
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