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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Read the card very carefully. It works as it supose to work! )
  2. I have done this Many times. My facorite scenario. Also at all difficulty levels.
  3. Did you chose experienced characters?
  4. Not all, some Are marked uniques, but most of the cards can be replicated...
  5. Many thanks Kamikazi! So you drops seems to suggest 1 % legendary 10 % epic 25 % rare 64 % normal My own ques was way off! Nice round Numbers so so this may be actually quite near the truth! Many thanks again for the hard calculating!
  6. Good ques and because people like round Numbers it can be as simple as 1% legendary 10% Epic 25% rare Rest normal Most likely 75% Are normal and rest 25% is for the rest. So my competative ques is 1% legendary 4% epic 20% rare 75% normal...
  7. Yes, some cards have soft card limit ( no limit if you use it by combining parties ) and some cards have real limit.
  8. It is normal after this big update, so I Expect that They Expect to see a lot of bug reports! ;-) The dev team could easily use 3-5 more persons in this project, just for bug hunting. But They have to do what They can do with the resources They have and I think that They Are doing fine. I was expecting much longer delays, so They definitely use all the time They can to make new content and kill bugs at the same time. The small team is Also reason to that They have to priorisize bugs. What to fix first and what can wait later updates. They just have not enough manpower to do everything at the same time. Also it is easier to test if there Are less changes in the code at the same time. Next patch is a Little bit easier, because there is less new things in the next release. In this there was role cards, here comes the Flood scenario and Many more changes, so this has been less buggy than I expected. Good work!
  9. The trick is that you have to try to fail those boon accuire checks... Yes it is a bug, but you can win if you just lose to accuire any boons that cause banishing cards.
  10. It is somewhat random, yes, but after done one million "find the big boss and kill", this is good change in the game. One of my personal favorite scenarios, just because it is so different! The condition that you win and can not continue is a bug, that should be remedied though.
  11. In this list there Are 6 different cards found of 35. We have bought too few cards to actually tell that... Most propably all of them Are there.
  12. Hmm... Seems very similar as general store bug. Did the game locked or was it just craphical problem?
  13. Go vault, come back and push the forfeit button. Don't try to close general store at this moment in the Here Comes the Flood scenario. It seems to be bugged.
  14. So it seems to be about 3%-5% of the drops Are legendary or something like that. Has this been mentioned anywhere. I am not sure... Not bad at all. It will require a lot of chests to be sure that you get everything... There seems to be like 35 different legendary, so you have to get at least 700 chest to get 35 legendary card, maybe 1000... And if you get duplicates 3000-5000 chest could give you the whole set! Well, with my drop rate, make it 10000 chest at least ;-) That is not actually impossible at all. But I am not going go after them all... Too much work but definitely a lot of to do to those who like to play a lot! It Also means that in online games you can see cards that you have not seen before yourself, for a long time! Distribrution at this moment seems to be (if not counting wrong) Level - legendary cards B - 11 1 - 7 2 - 1 3 - 2 4 - 3 5 - 6 6 - 5
  15. Augyry now works everytime just like Scrying, but with easier recharge roll... So there definitely is a bug now... Just have to use it on somebodys elses turn... But a bug as it is at this moment, even though it can be abused.
  16. Update 3 Legendary mode, iPad Air2 Sajan, Seelal, Seon and Lini No problems in here comes the Flood. Did not close anything, dig get 10 allies and did win the scenario and it was marked done as Legendary mode. The last scenario was again real pain... Allmost everytime the was scenariopowers that caused bury card effect and trickers that D4 damage to everyone. Was really hoping not to see easy to accuire blessings... Blessing of god, my eyes Are fixed on you! You did destroy at least three runs for the wictory! Barrier that summons hensmans Are Also bad, but at least They Are not a bug and can be avoided via using augury and spy classes and similar items. Pack a lot of armours and damage preventing items when going against the last challenge in the legendary mode!
  17. Also the drunken Master can use weapon, so my money is an drunken Master. He gets 3 point damage resistance and that is huge if he Also get a ring of protektion, then that is 4-5... Also if you put + to constitution he can drink healing options as often as he likes.
  18. You get everything with 25$ There is actually an option to not use those treasure cards in this game because They don't belong it. So you indeed get the whole game with 25$ Think those treasure cards like postcards. You can collect them but you don't need them if you want to play this game as it was planned orinally. Yep, there is not much difference if you buy the game or play it free... I just don't want to grind so I am happy ovner of the whole game by buying that season pack/Bundle what ever. I have better things to do than crind to get basic cards that Are needed to play the game. So I would happily recommend buying the Bundle if you hate gold system. Is the free to play system too easy at this moment? Most propably, but the dev team in tinkering that too, so it may be more beneficial to be actual ovner of the game later. If people think that treasure cards Are problem, maybe They could include to the Bundle that everyone who buyes whole season pass, will get one legendary item for free / month or 6 times / year or something similar so there would be more difference of playing and not playing. Those legendary postcards Are really hard to farm so it would be really big boon to buy the whole game! But summasummarum: 25$ gives you whole game, all cards, all characters, and so on as it was originally sold as a tabletop game, plus all promo cards that you can not get in the free to play game version, so that is a good deal! Even at this moment...
  19. Legendary Are just rare drops. I have got one From over 60 chest, so it will take a couple of years to get enough cards to have all. No problem with that. They Are just extra that actually should not be in this game anyway!
  20. My three some is Valeros, Lini, Lem... All can cover good range of skills and two healers is good in small groups. An Valeros and Lem can help in big boss fights. Lini with animals can do anything she wants! All Are Also good at getting allies, so extra explores Are guite sure!
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