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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Interesting piece of armour ware in anyway!
  2. Was the game Center or play center Connection active?
  3. Sound a lot like scenario modifier, but I will keep my eyes on this in my games.
  4. Yes it is not the most important things to fix at this moment. The dev did chose the most popular bugs in this fix. Maybe in the next.
  5. This does not retroactively fix problems, it should prevent From new instances to happening.
  6. Does the forfeit work? If not take save file back up, reinstall the game and hope for the best. Seem a lot like situation where save file gets corrupted.
  7. In the meanwhile read the original rules: http://paizo.com/download/pathfinder/PZO6000-Rulebook.zip
  8. Yes, there definitely Are Many monsters that can not be beaten by using Magic!
  9. If it is ultra rare, it may take a while untill someone roll 10000 in d10000... Have to go some treasure hunting soon!
  10. Sound a lot like my Lini build. She is a Little powerhouse ;-)
  11. Possible yes, but it would mean one new game mode with its own rules and own programming Path. In English it means that it can be done, but it would eat a lot of time, that dev team at this moment is using bug hunting, making new content and making this game available in new platforms like PC, making multiplayer and so on. So it would definitely have downsides. But would the delay be one month, two month, three month to all that content I can not say. But maybe we will see extra content for 30$ where you can buy that Virtual Gaming box simulator. But I can not see this likely scenario, because when this would be ready (after whole Runelords saa has been made) most people have been going to play something else. But it is not impossible. Not sure though how Many people would be willing to pay extra to get this feature. Some would, definitely,muut not all.
  12. Not a bad idea. Not sure though that it would cause less or more confusion among players than the system now. It seems that you open one copy of spesific card in lower level and more of those in higher level. So there would be same card with different Numbers. Maybe leave those card level Numbers completely? They don't actually have very big difference in the quest mode in anyway. The deckbuilding after level 4 will be interesting though. What cards you Are allowed to use when rebuilding the deck...
  13. Yep, have had him in my decks Many times, but never keeped him longer than one scenario... His best part is that it is very easy to regruit him, so the best place to him is to be in the box ;-) not in your deck!
  14. That is Also true. They did say that They will release about 25 new treasure card in patch 1.03 and that is more than is missing at this moment compared to you list. Maybe some or all of those Are in that list.
  15. you can see card that Are above you in quest mode, you can Also not see cards that Are below you in quest mode. It has its own boon and banes tables that Are separate to normal distribution. So no bug, just rebalancing card powers.
  16. Most propably you have to wait a long time, because They add new treasure cards with each new adventure deck release. Maybe Obsodian will release new treasure cards even after adventure pack 6 has been released... I can not see why They would stop releasing new cards to treasure chests as long as They keep on selling this product, so that there will always be a posibility to find something new. So we may get new adventure deck cards year 2025 if we Are lucky and this game keeps on going!
  17. The most common reason of not having progress is that you don't have game Center or play Center account activated.
  18. Yes you can "cheat" by combining different croups. That is because each party has its own vault aka box, so you actually combine cards From different boxes when combining parties. But not sure how this could happen in quest mode... But quest mode rules Are somewhat different than is story mode in anyway, so vault can be quite different in quest mode in anyway. Maybe we will one day get a faq how wault actually works in quest mode. It could be entertaining!
  19. It's kind of Magic! Maybe someone has invented impropability motor! ;-)
  20. Yep. Seen the same. Not sure if it is a bug or feature...
  21. Sounds like reinstall spell is your only hope... Those too should be completely separate because of different development system. Interesting that you still was able to play at all!
  22. Number is the level of the character. (Much like character level in rpg games) My characters Are now level 29 so They have Number 29 near them. You can look completion From the character view to look what happens in each level. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v7cfsq8ho5lr5o/Photo%2026.5.2016%2014.55.14.png?dl=0 You can scroll down and see all rewards that character can get an has got so far.
  23. Don't worry. Most propably last minute bugs. This next release is huge, because it includes so Many new features among the bug fixes! It can happen. If not in this this week, then maybe in the next.
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