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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. All cards 2020 or later? You open those chest when you want and Also knowing that there may be no limit how long time there will be new cards added Little by Little. Of course you can wait, but my plan is open X chest after each upgrade or patch. Or I will newer open those chests because there always be new card released in few Monthts or something. These chest Are nice Little feature to those who allready have everything. It is no good to try to hunt all them down, because it is impossible to do it and Also it is unnesessary. They Are not needed to play this game as it has been designed to be played. There is even option to leave them of, if you want to play the game in its original Form. *grunt* The chest system is working just fine at this moment IMHO. It is random and it will newer have all card included untill this game dies out or stop getting upgrades by Obsidian. So my advises to those who want to be sure that "all" card Are added to the gallery is to wait 2030. I supose that by then every card is in the game... Maybe... If this will be very popular maybe we will get new cards in 2031! Or even later and that would be Great! It would mean that this fun Little game game has puliveivaukseen over 15 years and would still be popular enough that it would be worth of making a new content! I just can dream on ;-)
  2. Sound a lot like the Bug where you win, bug because Magga eats the last card it does not register as a win in the system. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87474-here-comes-the-flood-won-but-cant-proceed/ And this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87180-beat-here-comes-the-flood-cant-continue/
  3. Paizo originally http://paizo.com/products/btpy914x
  4. Most likely every new adventure Path set will add new cards to the collection, just like new ccg set... I would not be surprised that They add new cards to Th set even after ad6 if needed. So that there is always cards that you don't allready have. It is normal way of releasing ccg content.
  5. Noup... It is quite fast in this digital version. I have now 3 different croups that have done all available scenarios in Legendary mode, so it does not take a long time, but it still would be nice to know why that locking is happening, so that it can be remedied or be avoided.
  6. It should not light up if you have spells. If game allowed card exhance between games before the patch, then it was a bug in that time. If you want to get rid of them, give those spells to characters that don't know how to use them, so They will get banished. Also go to the locations that forses banishing a card a get rid of other cards you don't want to have there. After that you should have too few cards and the game allows you to pick up replasements From the wault. Just don't get anything during the game that you don't want to have after the "cleaning up the decks" scenario.
  7. June... https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzfgoanihty2pqh/Photo%2016.6.2016%2011.55.28.png?dl=0
  8. Yes, that advises that if you get no usefull cards to your hand during adventure, and discard them at the end of your turn is very usefull! Some cards just don't help you in the task ahead of you.
  9. Have you completely closed the app in the older device? I don't know if the party is Locked, if it is open in other device, but it would be wice if it would be so because it would cause terrible damage if the same party could be open in multible devices at the same time...
  10. The taking damage is the same phase as trying the combat check, so only one armour is allowed.
  11. Thank you. Some great advise, I tried to use it but am still failing. Deck building - there is big P icon, but you have to use it before playing any game so immediately after you make new part, look for that big P symbol https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzscb35nwtl30mb/Photo%207.5.2016%2023.28.41.png?dl=0 There Are Many tabs for different card types. Just check the character and right card type and you can modify the deck https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dl4elmuwoza4lm/Photo%207.5.2016%2023.29.07.png?dl=0 Scouting cards: Augury Spying class And some others.
  12. This is actually very easy game to win so you definitely has some wrong strategy in there. When starting a new party - remake your character decks (put in cures, big size / Many dice weapons and good armour suitable to character. Also remember if the character is proficient or not!) - use a balanced croup (normally 3 to 4, with diverce skills that Are usefull in closing locations) - use character in right locations: a location that They can close - use blessings with all possible characters when meeting Villains and hensmans and when tryin to close the location - read and use your powers! - replay scenarios to improve your decks. - don't be Afraid to discard cards to explore again (just have healing in just case) - use scouting powers and cards to find monster and hensmans early enough and arrange decks so that the character with best skills will encounter important cards. - don't Waste good cards for not important checks. - discard useless cards at the end of your turn, but remember that cards Are your life, so some consideration is needed. Some links that may be usefull: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87235-best-two-characters-to-pair-with-kyra-and-merisiel-but-are-also-a-good-duo-themselves/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86321-newbie-asking-for-help-on-cards-and-deckbuilding/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86805-best-party-discussion/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86431-comprehensive-video-explanation-of-the-rules/ Deck building at 12min in the above vide, just press the P-icon. The follow who did this video is just "hyperactive" and make that click very quicly ;-) but explain the Main deck building part very well. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87093-discard-and-recharge-often/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87553-upping-the-game-tips-and-strategy-to-play-larger-parties-in-higher-difficulty/
  13. May be the amounth of backround programs. In older device the system memory may be in very critical level. It other threats Many player has been guite sure that They Are running out of memory in Many situations. Smaller groups have been easier to handle and there has been less crashdowns with smaller amount of heroes in the croup.
  14. And that the plan implementation is different than in tabletop version...
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