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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Bing! Bing! Bing! We have a winner folks!
  2. No. Unlikely, yes. Impossible, no.
  3. I'm wishing that my girlfriend was here and not stuck at her parents' house - but at least we have Skype so that's something. Long distance relationships can be hard, but it's worth it so I'm not too unhappy (just missing her).
  4. It looks like it's time to bring back this classic thread...
  5. No, although the GoG version does support these things (there's guides on their forums to help with this).
  6. And there goes some money to Steam for gift copies...
  7. Work, sleep, and more work. Although the weekend should be fun as I've got a Buffy game tomorrow and AD&D on Sunday (next weekend also promises to be fun, although I'm not entirely looking forward to having dinner/going to something with the not-yet-but-likely-to-be-inlaws, still there's before and after that to look forward to).
  8. I prefer Judge or Storyteller to GM/DM.
  9. They're going to mail-out new coupons for those who took the study and did not get a chance to redeem it.
  10. I'll be playing AD&D next weekend (as well as the Buffy RPG the day before - although that's newer).
  11. I thought about asking people how it was. But everyone's busy with XCOM. So far it's been good (although I've only gotten through the opening act).
  12. I've seen plenty of Let's Plays that are written in that style, in fact some of my favorites are done in this manner. Sure, you can do a video but just because you don't doesn't make it not a Let's Play.
  13. I hope that you are living up to your name and this the above is an attempt at trolling, otherwise I feel very sorry for you. It also seems, as some people have pointed out, that some of the most loyal fans of the project are also fans of pen-and-paper gaming - an inherently social activity.
  14. Honestly, while I understand why they're not including it, I would have liked to see a co-op option for the game. But then, as someone who tries to play games co-op as often as I can given that my significant other loves the same type of games I do and is often, although she wouldn't admit it, better at them than I am, I'm not an unbiased source.
  15. It's buggy but can work. For those interested in trying it out, take a look at this thread at GoG for ideas on how to make it work (plus there's, in theory, a mod that brings the single-player game to multiplayer).
  16. I shall have to pick one of those up at some point... Although, sigh, I do wish that I could get Jane's USAF working on a modern OS (I'd prefer not to have to emulate a whole OS just for one game - plus it's annoying that it doesn't work).
  17. How about there not be any of the above? That sounds alot better to me...
  18. Well, I pre-ordered and am pre-installing now. Hopefully it turns out to be worth it.
  19. I doubt it, but even if it was I doubt that anyone would care. GoG is a mighty awesome service and well-liked 'round these parts.
  20. You'd be better off with a Nexus 7 or the like. What's the difference? I was just inclined to go for the larger screen. I prefer the Android OS to IOS and, also, it's extremely easy to work on/repair if things go badly while the iPads are, literally, glued together and made to be as hard as possible to repair. Plus it's much cheaper.
  21. You'd be better off with a Nexus 7 or the like.
  22. Be glad that you've never heard of a LARP called Strange Aeons - their 'rules' make even the worst look good by comparison. EDIT: I added a link so people know what to avoid, and no, even though they say they're based on White Wolf, they could not be further from Mind's Eye Theater (having bastardized the rules beyond recognition).
  23. If you've not tried them, The Witcher and The Witcher II sound like games you'd like.
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