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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. There was a recent re-release for retail stores so you might be able to find it, as Tale said, in Best Buy, Target. Walmart, etc.
  2. Legally? Not that I've heard of.
  3. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Glitches http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_bugs
  4. As far as I can tell all the screenshots are from the final version of the game.
  5. I'm going to have to pick up a copy and gift a few others to friends.
  6. I highly doubt it (although you can also try the demo and see).
  7. Laptop, Desktop, and maybe another Laptop. Also, given my experience with trying to get my Desktop de-authorized for Crysis: Warhead, I'd not trust Securom to give activations back (making it a one-shot game). Add into that the fact that I'll likely be changing hardware -GPU-, something that triggers a 'you have a new computer' message, in the Desktop and I'm just not willing to spend money for something that I'll likely be locked out of in the future.
  8. One is worse than the other. Steam is not something I like but I will pick up some Steam-exclusive games and buy things on sale that I would not be able to find a hard-copy of and are not available on sites such as GoG. Securom's DRM, on the other hand, offers no benefits, no matter how slight, and has only negatives.
  9. Alice: The Madness Returns - so far it's been worth my day-one buy.
  10. I would give it a try except that it's using 3-machine limit Securom DRM in addition to Steam. If I'm already using one DRM system I don't like very much I'd rather not toss another one on top of that.
  11. No... Don't waste your money on that.
  12. Genesis - The Lamia
  13. Can you get them without another player or do you need to play with someone?
  14. I'm almost finished setting-up my new laptop -just need to install Word 2010 once it gets here-, got a m14x for the Fall as I was out a laptop and likely getting rid of my desktop in the Fall, and it's been good so far.
  15. It sounds like Steam's DRM is being annoying once again. The best plan to to file a support ticket and wait for Valve to get back to you.
  16. I picked up Alpha Centauri on GoG and have been dumping hours into that, it's a shame that they didn't keep updating it.
  17. Also, sometimes you have to hit 'refresh' for the updated avatar to show up.
  18. Went to a friend's birthday party and played AD&D for about seven hours before heading out - have a date with her on Tuesday so hopefully that goes well, if nothing else we can resort to talking about the three games we're in if things get too awkward (Vampire: The Masquerade -mine-, Wraith: The Oblivion -another friend's-, and AD&D -hers-).
  19. How do you know that's not the case? Where is your proof?
  20. R00fles! If an engine made a game good or bad then we'd only have one great one, correct?
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