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Everything posted by Gs11

  1. so that above in this thread was wrong? Flame of Devotion and 50% fire bonus doesn't work as lash fire dmg, just like elemental damage and bonus from talent(Scion of Flame) actually works
  2. When I've loooked at that issue in this way, I have to agree, it seems to be more reliable. Thanks for Your point of view.
  3. last confirmation: talents givinig elemental damage bonus(like scionf of flame) don't affect secondary=lash? from weapon yup? so no point to use sword with secondary/lash fire damage and take scionf of flame talent?
  4. ok it would explain item bonus but still I would prefer system where elemental attacks target opponent elemental DR only when elmental DR is higher than base DR. It would be more fair. In this situation armors with low elemental DR are pretty crap, we can boost enchantment elemental DR ofc but not all of them and it's only +3 DR which could be not enough to overrun base DR. So it's better to have armor with high base DR than armor with lots of kind low elemental DR.
  5. items with DR bonus with reference to Armor Cloak of Minor Missiles: add 5 fire/shock DR bonus ( and minor missiles ofc, but it's not the point) Pallegina's armor base DR:10 Shock DR;none http://imgur.com/z7pHc09 so when I give her cloak Shock DD suddelny get boost to 15- seems 10 base DR + 5 DR Shock from cloak= giving overall 15 ShockDR when I take a look at another armor, which for exempale has 3 Shock DR and mixed with Cloak result is: 3 DR Shock from armor+5 DR Shock from cloak= 8 DR Reduction Conclusion : better to have armor with no elemental DR, when we gonne equip some item with these bonus elemental DR-just greater boost compared to the armor with some elemental DR. DR mechanic character 1 :armor base 10 DR, without Shock DR and chracter 2: base armor 10 DR, Shock 6DR i.e wizz attacks from shock spell 15 dmg: character 1 incoming damage is calculated like: 15 Shock DMG - 10 DR=5 DMG taken character 2 incoming damage: 15 Shock DMG - 6 Shock DR=9 DMG taken Conlusion: either we have elemental DR higher than base DR Armor or neither elemental DR when lower than base DR. The rule seems to be that elemental attack targets opponent elemental DR or just base DR of armor , when oponnent haven't this specific elemental DR. I would prefer system where elemental attacks target opponent elemental DR only when elmental DR is higher than base DR. It would be more fair. In this situation armor with low elemental DR are pretty crap, we can boost enchantment elemental DR ofc but not all of them and it's only +3 DR which could be not enough to overrun base DR. Or it's a bug ?which woudn't be unexpected ;p pls check and response how You see this this way of mechanic DR and Armor
  6. Same problem as always after so manny posts... Conclusion: lash enchantment ignore DR or NOT? Does type of lash matter? Or just put any lash on weapon and it always be just pure 25% dmg?
  7. I didn't precise my question about weapon for palladins before, I had in mind POTD difficulty. How about survivability for Palladin as main TANK, WITHOUT SHIELD and no other strictly tank in party squad on POTD? Beside palladins, I supposed that every main(not off tank ofc) tank should have shield otherwise is hard perform on POTD?
  8. Weapon matters for tankish palladin at all? I assume we work with 1-handed+shield, so stiletto for 1 engagement or hatchet for deflection? What's Your suggestions?
  9. thanks but still don't know how to understand that: another test: Sagani is using Wounding Shot: primary 20+ 25,4 DoT= 45,4 .......however target(Korgan on screen) had 131 Endurance, after Sagani's shoot it was 71, so 131-71= 60 loss... conclusion : 45,4< 60, where is missing 14,6 dmg output from Sagani's shoot screen:http://imgur.com/4HiKUcl
  10. Animation problem with Ranger's modal Penetrating Shot/Vicious Aim( probably the same with Swift Aim, not checked). When these skill are just granted or character is rejoined to the party, animation works and being visible. But after loading a save game , animation turns off herself, with companion we can dismiss/rejoin to solve the problem, but with the main character we can only respec. I believe IIRC it was already in previously versions of the game. http://imgur.com/GFJgHhx
  11. I have Ranger with 79 accuracy. When using Wounding Shot, combat log shows 3 x hits/grazes or crit, ofc its' variable.So I got combat log like this: -(Wounding Shot) hits "name" for "number dmg with 79 accuracy -(Wounding Shot) hits"name"(hobbled for "number" sec) but WITH 85 accuracy Question is: where this 6 additional accuracy comes from? It's like spells and have own additional accuracy bonus? just noticed, that in the skill Wounding Shot desc there are 2 numbers of accuracy: 79( which i guess is my base accuracy) and 81-don't know how it came from, in combat log it's 85 http://imgur.com/Ba2DAu4 another thing: is it possible, that primaracy attack from Wounding = 57 dmg and DoT is 70,5 raw damage over 5.9, when skill desc says only 100% form primary attack? or somewhat bug? screen:http://imgur.com/HCvvYie another test: Sagani is using Wounding Shot: primary 20+ 25,4 DoT= 45,4 .......however target(Korgan on screen) had 131 Endurance, after Sagani's shoot it was 71, so 131-71= 60 loss... conclusion : 45,4< 60, where is missing 16,4 dmg output from Sagani's shoot screen:http://imgur.com/4HiKUcl
  12. I tried to remove/add graceful retreat via consol command... but even in that way problem can't be solved.... nothing happened.. can't remove gracefull via console some serious bug I guess
  13. Is there any known mod or method , which would allow to change weapon view? for example : palladin with hatchet , which would look like one-handed sword.
  14. Why in Your uploaded image at http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/91/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fpillarsofeternity%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D91%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3220229&pUp=1, Rapid Recovery shows 53% and in my personal game tooltip says 33%? Might shoud't affect on reduced amount of endurance with % formula right? Or maybe it's caused by the INT stast and duration , so finally % score will be 53<33? Another thing: patch says 3% about Constant Recovery: My Char : 146 Endurance -4,38 as 3%,sth is not wright :http://imgur.com/fVg0PDZ dherve10, on 15 Sept 2015 - 6:59 PM, said: gkathellar said @dherve10 How does this % formula work in Your opinion as author of the mod, doesn't seem to be OP?
  15. i trust You... just strange that coudn't find info about this anywhere... seems pretty important information for chanter, though... I've already even checked manual from the game ;p
  16. @gkathellar You meant this could be OP with high amount of endurance gaining by items? @dherve10 How does this % formula work in Your opinion as author of the mod, doesn't seem to be OP?
  17. It will only count up to the number of phrases that your highest level invocation requires. So if you got six phrases on a high-level chanter, you could indeed use two low-level invocations back to back. thx a lot finally somebody answered it, coudn't find info before.. from curiosity ....could You give me a link to source ?
  18. Again... is there maximum number of completed phrases in signle battle , which give chanter opportunity to use i.e two invocations one after another( like +3 required phrase invocation +3 required phrase invocation?
  19. So it is NOT normal and intended effect, that chanter can only finish 4 phrase and stuck? Can You check a chanter in Your game? I would appreciate.
  20. I'm not sure about Dangerous Implement's improve damage for Blights as as well. Dont really see this 25% in 2.02 comparing with/without Implement. Maybe I'm wrong and still Implement works with Kalakoht's Minor Blights , but hard to tell with opinion based on combat log and RNG accuracy value and output dmg. edit: tested in the easiest way,caster 's healt/endurance reduces with Impement trigger turned on , so Implement still works with Blights in 2.02 Blast seems to works also. but not 100% sure
  21. as for me, don't see any additional dmg output with Dangerous implemet or without for Kalakoht's MInor Blights in 2.01./2.02
  22. From what I see, You have high lvl wizard, so maybe later on the game blast get buffed more and more. My lvl 6 doesn't hit so big AoE. Need to test it. And another thing, it seems Dangerous Implement no longer affect Kalakoht's MInor Blights. dont really see this 25% in 2.02 comparing with/without Implement. Dont know if in the previous version Kalakoht's MInor Blights damage in desription tooltip changed after activation Dangerous Implement? Maybe I'm wrong and still Implement works with Kalakoht's MInor Blights , but hard to tell with opinion based on combat log and RNG accuracy value and output dmg. How in Your cases?
  23. Correct me if I'm wrong but: in fact Blast with Kalakoth's Minor Blights it's not best option. Blast replaces Kalakoth's Minor Blights's AoE, and dmg form Blast(crush) is much weaker than AoE from Kalakoth's Minor Blights. so IMHO blast it's a just waste when we combined it with Kalakoth's Minor Blights at least in 2.02 , dont know how was it before ps. unless we're playing for intteruption build, in this case blast would be nice for more targets and more intterputs from normal attack
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