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Everything posted by theBalthazar

  1. It is a good choice. If you want total choice, go with a full custom. Companions is more RP side. So this is logical to limit the WTF side.
  2. Already my favorite subclass. +1 wound every 3s + Alchemy boost. Better than the huge malus of helwalker. Shattered pillar is limited because of 5 max wounds. And if iron wheel and turning wheel appear after level 10 = end of shattared pillar
  3. Potentially the key of the game. Potions + Poisons...
  4. 11 alchemy : Potion of relentless striking +61% action speed +42 % damage : p
  5. January - February - March - April = Q1 31 april 2018 is the maximum release date, except if there is an adjournement.
  6. Date of release should be 31 march 2018 ? It is not february because it would have been already announced. If it is true : perhaps again 2 versions of the beta maximum ? So the next version of the beta should give us a better idea of ​​what the final product will be.
  7. I understand the point of view. Me too, personnally, I have the impression that each new patch added back pedaling, sometimes. But this is not a triple A. If Obsidian knows how to organize, they will learn from their mistakes since POE1. Better organize for bug fixes, and to prevent old bugs from re-appearing. It's about the success of the game, partly. An RPG like this brings a lot of problems for 2 reasons: - Dialogue quests, with multiple branches. - Numerals and still conditional numerical values. Which promotes the appearance of bugs. With multiclass the problem is even worse. But you have to trust Obsidian, they are supposed to better control their tools now. And Pillars is the only heir to serious DnD games. Original Sin is somthing else. (Turn by turn)
  8. J'espère bien, on est tous de bon conseil : p J'essaye de penser à la fois aux hardcores gamers et aux novices. Pour que tout le monde y trouve son compte à la fin. En tout cas j'ai hâte de tester le jeu final !
  9. Combo of all of this : Two Handed Normal accuracy Two Handed FULL ATTACK Maximum damages Penetration +2 __________________ Two Weapons Normal Accuracy on main hand / Accuracy -12 on offhand. Two Weapons FULL ATTACK Two successives attacks. ___________________ One Handed Accuracy +12 One Handed FULL ATTACK Maximum damages +10 accuracy ___________________ Abilities of Fighter Two Handed Style +20 % damages Two Weapons Style +10 % of speed attack Cancel the malus of offhand One handed Style +15 % graze to hit. +15 % hit to crit. _______________ Side notes : - Andreacolombo should be happy : With a fighter DW only a nerf of 10 %. Dont forget with a multiclass level 9, impossible to reach the armor recovery reduction (20 %). So, if you like actually this speed with Fighter, you will find him again, soon enough. (+20 % on your actual feel = extremely fast, more than now. Absolute gain = 10 %) - Malus of -12 is easy to remember it. A reverse of +12 of one handed. - Actual bonus speed of +50 % with Dual wieilding don't move... - One handed style is now a good option with fighter. With disciplined strike 65 % of hit to crit = not bad.
  10. I have a another idea. A flash. FULL ATTACK 2H - Penetration + 2 - Maximum damage ! What do you think of that ? E.g. 15 - 23 - Estoc. Total Penetration 12 Full attack = Always 23 damages. Penetration 14.
  11. It is not long but 80 % of the interrest of this ability is gone : p stay 4 burn damage per 3 seconds : p Not really crazy except for defensive team (and even... I'm not sure two abilities point (base+upgrade) worth it)
  12. Theorically 31 March 2018 + If Obsidian wants to sell games. They must increase the the sensation of speed. Main argument of those who do not like this type of game. That's why casters are an heresy right now. I was playing in slow mode, and I did well at the new pace.
  13. POE1 God tiers Druid Wizard Priest High tiers Barbarian (with the per encounter of heart of fury) Ranger Mid tiers Monk Cipher Rogue Chanter Barbarian (before heart of the fury per encounter) Trash tiers Paladin Fighter So globally, mono-target, without others possibilities. Now in POE2 the predominance (=more effective) for a solo target for these two classes is totally normal. That's why disciplines strike and flames of devotion are not too powerful. You have only one target, it is totally normal whether it is like this.
  14. Yes, but If I am a novice, a child of 3 years, and not an hardcore player of POE1 and 2, and I take these 2 talents : totally useless. There is absolutely no advantages to have theses two abilities together. It removes a big option from this combo. It be indicate on the description of the ability. Like : "Not compatible with x." But there is no trace of this for now, and I think this will be an over-justification of a bad system. Like : "Look a this, few multiclasses have special nerf, Look elsewhere, this combo Paladin+Ranger has fewer options."
  15. Doesn't stack. In the log, only one of them seems to appear. If it is not intended = bug. If it is intended, problem : Paladin + Ranger lose interest. Flame of devotion cannot be used in a same time than wounding shot. (Until here, it is normal, obviously) but : mark of the prey and sworn ennemy doesn't works together. Seems to be a bad build. So, I think this is a bug. ------------------------------------ PS : There a big problem with Marked prey, far from me the idea to request a nerf, but : Same damages and accuracy bonuses. Sworn rival (upgrade) : 10m. Only Paladin can use it. Must be cast each time (Loss of time, more worry) Marked for the hunt (upgrade) : 20m. Ranger and pet can benefit of it. Auto jump target in target.
  16. There is already a side effect of slow learn. Single class learn faster than multiclasses...
  17. Perhaps Obsidian fear what they did in Tyranny. A high reduction of recovery. Who creates a 2H very OP. But here, nothing like this exist. (except for barbarian and barbaric blow if the ennemy is killed) So, there is no risk.
  18. Don't forget that in POE1, Paladin was one of the worse class of the game. Now he is at his right place. Create versatile possibilities with a melee is an obligation.
  19. I will take only that I want comment. True. Always the same idea : bring something crisp to the story: yes. If it's just text for the text (sometimes the case with Obsidian) = no. Obsidian want to accelerate to boost the fighting. At the same time, he also wants to make them more tactical (so the problem may be there, more than the combat speed) It is not really tactical. I love Fire Emblem, there is nothing of tactical in POE2 atm. True, if there is refound, it is good effect. And there is the other possiblity. Normally, You should must have a greater effect when there is no refound (definitive loss). Effect ? 4 burn damages all 3s. LEL. : p At least it allows to choose quickly between two possiblities : p (Sworn rival !!) Indeed, casters are awful. Or 1H 2H are too weak. But globally I agree. True, passives of few classes are ludicrous. (Druid ? 5 passives. Wizard/priest ? 0 passives) And globally often the right choices are visible, and there are NO few other good choices on the same level. So we always take the same thing, it's true. (Strangely worst than POE1. No doubt because of limited passives...) Obsidian wants powerful and long spell. Problem : Obsidian took spells from POE1, applied a nerf, and increase the cast time+recovery. So the "powerful" side is visibly not obvious : p Agree. Modals are lunar. It is a 50-50 with crazy amount, all or nothing. Often not useful. A better approach would have been a 65 % positive effect / 35 % negative effect. Or differents levels of modals during the game : (Rapier exemple) Level 1 : 50-50 +100 % recovery / 20 accuracy Level 5 : 55-45 +90 % recovery / 20 accuracy Level 10 : 60-40 +80 % recovery / 20 accuracy Level 15 : 65-35 +70 % recovery / 20 accuracy Level 20 : 70-30 +50 % recovery / 20 accuracy With a choice each time...
  20. Yes and ?... That's what I say... 2h > 1h > Dual wielding : p
  21. 1) Two weapons with two bonuses. Especially since I found that POE2 will surely be more generous for unique items. 2) Bottleneck effect with near death foes. The less damage you do, the faster you do it, the less wasted. 3) And after, between single and two handed, and well two handed is longer, so deserves to be higher.
  22. With more bonus on dual wielding (two items) + More bottleneck effect for two handed weapons, Should be : Two handed weapons 9.54 dps Single wielding Sabre 9 dps Single wielding fast 8.7 dps Single wielding slow 8.6 dps Single wielding spear 8.5 dps Single wielding fast accurate 8.3 dps Dualwielding accurate fast weapons 8.2 dps Dualwielding Sabres 8.1 dps Dualwielding fast weapons 8.0 dps Dualwielding spears 8.0 dps Dualwielding slow 7.95 dps Fast accurate with shield 5.72 dps Sabre with shield 5.35 dps Fast with shield 5.2 dps Spear with shield 4.76 dps Slow with shield 4.73 dps I think there is a bug, in the description there is **missingsomething** value "20" That's why I was thinking 20 = 20 accuracy. And the effect is not applied. When it was outrageously buggy, I pretended it was working. When it was perhaps buggy, I mentioned it. (because in this case, I am not sure that it will be corrected) Here in the case of Tactical Meld, I am sure that it will be corrected.
  23. The description say : (Shared Flames) Nearby allies receive a smaller version of the flames' effect. So, the effect supposed to disappear after one hit ? Where did you see that Max ?
  24. I also think in this situation, balancing is difficult. Multiclass is extremeley difficult to balance. Multiclass with multiples associations of two classes AND multiclasses VS single class. Finally, Without saying that we can not yet nerf, We avoided a faulty system like NWN2. That's not bad. NWN2, where many classes were failing and little could be done to solve the problem. Here There is still some leverage to maneuver.
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