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Everything posted by theBalthazar

  1. When Pillars 2 have more low FPS than Witcher 3, and more loading time. It is ... insane : p
  2. Yes only against bosses. After what I think all the afflictions must stack. If not, create a "box with effects" named affliction have no sense. Flanked is a different affliction than blinded (affliction perception level 3) The malus of confounding blind seems to be an upgrade of this affliction, so this is strange... EDIT : Yes, the idea of progressive increasing is good. Like start slow, and growth stronger : Hit 1 : -1 deflection (Stack) Hit 2 : -2 deflection (Stack) Hit 3 : -3 deflection (Stack) Hit 4 : -4 deflection Hit 5 : -5 deflection Hit 6 : -5 deflection Hit 7 : -5 deflection Hit 8 MAX : -5 deflection Total : -30 deflection in 8 hits. Actually : Hit 1 : -3 deflection (Not stack) Hit 2 : -3 deflection (Not stack) Hit 3 : -3 deflection (Not stack) Hit 4 : -3 deflection Hit 5 : -3 deflection Hit 5 : -3 deflection Hit 6 : -3 deflection Hit 7 : -3 deflection Hit 8 : -3 deflection Hit 9 : -3 deflection Hit 10 MAX : -3 deflection Total : -30 deflection in 10 hits.
  3. Hello, I have found a semi-bug. There is a malus of 3 of deflection when the target is blinded. (With confounding blind) But there is already a problem : Flanked give -10 deflection. (Flanked is a PART of blinded) So this additive -3 is always supressed until -12 (4 hits). Except that an affliction (or an inspiration) is a complete "box". If you have thing inside, it is not possible to have a conflict of suppression. MORE^^, 95 % of the fights of the game, I never seen this effect activated. Why ? Because in 4 hits (to exceed 10), all ennemies are already die. And in fact, after 9, you have only 12, 15, so what a max of -5 after 5 hits !? And only for 15s. So in fact i'm not sure the bonus appear to increase more than that. We hardly benefit. More, in fact, I spend ONE ability point, to have no differences the 4 first hit ? More again, all the effects of active-attacks (FoD accuracy/damages etc.) give a true stackable bonus. Not the case here. Clearly, need to stack with the rest, even with a nerf at 2 ! (3 hits : -6 deflection) If not, increase the value at 4 (With a max of 7 ; 4x7 =28), at least, to exceed more quickly the supression. Because actually, this upgrade (confounding blind) is totally useless.
  4. Frankly, +75 % is not as much as others configurations... For exemple, 25 % additive and multiplicative do much more than +75%. So I think Obsidian can up to 75 %, mostly with 2 ressources. If not, I always prefer the very good confounding blind. (= +25 % + 2 afflictions + stack malus of deflection) = 2 ressources. Far more interresting. +25 % additive is nothing for a rogue.
  5. Pillars 3 is needed to end the story of Watchers and kill 2-3 gods in a final epic and battle. If the money is needed : same recipe = Fig. Like that, Obsidian can found money before start the project. But imo, Microsoft can also do the job... (And add a better QA testers)
  6. Obsidian : You underestimate my power. You can't touch me when I flight. Balthazar : Don't try it. https://youtu.be/8631ukAVr6g?t=155
  7. Hello, 1) Mob stance is related to engagement ? but it is not clear at all. 2) If not, there is a bug, I am "near" two ennemies and I have only 5 %. ("Each Nearby ennemy" tell the description) Theorically, the system seems to work when I ENGAGE an ennemy or ennemies who engage me, or only nearby presence ? Not clear at all.
  8. Hello, I add a video to explain even more the problem : _______________________ At 0:17+, Aterro, a Wizard - Fighter hit and miss because of Knock up of Thanys Rae, more he lose his point because he started the action. There is no "test" (Miss, Graze, Hit, Crit), because the target is not "here"...(knock up) _______________________ At 0:41+, Thanys Rae, a chanter - Fighter, hit a target. Aterro cancel immediatly my last order... _______________________ At 1:00+, It is the opposite situation. Aterro hit, Thanys rae cancel the order.... _______________________ At 1:12+, Thanys hit, Aterro cancel. In short : If I give 5 orders, each time, 1 execution and 4 cancel (if it is a single target ability AND on the same target) Voila !...
  9. Hello guys, It is not a really a bug. But a near-bug since 1.0. There is a delay when an ennemy is KNOCK UP. During this delay, the ennemy becoming untargettable. (red circle disapear and reappear few seconds after) All the orders of others companions are cancelled because during a brief moment = no presence. It is pretty annoying. I tell you this because I have recently created a team with a lot of Fighter and Mule kick. And each micro cancelled add a lot of new micro for each action cancelled. Eg : 1. Mule kick 2. Mule kick 3. Flame of devotion 4. Flame of devotion 5. Mule kick The character ONE (1) will touch. Ok. Because it is Mule kick (and knock up more exactly) Characters 2, 3, 4, 5 will have cancelled orders. (It is like Knock up make a target invisible for few seconds) Ok... So I must give them orders again. (Micromanagement +++++) You see ?^^ It's so annoying, that the best strategy with a lot of 'knock up" in this kind of case, is to give a different target to everyone, to avoid crossing attacks! More ! Sometimes with a bad luck, the action of OTHERS members of the team occurs just DURING the knock up^^ and here, there is no effect at all (doing in the wind like we said in french). So... The solution ? Make targetable/damaging the ennemy even during the "knock up" animation. There is no RP reason to make a target less accessible during this moment. On the contrary, it is the moment when he is the most vulnerable.
  10. I created again a Bleak walker + Assassin in a different game. Same result. No trace of backstab. Save for tests : https://ufile.io/cldq9 Protocol : 1) Shadowing beyond. 2) Use FoD on the ogre pirate. Normally no +100 % damage of the backstab. I have tried with other abilities than FoD, the bonus is HERE and WORKS ... So my conclusion : I think there is a problem with Flame of Devotion + Shadowing beyond + Backstab. I don't know why. FoD + Natural Stealth = BACKSTAB FoD + Smoke Veil = BACKSTAB FoD + Shadowing beyond = NOTHING Confounding Blind + Natural Stealth = BACKSTAB Confounding Blind + Smoke Veil = BACKSTAB Confounding Blind + Shadowing beyond = BACKSTAB
  11. I confirm the bug. I wasn't sure because it wasn't all the time and that's why I haven't created a topic, but we are two now : p
  12. Hello, FRENCH J'ai découvert une chose intéressante, qui a mon avis a peu de chance d'aboutir vu que ça n'a jamais été corrigé. Mais bon je me lance pour la gloire... Je viens de m'apercevoir que Coups de grâce est l'équivalent de Deathblows. Bon on a déjà dit ici 1000 fois qu'il y avait deux coups de grâce. C'était déjà le cas dans POE1 et ça n'a jamais été corrigé. Mais l'origine ici de mon espoir c'est que je me dit que deathblows pourrait très bien être traduit Coups mortels ou Coup fatals. Donc c'est même pas une histoire de "y'a pas d'équivalent qui existe" etc. On laisse coup de grâce à Finishing blow pour ce qui ACHÈVE l'ennemi au SENS PROPRE du terme (Finir l'ennemi = Coup de grâce = OK). C'est à dire le coup de grâce de l'aptitude FINISHING BLOW (LINE 3 du BANDIT). On prend Coups Mortels pour Deathblows (LINE 7 du BANDIT) (DEATHblows = MORT, y'a une notion de mort les gens...) ENGLISH I discovered something interesting, which in my opinion is unlikely to succeed since it has never been corrected. But hey, I'm going for glory ... I just realized that Coups de grâce is the equivalent of the word "Deathblows" in english. Well, we've said here 1000 times that there were two designation for two differents abilities. This was already the case in POE1 and it has never been fixed. But the origin here of my hope is that I told myself that deathblows could very well be translated Coups Fatals or Coups Mortels. So it's not even a story of "there is no equivalent that exists in english" etc. Finishing blow is kept for the idea of ACHIEVING the enemy, in the CLEAN sense of the word. Coup de grâce = Finishing blow (LINE 3 OF ROGUE) ability. Short : Take Coups Mortels for Deathblows (LINE 7 OF ROGUE)
  13. Hello, When I use Shadowing beyond + backstab + Flame of Devotion FoD (edit), there is no +100 % in the list of effects. Not the case for smoke veil for the information. "invisible" allow clearly this bonus if you are under 2 meters. (Target : ogre pirate = clearly under 2 meters) Like you see : I have the bonus of assassinate but not the backstab bonus (and it is clearly the same trigger = stealth or invisible) So, I think it is a bug.
  14. Hello, AoE Weapons like Citzal, Hand Mortar, Fire in the hole, WotEP etc. Apply damages in AoE. But don't Apply effects (Afflictions etc.) in AoE. There was an old topic on this, but the problem is not solved. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/108136-bug-41-aoe-weapons-no-longer-apply-afflictions-in-an-area/ What is the situation for this problem ?
  15. In fact, it is a bug. Why ? Because abilities with damage have an advantage. When abilities more focused on afflictions have a big disadvantage. So there is A GAP of balancing. And you can't remove also damage in AoE. If not... AoE =... One target ? Lol... So the gap of balancing come with this loss of AoE effects (one target). Necessarly a bug with this way of thinking. + Our Dev's are aware of this issue and are in the process of having this issue remedied ASAP. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/108136-bug-41-aoe-weapons-no-longer-apply-afflictions-in-an-area/
  16. Mega bump of the universe. I have a plan of new game but I can't start the operation because It is partially based on AoE effects, and we don't know.
  17. !! --> fix for AoE afflictions ? <-- !! : p https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/108136-bug-41-aoe-weapons-no-longer-apply-afflictions-in-an-area/ __________________________________ adragojlovic Posted 29 January 2019 - 01:42 AM QA Tester Developers 828 posts Greetings Boeroer, Our Dev's are aware of this issue and are in the process of having this issue remedied ASAP. In the meantime should you have any additional questions or concerns let us know! Cheers. __________________________________
  18. I don't understand why Obsidian always have big problems for bugs. Others company generally have QA testing. Even same kind of game like Original sin have less bug than Obsidian. I think this is constitutive of their way of working. Or, they do not pay enough for quality assurance testing. Becoming critical in one way. Memories, now I play at launch and after I wait for all the extensions and 5 patch of patch (4.5 ? Perhaps ? : p). (el famoso patch who corrects a patch...) Personnally, if there is a Pillars 3, I don't give any dollar IF there is not the certanty of a big QA testing, each patch. It will be my condition. hope that microsoft will impose that on Obsidian.
  19. AoE Fixing please Obsidian. Effects only applie on one target. It is a disadvantage because actually : damage is ok for AoE but not effects. So there is a gap of balancing. Few abilities are far less impressive without that. In the same time, FoD is a big winner in this case (= focus on the damage) I confirm an old bug with deltro cage. I was with a R9 280 (4.0, I don't know since this time) and there was a bug. I have recently bought a RX 570, no more problems... So perhaps it is the new patchs, or my new graphic card.
  20. I agree with that : Obsidian Must Reinforce possibilities of associations of multiclass. All bonuses (even weak) must to give satisfaction. In fact, a lot of things can not stack, when others combinations stack. = Not balanced. Also need a buff : Priest - Druid Personnally, I don't see why Monk not need a nerf...
  21. Ecoute de ce que j'ai vu, y'a des trucs qui ont été corrigés. Mais y'a encore plein d'erreurs. Des choses que j'avais déjà signalé telle que la force d'âme sur l'écran de chargement (Robustesse), des tournures de phrases chelou sur certain objets. Player ship (nom du vaisseau) un peu plus haut pas corrigé. La soif de sang en double sur le panel du barbare : toujours pas corrigé. Dans la description du berserker une espèce de texte en français qui parle de traduction ! ? WTF. Bref. Après oui, c'est un peu moins pire qu'avant, mais ça reste quand même insuffisant après 10 patchs... Cela dit, j'y fait même plus gaffe, donc j'ai sûrement tendance à être très tolérant à l'heure actuelle, vu que je veux juste jouer au jeu. Perso je ne signale plus les erreurs, puisque certaines n'ont pas été corrigées et que ça t'encourage à activer ton détecteur. Et plus tu l'actives plus ça te pourri l'expérience.
  22. I test that now, I will tell you + edit. EDIT : + 100 % damage under 2m = works. It is your save.
  23. Hello, Breastplate_Armor_U_Pallegina_Honor_Guard_Breastplate +8 All defenses (decreases as wearer loses Health) = False Actually, only applie on 3 defenses (Will, Fortitude and reflex) and not deflection. Can be view in OR out the battle. Bug^^ Breastplate_Armor_U_Pallegina_Honor_Guard_Breastplate
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