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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. I was kinda hoping the stormtrooper would get hit.
  2. Spontaneous combustion, what could be more natural?
  3. Combat strumming a mandolin mixed with the sex cards for W1.
  4. Is there ever any daylight in Bloodnorne? I hate exclusively dark environments.
  5. Where's this? I thought I'd turned over every rock and explored every nook in W3, but I don't recognize this cabin.
  6. When your team's best QB ever is Matt Schaub... Point taken.
  7. In the last panel that guy looks like Tony Romo.
  8. The Osweiler move is baffling. Holding both roasters up and comparing the two, Huston seems like a lateral move. Maybe Elway has an unexpected twist coming in the draft and Osweiler was in the know?
  9. Isn't this the same thing FF did for Lightning Returns? (And I still haven't heard one FF fanboy admit the combat sucks.)
  10. I can't help you with the W3 LP. On a related note, you don't like blind LPs? I vastly prefer blind LPs, in fact I feel like replays LPs should be categorized differently because they're more like walkthroughs than LPs.
  11. Congratulations, you've discovered your hidden super power.
  12. Druid isn't an available class in Grim Dawn. I'be only have about ten hours of playing time, but a Shaman is the closest thing I've seen(you can summon beasts to aid you). Druid is the hybrid class you get for selecting both the Shaman and Arcanist masteries. According to this post on the Grim Dawn forums Druids are quite capable of clearing Ultimate. I've just skimmed through it but it's apparently been updated for B30. The current build (B31) changed a few things - especially constellations and their bonuses - but generally that guide should get you started. It's a bit of a mess though, you need to scroll down a bit for a more concise version. Seems like a good choice for a starter character. I stand corrected. Apparently I've been running an Elementalist without even knowing the class name.
  13. Druid isn't an available class in Grim Dawn. I'be only have about ten hours of playing time, but a Shaman is the closest thing I've seen(you can summon beasts to aid you).
  14. What's going on at metacritic? It shows there are 80+ reviews, but I only see five. Are those 'star reviews'?
  15. This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but the best game in the series had an unvoiced protagonist. It was when BioWare announced that DA2 would have a fully voiced protagonist that I sensed the impending doom of the franchise as a quality role-playing experience.
  16. Funny you mention that, because it's the combine super heroes that I'm more skeptical of.
  17. I hope they keep Stxy a pure stealth game rather than dipping into the Assassin's Creed slasher stealth. The level design for Stxy the Master of Shadows was some of the best I've seen since Thief: The Dark Project.
  18. @Brimsurfer: If you want to ignore my advice, fine , what ever. If you want to get upset over a perceived (if you squint really hard at it) insult, sure, go ahead. I'm done with this topic.
  19. Did I say you were min/maxing? My point was that pure tanks aren't viable, and using twiner builds, for everybody in your party, is the best way to get engagements to stick (or rather, keeping mobs from spamming disengagement abilities to race right for your back line). Not an infallible way, but the best. Engagements aren't meant to make mobs stick so much as giving font liners an extra attack.
  20. @OP:this is the thing to keep in mind, pure tanks were nerfed. The best way to get an attacker to 'stick' to a tank is to give him some DPS, avoid min/maxing the other companions, use crowd control skills, and give all your squishies disengagement abilities so they can break engagement.
  21. Pokémon Coke and Pokémon Pepsi. Cool, so long as I get to hunt the Pokémon for sustenance.
  22. I never understood what was supposed to be so scary about a pompadour. Tattoo for each prison shank = scary. Bleach blonde pompadour = colorblind Elvis impersonator.
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