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Everything posted by LaSpeakeasi

  1. I remember it being reported in 2.01 that if you sell it to a vendor and buy it back it will have it again. You may also try putting it in a container and retrieving it. Of course it may not be a viable solution since some items like the Rose of Salthollow can easily cost 10k+ coins.
  2. Try verifying your game cache if you're on Steam. If not post it to the bug report section.
  3. Chanter have spellcasting too. They are actually one of the only 2 classes that get the old school IE summon spells. Even in IE games rogues could do both or either... Rogues' role is not that different then and now.
  4. The chanter is the bard equivalent. Rogues are not only "good". They are the single highest DPS class in the game. And they are end-game necessity due to their mechanic skills.
  5. Submit a screenshot, save file and output log at the support forum. Instructions are at the top sticky thread.
  6. Yeah a similar bug happened to my Sagani as well. It appears the save file is corrupted and you'll need to load an earlier save.
  7. Don't use chanter myself but that sounds bad. You should probably submit a save file for the devs to look into.
  8. Honestly? I enjoy the challenge. The rest of the game gets a bit too easy TBH. So it's good to switch it up a bit. I like how much combat resolves around inflicting status. It gives PoE combat a tactical depth. But I do wish there are less of them. Frighted/confused; terrified/frighted; confused/charmed; paralyzed/petrified, etc... they don't do enough different things to be distinguishable from one another. Especially when you play a rogue, it gets really confusing what enables sneak attacks and what doesn't. I think it's a problem for most parties though, because Durance probably doesn't cast 'Prayer Against XXX' spells fast enough. And status ailments can't be removed once applied. Those Lageufeths are FAST.
  9. Thematically it's really cool. But so far I'm not impressed with its usage. Maybe because my Devil is a gunslinger rogue. While Distraction is a somewhat useful status ailment, Its duration isn't typically long enough for a gunslinger rogue to follow up with a sneak attack. Also, it almost only hits adjacent enemies. I mean, its AoE is really small, smaller than your average Cipher spell or Wizards' arcane blast, in fact. It would be more useful if it gets an enlarged AoE, or if I could throw it at a distance to benefit the frontline fighters. What do you think?
  10. I found an older thread that stated the tiny spiderling was initially not in the game until a later fix. However, in my completionist playrthough I found several pets are still missing. Namely the terrier and the tiny sporeling. The prima guide (which I assume is official?) stated they are in the game (next to Gordy in Copperlane and Iswld at the Golden Grove, respectively). But they are not there. Other players have the same problem: here, here and here. Are these similar cases as the spiderling? Will they be added back into the game?
  11. Similar to the White Crest Armor in 2.01, the Golden Scales has a penalty of -2 Stealth penalty. But it takes up a +1 enchantment slot. Pretty sure it's a programming oversight. Please correct it. Actually if you ask me, shouldn't penalties like these take up negative slots? i.e. Shouldn't the White Crest have 14 and Golden Scale 13 points for enchantment, just to make it fair?
  12. What do you mean by 'skipping' here? Like not have her join at all or just not add her to party? The bugged talents like Graceful Retreat seems to affect all rangers not just Sagani (I tested it). But they don't render rangers completely unplayable. There's another bug that just having her on the roster at all may cause your save to corrupt. She will disappear along with the all the gear you have on her. Not known what causes it. Doesn't even seem to make a difference if she's in party at all. Just make you check often at the inn and rollback to the nearest save where you know she's there, and don't put any gear on her if you leave her at the inn. When corruption happens you may find her standing in an inn naked.
  13. I think the Eora pantheon goes out of its way to avoid mythological cliches, actually. I recommend reading Mythologiques by Claude Lévi-Strauss. There is an umbrella of archetypes these polytheistic gods fall under. Because pantheons are structured around human desires and needs. And those tend to be the same across all cultures. Eora pantheon deliberately go against existing archetypes we probably know too well by this point. For example, the earth-mother vs. sky-father dichotomy; vigrinal/motherly fertility goddes vs. love & beauty goddess; god of commerce, hedonism etc. Almost none of these archetypes exist in Eora. Kudos to the writers' creativity. Directly opposed to Lévi-Strauss' deconstruction of mythologies is the idea of good vs. evil. Real life polytheism needs it because religion is a tool to instill moral order on society. But in Eora all gods are morally ambiguous. Margran's a good example of it. There is some familiar concepts from D&D 3.5 though, so they aren't completely original. Like Eothas = Lysander; Ondra = Umberlee, etc.
  14. I didn't find it on my 1st playthrough. The guide says it's next to Iswld at the Golden Grove in Twin Elms. But I couldn't find it? Has anyone find it?
  15. The problem with mechanics and any class that isn't rogue is they only start at 1 in mechanics tops. So in order to get to the bare minimum of 13 points (13 + 2 = 15, the highest skill check in WM), you need 108 skill points. That's all the skill points you'll ever get all the way to lvl 14. You won't even have points left for athletics. And just one character with < 4 athletics will slow down the entire party significantly due to frequent resting. Rogues on the other hand only need 85. Ironically to get to the only rogue companion in the game, you actually need to pass a DC 15 skill check first. And that's quite late in WM already. The +2 mechanics gloves makes all the difference. But due to some weird design decisions you can only obtain it via random loot. So it's probable you won't get it in an entire play-through at all.
  16. Bump for visibility since the bug report section is so busy.
  17. It looks like more than one ranger talent/ability is bugged. Here are a few related threads. The Graceful Retreat bug: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/82476-202-rangers-cannot-learn-graceful-retreat/ Sagani (if not rangers) seemingly corrupts save: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/82480-202-major-bug-2-naked-saganis-missing-all-gears/
  18. A rogue is not only a solid choice, it's an endgame necessity as they are the only class with enough mechanic skills to handle all the locks and traps in WM. A rogue is also highly reliant of CC support. So choose your Aloth grimoire carefully for status-effecting spells. Aloth himself is a poor DPS due to mediocre might. So have him provide a foil for your rogue is a solid idea. Kana, and chanters in general, is sadly not very good at lower levels of the game (the only "weak" class in 2.02 IMO). Combats don't last long enough for his spells to charge up. His usefulness significantly goes up if you a) play on hard or above, or b) have a lot of ranged attackers, as he has that one buff that speeds up ranged attacks. Have Durance wear heavy armor, use an arquebus, off-tank and always be in range of Kana's chants - sounds counter-intuitive but he is so slow anyways. If he needs to cast all the time he will not shoot more than 1-2 times per battle, so might as well maximize every shot.
  19. Keep playing. You'll get better at it. It's a skill I learnt 15 years ago. I started out just like you. Then I forgot all about the learning curve when I first play BG1. Now that you mentioned it it's all coming back to me.
  20. You do realize the game is priced at today's standards? And you only demand the same quality 15 years ago? Wow. Your generation sure is every marketer's dream demographic. You know, the bug report section is just one click away... I'll list you all the bugs I personally found and reported there (most of which still unacknowledged by dev btw) but we'll be up all night. And yes I do number crunch. Just because most people don't use every feature they paid for doesn't mean the devs aren't responsible for getting all of them right. What does it say about the game when the busiest section of a game's official forum is not General Discussion but Bug Report? And don't get me started on the bugs reported over at Steam... If OBS needs time to patch the game and make it work, I'm patient, I can wait. Like I said, put it on Early Access. I'll be forgiving. But patch it and make it work. Don't go about rushing - not one, but two - expansions out the gate when your base game is hardly even working. And now a sequel? Why, because patching a game isn't profitable enough for ya? Do we have to constantly be buying something to keep the devs interested in improving a game that you claim to have so much passion for? Sure doesn't look like it.
  21. So I pre-ordered it and noticed it's been out on early access beta for what, 6 months now? I am so excited. Been waiting for years to play another isometric old school cRPG! I've played 100+ hours of the game so far. Loved it. Even bought both expansions. It's highly usual that the devs commit to making expansions before even completing the full game. But I've played through the beta and - yeah I know $75 is a lot of hard earned money but I'm sure it will be worth it. I know, I know, a lot of the functions don't work properly and there are more bugs than a ****roach-invested sewage. But all they need to do is spend maybe another 6 months or so and just really focus on polishing the game... It should totally one of the most anticipated games of 2016! ........................................... Wait, what? Are you telling me this *is* the finished game?! Are you kidding me? $75 for a game plus expansion from a major developer with upfront Kickstarter support. And the "end product" is less finished than your average $20 indie RPG? 6 months of patching after launch? Guess the joke's on us.
  22. After verifying game cache, Sagani is completely removed from the game. Before: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!154&authkey=!AIFfl3E20Gfhfpw&ithint=file%2csavegame After: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!155&authkey=!ANdNsWyAdayJSt0&ithint=file%2csavegame
  23. I can confirm that verifying game cache makes it worse. Before verifying game cache my Sagani was duplicated and missing all gear. After verification she's completely removed from my party, save for the duplicate. Before: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!154&authkey=!AIFfl3E20Gfhfpw&ithint=file%2csavegame After: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!155&authkey=!ANdNsWyAdayJSt0&ithint=file%2csavegame
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