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Everything posted by LaSpeakeasi

  1. It's generally not a good idea to sell your grimoires. Every time you retrain a wizard you forget every single spell you've learned, and you'll have to pay coppers to relearn them from those grimoires. So if you're not careful and sold the wrong ones you end up unable to relearn some spells. We've pointed out the absurdity of this design before; since there's no reason to unlearn wizard spells whatsoever, not to mention charging for spells you already paid for. But the devs insisted on it. Wouldn't even discuss why. Probably laziness.
  2. Isn't there a bundle of both expansions for $25? Currently only the $15 option is available on Steam.
  3. I always find peoples' opinions interesting. I loved DA:O, liked Divinity:Original Sin a lot, and thought Wasteland 2 was fantastic (I played through to the end 3 times, to the end of Arizona 6 times, and part way through California 3 times - all in rapid succession). Sadly, I found Pillars to be just decidedly average. There were some great aspects to it, some really crap aspects, and it left me with an overall 'meh' impression. I don't regret backing it, and would back another Obs kickstarter in a heartbeat (but not at the same pledge level), but I did not find it came close to my expectations. I thought Wasteland 2 was far superior. "Average" isn't the word I would use. "Conventional" is probably more like what I have in mind. Not a lot of wrongs with it, but it banks on nostalgia rather than brings anything new to the table. I get what it's trying to do and what it does it does well. And no one else is really doing it. Except for the atrocious quality control. It's like they never bothered with debugging and just put it out there. Wasteland 2 is a good game too. Since we're on the topic of "new"-ness tho I have to complain it, well, just doesn't look 2015 for a $60 game... That's my only complaint.
  4. No. It won't work because: 1) The entire process is redundant. There is no reason whatsoever to unlearn *any* spell when retraining a wizard. They aren't like ciphers or chanters where you must unlearn a spell to gain a new one. Wizards have no limitations. The only choice when it comes to spells learned is "all of them". Why do you keep insisting on keeping a feature that serves no purpose and doesn't make sense? 2) You can't buy an empty grimoire. The only way to acquire more is kill enemy wizards. But if you have been selling your grimoires then you have to buy them back at 750cp a piece. If you are a completionist and have learned every spell there is, that's thousands of additional coppers, not to mention a poor way of archiving and categorizing spells. It's not like you can name your grimoires. 3) Again with the "additional copper". Wizards already have to pay extra when they learn spells. Now they must pay extra to retrain too? Why charge copper to learn in the 1st place if it wasn't permanent? That makes retraining wizards too expensive to be viable compared to other classes. Just leave the spells completely alone when retraining. Just don't activate that particular tab at all. Why do you insist on keeping that feature in? What's the reason behind it?
  5. My experience has been different. Surprisingly, I find that Origin 'just works'. I've had no issues with it whatsoever. Steam hasn't been terrible for me, but I've had a few issues with offline mode and I loathe the forced game updates. I've had Origin encountered an error whilst updating itself. Then forced me to reinstall. I had 80GB of games at the time. It would not recognize any of them. I ended up having to redownload everything. Origin is so incredibly buggy and unstable it only works when it wants to. Just like everything EA does.
  6. As someone who has a MA in social science, I can't believe we're still discussing middle school social science concepts like socialism and capitalism. More specifically, I can't believe there are still people throwing around the word 'socialism' as if it were a bad word; or 'capitalism' as if it were a good one. I don't know where those people got those concepts from (probably Fox news) but certainly not by paying attention in class. At least not a good one. I didn't study in the US but we all had to prove we had an understanding of those words in socio-historical context before being allowed to graduate middle school, let alone college. Those are models. The thing about models is that they don't actually exist in reality. There is no socialist or capitalist society. All societies have elements of both. Socialist societies all end up the same? Have you heard of Canada, most of Europe, or Japan? All of those countries have had political parties in-office readily identifying themselves as 'socialist'. Oh, and do you drive in the states? On a highway? Do you go to a public school? Public library? Public beach? Those are all socialist. One potential problem with modern democracy is that regardless of your IQ, education, ethic standards, our opinions all weigh the same. If you can't judge issue past lazy labeling such the '--ism's, then honestly you don't seem smart enough to vote to me. Sorry, Just because you ignorantly believe in your beliefs doesn't make them correct. Go crack a book. Unless you think you know better than the people who went to school so that they can author them. In which case I'm insulted that according to the voting ballot your opinion weighs as much as mine.
  7. No further response from devs? It seems the user reaction is overwhelmingly on the side of NOT resetting grimoire. Shouldn't that at least warrant a reconsideration on the decision?
  8. Exactly. I wasn't aware that I was playing Pillars of Warhammer Fantasy, which would've been fine but the rest of the game is neither that grimdark nor that nihilist. It's not any more low fantasy that say Dragon Age; and even that game had companion quests that usually end well. Eder's and Sagani's were the two better done quests IMO. At least they left an emotional impact, which is more than I can say for Aloth's or Kana's. I don't necessarily need the quests to have a satisfying ending. I just want to know that the experience meant something to the characters involved. Instead we barely even speak of it ever again. The problem with nihilism as a stylistic device is, if it's all pointless, then why frame them in such a way that would suggest these characters trust each other and bonded over them? I can't be like 'meh this is pointless' and 'awww that's sweet' at the same time.
  9. Fixed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ikdfqb3rhthcny/17a6b929-cb5f-44cb-9b9f-ca7fe38bdd89%20autosave_0.savegame?dl=0
  10. Also, buying back grimoire is 750cp a piece. By the time you get to level 12 you'd have at least 20 of them. that's 15k copper pieces. And that's *even if* you spend possibly hours visiting merchants buying them back. This design needs to change. I'm not using the magic word because you're punishing players for playing early. It's not our fault that retraining, a feature that many modern RPGs have at launch, arrived months late. I just went from not being able to wait for White March to wanting to give up on the game altogether. Thanks for helping me save my $25 Obsidian.
  11. Screenshot: https://www.flickr.com/gp/34064985@N06/96gY7K Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6xy0x2uicj31kk/output_log.txt?dl=0 Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ikdfqb3rhthcny/17a6b929-cb5f-44cb-9b9f-ca7fe38bdd89%20autosave_0.savegame?dl=0 Unfortunately I forgot to make a mark on which save was the exact point when the incident happened. But it was definitely the same playthrough.
  12. Here you go: Save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ikdfqb3rhthcny/17a6b929-cb5f-44cb-9b9f-ca7fe38bdd89%20autosave_0.savegame?dl=0 Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6xy0x2uicj31kk/output_log.txt?dl=0
  13. That's the problem. I didn't know to keep enemy grimoires because before Beta 2.0 I never planned to lose the spells I have learned. That's why I paid coppers to learn them from the enemy grimoires. *SO THAT I DON'T LOSE THEM*. I think this feature should be changed. As I explained in the initial post, it makes more sense to keep the spells. Not every spell a wizard learns is a result of leveling up. And it puts wizards at a disadvantage. At least we know it's an intended consequence and can plan accordingly. Thanks, Aarik! What do you mean plan accordingly? PoE isn't a new game. People have been playing it for weeks, even months. Too late to start planning now.
  14. Not sure if OP is trolling.... Well, in case you're serious, if you want to play a game that's more like DA:O, wouldn't it make more sense to just play DA:O? Inquisition wasn't exactly a bad game. Why would you want more of what we already have? All those things you mention are *exactly* why most people play PoE anyway. Back in the day Isometric test crawl was the norm for CRPGs. I will assume you're too young to remember. But we kinda want those days of great RPGs back.
  15. For point 1, I'm sorry to tell you that if 2.0 beta is any indication, no it's still very buggy. When it comes to quality of a game, it's hard (if not impossible) not to disappoint anyone in no way. I for one enjoyed it (when it's working). It didn't disappoint me at all. Granted I didn't back it and probably wasn't expecting as much as some of its most vocal critics and fans. I was just glad to be able to play a CRPG again. But when it comes to bugs. There's just no arguing nor excuses. I know Obsidian isn't a big company with a ton of resource (and there are bigger companies that put out even buggier products these days), so I waited 3 months to start playing the game, thinking they will have sufficient time to sort out the game to a functional level. But alas, I encountered a few game-breaking bugs and I ended up putting it on hold again. I give Obsidian an A+ for the effort. But the execution? Well.
  16. I understand your frustration. I'm not from here but am living in Asia myself. I frequently order things online from the US and Europe and sometimes the shipping company's service is just... not ideal. If you spent your hard-earned money on something you clearly have so much passion for, you obviously deserve a copy up to your satisfaction. I don't think the devs are at fault here though. They aren't typically in charge of shipping and handling themselves. You may try to email customer service and see if they could do anything? If I ordered something off Amazon and it came torn and damaged, I can usually have it replaced without much hassle. But if it came with Kickstarter I'm not aware of any channel to replace it. I hope someone at Obsidian sees this and help you sort it out.
  17. I concur this needs to be in the next patch. It's a feature frequently requested on Reddit, Steam, and right here on Obsidian forums. Here's why I think it should be in the game: 1) We now have character retraining from 2.0 beta. And that makes the demand for re-enchanting even more urgent. For instance, my level 12 spell caster originally had Scion of Flame, but I retrained him/her to be shock / freeze / corrode-focused instead. But now I'm stuck with a flame-lash weapon. I can't get an identical unique weapon anywhere in the game. I ended up going back all the way to level 6 before I enchanted my weapon any way. So what's the point of retraining any way then? 2) Also, with the slaying enchantments it would be useful to override them. If I expect to be going into a dungeon full of vessels. then I'm enchant my weapons to be vessel slaying. With the next dungeon I'll reapply something else. That would actually make slaying properties much more useful, rather than a filler of anvil slots. 3) Same with the elemental damages, they can just be overridden once a new enchantment in the same category is re-applied. It seems a simple enough feature that shouldn't take up much resources at all (correct me if I'm wrong on this one. I'm not a programmer).
  18. I've encountered this bug, previously reported fixed in v1.05 twice in Chapter 3. Once in Northweald after fighting a pack of stelgears relating to the quest 'Hunter Brother' I was unable to combat mode until another pack of spotted stelgaers was killed relating to the quest 'At the Mercy of the Tribes'. The other instance remained unsolvable and broke my game. I was on the quest 'Sacrificial Bloodline' and ended up fighting Simoc in Twin Elms. After I killed Simoc's men the game will not exit combat mode. I cannot loot the bodies, talk to Simoc's son to finish the quest, or leave the area. I tried exiting the game and reloading the save, but the problem persists. I will try to upload a save file later this week as I am currently traveling in a region where Google and Dropbox is blocked. It seems this issue has been around quite sometime and is of game-breaking importance.
  19. I will try. I'm traveling at the moment and don't have perfect access to Dropbox. Also this may be a dumb question, but I searched the pinned threads and couldn't find instruction to creating an output/player log. Could you specify pls?
  20. I was traveling from Defiance Bay to Twin Elms at the time the visitor came. After I was able to control my characters again he had already left. I checked the log to find the visitor left an hour after arriving at the stronghold. Doesn't seem to make any sense. Probably a bug? Should've been at least a day IMO, I have a screenshot but I'm not allowed to post it? Pls help.
  21. Is this intentional? I retrained Aloth at level 12, and his grimoire was wiped clean. I only get to keep the spells you learn normally when leveling up, and you can pay to copy the spells already in the grimoire. But spells previously copied from fallen enemies that are not memories are all lost. It seems to put wizards at an unfair disadvantage. Since there is no limitation on spells you could learn any way, why not leave spells completely untouched when retraining wizards? You can neither gain or lose new spells this way. Seems to make more sense.
  22. First of all, I quite enjoyed most if not all of the companions. This is one of the few party-based RPGs where I used everybody almost equally. They each contribute something interesting and are a diverse enough cast, visually and personality-wise. But the companion quests felt a bit lackluster for me. Most of them felt like a tagged-on afterthought rather than an integrated part of the story. Maybe they were designed this way so that players playing custom parties won't miss much? Any way, here are my thoughts: 1) They are simply too short. Aloth's was the first companion quest I completed. I remember thinking, "Wait, that's it? We talk to a scientist lady and... nothing happens?" The same can be said about Pallegina. You don't even need to do anything extra - you have to do it for the main quest any way. There were no choices to make, bosses to fight, maps to explore etc. And as a result leave no lasting impression. Just another entry on the journal to complete. 2) They aren't rewarding. I don't do quests solely for rewards. But I'm not opposed to shiny objects you get at the end of a fight. A unique item that ties to the character's backstory would be nice. Dragonfall DC did this exceptionally well. After completing a companion's quest, the companion gains a special ability that recalls events that took place during the quest. One of the reasons I use pre-made companions, besides character development, is their unique abilities. Like Hiravias' Stelgaer form and Sagani's Itumaak. Why can't Aloth be able to call forth Iselmyr and give a boost to his spells, or Eder get a soul-bound weapon that belonged to his brother (a standard flag that doubles as a spear would be soooo cool)? 3) They are all downers. None of them resolve the conflict those characters came with. And as a result none of the characters felt like they developed in any meaningful way. Sagani even said so herself! I don't think they all need to have a happy ending. But I'd like to be able to at least have a meaningful conversation with them afterwards. If I lashed out at Grieving Mother, I would like to see her come to recognize the error of her ways; I'd like to see Eder take his faith more seriously, or have Kana be less idealistic and dorky. But alas. An entire chapter after finishing his quest, Aloth came to me and said he's finally taken my advice. I was pleasantly surprised. I like the idea of long-term consequence that manifests itself much later down the line. I just wished they were a bit more impactful.
  23. Hi all, I'm new here and found several previous discussion threads on the topic of disenchantment. Most if not all of the posters in prior discussions seemed to agree that this is a desired feature. Some even suggested it was a planned feature to be fleshed out in a later patch. But none of those threads came with an official response and with the release of White March coming soon. I figured it's probably time to bring this back up again. Here's why it needs to be in the game ASAP. Actually we should have had it already. 1) We now have character retraining from 2.0 beta. And that makes the demand for re-enchanting even more urgent. For instance, my level 12 spell caster originally had Scion of Flame, but I retrained him/her to be shock / freeze / corrode-focused instead. But now I'm stuck with a flame-lash weapon. I can't get an identical unique weapon anywhere in the game. I ended up going back all the way to level 6 before I enchanted my weapon any way. So what's the point of retraining any way then? 2) Also, with the slaying enchantments it would be useful to override them. If I expect to be going into a dungeon full of vessels. then I'm enchant my weapons to be vessel slaying. With the next dungeon I'll reapply something else. That would actually make slaying properties much more useful, rather than a filler of anvil slots. 3) Same with the elemental damages, they can just be overridden once a new enchantment in the same category is re-applied. It seems a simple enough feature that shouldn't take up much resources at all (correct me if I'm wrong on this one. I'm not a programmer). I'm sure the devs are working every hard to improve other aspects of the game. But I would really appreciate a response / confirmation from devs.
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