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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Not sure if this was asked before. I know this is not action RPG ala Diablo but are there armor sets in the game? If so.. another feature called "illusions" will be great especially you can combined various different kind of items with weird appearance, hence the illusions will make your character look good.
  2. I was thinking hard whether i should go druid or priest. Part of the biggest problem is that i wanted a PT for Deadfire (the 3 returning characters) namely Eder, Pallegina & Aloth. As i obviously loved Chanter and Druid and i think Chanter, Druid, Priest and Wizard are almost necessary in all my PT, i'm left with little options. Keeping Durance and hence i have to ditch Hiravias and go Druid myself. With 5 party characters in Deadfire, i'm not even sure if this is going to be worst. I'm currently going for the Thundercat build. I saw your Batshid build but i'm not going for a tanky druid. I was having this thought for Deadfire... Ranger/Druid.. that's exactly a very similar character concept as Lone Druid (DOTA). It's really fascinating that Deadfire introducing multi-classing and all these kinda builds made possible! I can't wait to see lots and lots of very powerful builds from you soon <3
  3. I normally like a high PER stat for each of my char in POTD for the simple fact that ACC is the most important stats in this difficulty. Comparing +0 vs +7 (for 17 PER) that's +7 ACC there. Having high ACC can lead to better crit as well. I'm looking forward to build a new character and i can possibly choose either a Druid or a Priest.
  4. @harry.agamez thanks for the beautiful portraits! loving it.
  5. Josh already talked about that some time ago. It's drawn images of monsters just like Pillars1 and won't include 3D models in bestiary. alright. thanks. wondering what's the reason for that. if those creatures are beautifully designed, it would go to waste without able to see them on first person.
  6. I hate another Calisca. Please don't kill Mirke. Or make her as sidekicks
  7. The spear Danulya supposingly better than a Fine Spear. Guess what? With a Fine Spear, Accuracy = 74 on Hiravias. With Danulya, Accuracy = 59. Anyone knows for a quick fix?
  8. I know this is a little late and i'm not sure if this was ever suggested before. Since the game is on top down isometric, we couldn't really see much details or should i say much of the effort of the great artist went to waste. I just had a thought what about on the bestiary page, you can have a 3D model of said creature that you met before! and you can even rotate them! is such feature already present in the game?
  9. yeap i'm still playing some poe playthrough.. it was so good also can't describe the excitement here. just found a new article published. can't wait to visit the locales of deadfire of polynesian flavor. can't wait to meet old friends like eder and pallegina. can't wait if possibly <3 to have an intimate relationship with them. can't wait for that multi-classing goodnes!
  10. all excited here. but not much interviews, articles, coverage on the game?
  11. Extracted (correctly) by Yosharian from Josh's social media/stream statements. Is that the only options available for companions multi-classing? It feels very limited. But i understand the reasoning. If companions were to able to freely multi-class any combination, it will severely reduce the replayability of the game? At the moment only the PC is able to multi-class freely.
  12. IIRC based on latest interview with josh on pax east, he mentioned that it's difficult to mod the 6th character in as most of the UI was designed to show only just 5 characters. i think that's probably an intentional restriction to prevent modders from adding in back the 6th characters as they probably balanced the encounters just around 5 characters. i read somewhere that all of the encounters are hand-crafted. i'm not sure how possible it is, but it would be great if they have some kind of procedural generated combat scaled based on party composition and levels in future expansion or dlc? that would be really interesting. and also probably breaking the game? where it's possible to encounter an impossible fights. anyway, one of my gripe is that they expanded the character portraits by having the Injury for each characters to make it less obvious being so empty. i would have like it looks the same as pillars one aesthetically where the injury was in the portraits. i think there's no need to intentionally space out each portraits to make it less obvious having 1 lesser characters. also, was wondering if they can have the old classical UI design as an option that would be really neat.
  13. Scion of Flame doesn't work with DoT so no effect on Dragon Thrashed. Slayer talents doesn't work with DoT too. MaxQuest explained DoT mechanics here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91903-question-about-dots-and-hots/?p=1893595 thanks for the heads up!
  14. Sorry if this was asked before. Does Scion of Flame helps Dragon Thrashed? Also the Beast Slayer talent, does it help Dragon Thrashed?
  15. yes and it probably discourages content mod? not sure how moddable the game would be.. but if game were fully voiced and some folks decided to release some side quest mod with it's own stories, etc. and out of a sudden no one talks but just plain text. that would be a little inconsistent there. plus on future official content (DLCs, expansions) to be released by Obsidian then they are likely forced to be fully voiced for that consistency i believe.
  16. Talking about Matt Mercer.. i think he did a great job with Eder and Aloth. I couldn't recognize they were both voiced by the same person. But if not mistaken there are other game world NPCs that he voiced as well? For example Wymund. I can spot his voice and there's similarity in it which put me off a little.
  17. i would prefer it strictly single player. maybe pillars of eternity 3 may have it? seeing the success of original sins 2, i think that may move obsidian in putting it in on future sequel. i speak for myself, if i play mutliplayer i go for the sorts like league of legends or dota2. my point is.. i like it single player only.
  18. i think i would go multi-class in almost every playthrus not unless if there's something that's really exclusive and shine compared to multi-class. also, i'm not sure if they get it right in terms of balance of single class.
  19. i like to ask.. in terms of stacking rules, is it clearly highlighted in the beta? or obsidian still doing a poor job in being transparent on what stacks and what not?
  20. this is solely my own opinion. i don't like this at all. i find myself often skipping the voice over on subsequent playthrough. i appreciate more VOs (which i actually i agree) but i fully voiced VOs are not necessary. this also seems logical to cut dialogues, lores, side contents. in other words, gimping the game for the casuals.
  21. i remember asking about how moddable particularly on the UI aesthetics. the current tooltip on characters/monsters the yellowish gradient look so offensive to me personally. i really like to change the color gradient myself. plus would want a golden circle instead of green. IIRC dragon age origins they have golden circles beneath characters instead of green.
  22. i'm giving a shout out on this post: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1983544 to whomever who did this, i thank you. it was so much more beautiful than the originally designed by obsidian. is there a small version? or i'll crop it myself. these are the ones i definitely will replace when the game is out. pallegina, xoti and ydwin they are so beautiful!
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