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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. DoT effects now (3.02) don't work with CW anymore. I mean they don't proc CW dmg effect. I notice that it works with retaliation effect only, besides normal attacks of course. However, ranger's skill like Binding Roots, which only have debuff effect, still proc CW. These rules sometimes are really weird. To remember everything it needs to make notes ;p. That's really sad. Now CW is a bit underwhelming. Still works with Wall of Flames and Chill Fog, Malignant Cloud and all those other "pulsing" things.
  2. It's a bit stupid though if you get crit by a shot or a fear aura and your Overwhelming Wave ejects prematurely.
  3. Sounds nice. Did you try Acolyte's Radiance? It also scales and gets decent at higher levels. It's 1/encounter and has a huge range. For the times you can't kill immediately, your LoH, FoD and Healing Chain are used up. And it also does ok damage to vessels - not comparable to a priest's Holy Radiance, but ok.
  4. Don't judge too quickly. It's not like that: The default damage order of Bittercut is corrode/slash. So it will use corrode if corrode DR and slash DR are equal. That's great. However it is correct that the game doesn't take into account which type would cause more damage in the end. So if the enemy has a corrode DR of 11 and a slash DR of 10 - it will use slash. Despite the fact that you would do more damage with corrode + Spirit of Decay. But still - not bad with Bittercut. All damage you will deal with Bittercut (including +% damage mods) will be multiplied by 1.2 then, including the corrosive lash. With Durance's Staff it's the other way round: it has crush/burn - meaning that it will apply crush damage if crush/burn DR are equal - which is bad if you plan to use Scion of Flame. I just used Firebrand in those cases and the staff when enemies' burn DR was lower than crush DR. Also works ok. But it's not as good as Bittercut's "damage type order" of course.
  5. It works. However - the spell chance is quite low and in some fights it doesn't get triggered at all. And the positioning is also tricky. Doesn't really make a big difference. The Swaddling Sheet is nice - it combines AoE crush damage with stun. Same thing with the White Crest Armor. One could built a nice sturdy rogue/fighter/druid with those plus Bittercut (Vile Thorns = pierce) or Grey Sleeper. And some scrolls.
  6. Yeah I'm just playtesting it. Will take at least another day I guess until I'm ready to post him. I would like to see your build. It will be more effective I guess, but I think the essence of the builds will be very similar. This time I wanted to do some "twisted" builds just to make the playthroughs more interesting again. The "standard" class builds start to get boring after a few hours of gameplay because I've seen and tried them all (at least it feels like that). So I went the whole way and made my rogue more wizard than rogue. He's a robe-wearing, rod-using glass cannon with a pointy hat now (of course a gun or bow would be more effective, but would break the theme a bit), totally specialized in missile spells. Missile Barrage with Deathblows, Ryona's Vembraces and Penetrating Shot is just wow - instagib for most foes. Concussive Missiles are also really great with Deathblows and Deep Wounds. And in the end I also used the spell stealing morning star with this guy (plus Escape when stealing happenend). That is game over for every enemy. Casting Calling the World's Maw and other stuff for free for about 40 secs is just devastating with Deathblows and the rogue's ACC. And he's really good with the petrifying traps plus Coil of Resourcefulness, too. I lure them onto the trap, then apply another affliction and then Concussive Missiles - the end. Of course I also could use all the other Spellbind Items that have fireballs - but I like to stick to the missiles and leave those for another build (yet to come). Scolls + Rogue is really great. And with Prestidigitator's Missiles and Cloak of Minor Missiles you can also have some missile action for lame encounters without wasting srolls. I found three cloaks in my last playthrough. That's 9 missiles per rest. Pitiy that all those things don't work with Sneak Attack, but only Deathblows. So you have to wait till level 11 until the real magic starts. But implemenmts on rogues are not as bad as I thought. Two damage types, Sneak Attack and Dangerous Implement do good enough damage. I wanted to post my new "Dichotomous Soulbenders" first - but maybe I'll post the rogue first since some people seem to be more interested in that.
  7. It's superannoying. If you want to backstab with a gun (what would be the best opener) and use a special attack (includes Finishing Blow) from stealth or invisibility, backstab isn't triggered at all. You have to use a normal shot. What's that stupidness?
  8. I chose those two sabres because of the looks - and because of Annihilation in order to stack a lot of crit damage modifiers. Both Vengeful Defeat and Heart of Fury have a high hit-to-crit conversion and also add 0.5 to the crit damage multiplier. Meaning that your crits will not do +50% but +100% damage. Bloody Slaughter adds even more conversion and another +50% (+150%). With the Doemenels, Rabbit Fur Gloves and Dungeon Delver you get another +50% (+200% damage in the best case). Because of the high survival bonus you can get +18 ACC against everything except kith. Also, the high base damage of the sabres is great for carnage. Bittercut is reserved for another build I'm working on atm.
  9. I also remember that clergyman got one or two dialogue checks, laborer also. I guess there are dialogue options for every background. I just haven't used them all in a full playthrough (would need a ton of playthroughs for that). Other than that, they are only good for your skills' starting values. Which can be of some importance if you really want to reach a certain value. For example I build a barb who really wantetd to get 16 survival for the +18 resting ACC bonus. Impossible without the proper background (it was colonist I think).
  10. Doesn't help for this build, because it doesn't generate focus anymore. Let's hope they revert this.
  11. The wiki is not too bad when it comes to items. Nearly all of them are listed. Not with separate pages, but the lists are nearly complete. Somebody did a lot of work there. Gamebanshee lacks the items from WM2.
  12. You really don't need RES 20. Fighters have the highest base deflection in the game. 15 is enough. If you raise MIG like DreamWayfarer said, your Constant Recovery can become very powerful and you can not only tank, but also spank by yourself. The Overbearing Guard can still be cool. I didn't try it but somebody said reach wepons are good for that because you will be able to engage enemies that are normally out of reach. If those want to leave you they will go prone. There's a quarterstaff named "Wendwalker" in the game that has "Guarding" (=+1 engagement limit). It's a reach weapon and together with Defender and Hold the Line you could have 5 engagement slots in an area of 1.8 meters (reach weapon). In theory that is. So theoretically even enemies that run past you but and are covered behind other enemies (but in reach) would eat disengagement attacks from you and fall on their faces. Sounds fun - don't know it that works. You could compensate for the missing shield with Cautious Attack and/or Superior Deflection. Together with Knockdown, Bonus Knockdown, Girlde of the Driving Wave and Clear Out there will be tons of Knockdowns.
  13. A priest who casts Devotions + Champion's Boon on himself and then Holy Radiance should help a lot. If he's you main and the Radiance is fully upgraded it will turn this difficult fight into an easy one. I'm playtesting a vessel-slayer priest atm with Abydon's Hammer, Maegfolc Skull, Bartender Ring with max MIG and Insp. + Aggr. + Brilliant Radiance + Sanctifier + Champion's Boon. I did not meet a vessel yet that wasn't dead or near death after that.
  14. I've been a Software Engineer for over a decade now - and if the programmers that work for me would let the same bug emerge over and over again I would just kick their butts to that asteroid you described so vividly. Or I'd have to kick myself up. Because first of all it's my responsibility that the architecture of the software is so that this is not likely to happen. And I've never experienced something like this in my whole career. Bugs? Sure, tons of it. But the same bug reemerging over and over again? That must've been a really stressful and chaotic development that resulted in messy code.
  15. Oh my, that bug again. Sometimes I really wonder how they are developing software at OBS - with all those boomerang bugs. Maybe they can't help it because Unity forbids them to use better engineering, who knows. Their bugs seem to be c0ckroaches: if OBS nukes them with a patch, they just crawl beneath a coded stone and reemerge after the next patch settled the dust. Edit: to be clear: I think it's impossible to make bug free software in a real world environment on the first try - especially if the software is so complex. And it's great and appreciated that OBS puts out patches so frequenty, thanks for that - but normally fixed bugs don't return...
  16. With a tanky chanter I like to go for the damaging chants and use invocations only from time to time on occasion (like revive). I found that enemies are drawn towards this chanter because he constantly damages them, making him a good "sticky" tank who takes off the heat from other party members. And of course his AoE damage with The Dragon Thrashed is just awesome.
  17. Edited the original post and added two pics for the variant "Suicidal Genie" and "Eternal Candle". Turns out that Aumaua can't have mustaches.
  18. Andrea, I think I can say that the Immortal Martyr is not viable for solo play. I think you can exchange "Untested" with somthing like "No way!"
  19. You are right! Never thought about that - but now that you mention it I can clearly see it. I should make another screenshot as a blueish bald pale elf with a black mustache. I will try to work out an alternative background story that fits the genie theme and add another picture. Hopefully I can edit my initial posting then.
  20. Yes - the paladin's ability ends when you revive. However - the enchantment "Martyr" that is on the tidebringer armor and that amulet from a legendary stronghold quest (forgot the name) is a different thing. It is an AoE speed buff that lasts for 30 sec. Doesn't matter if you revive or not. You can of course cast Behold the Martyr when you can't revive any more (no uses left, priest/chanter also ko or whatever).
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