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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yes, there are also some nice items that can raise your concentration as well as the nice potion of Spirit Shield which is lvl1 and really cheap.
  2. I, as a nostalgic old fart, would so love to see that.
  3. I don't know in this case, but normally GameBanshee's walkthroughs are pretty complete.
  4. None. I mean besides enchanting it with a corrosive lash - or using Kalakoth's Minor Blights which are corrosive every fourth shot. The blast AoE damage doesn't have to do anything with the implement by the way. It's a simple crush AoE damage. So it's best to choose an implement with an on-hit or on-crit effect and forget the direct damage it does to the initial target. Besides Minor Blights my favorites are the Golden Gaze and the soulbound Gyrd Whatever Biteme Stenes.
  5. Confirmed. This seems to be new. I didn't experience this bug with 2.03.
  6. Why don't you give him a torch instead of a club? Looks nice and with the bug you'll have kinda similar damage as with normal weapons. Or don't enchant your weapon even if you normally could and would.
  7. Yes, Bloodlust stacks with everything. But I never experienced that it stacks with itself. At least not with sabres. Maybe it's an interference between HoF, the attack speed & the buff duration stealing from Spelltongue and Bloodlust. When I use Spelltongue with normal auto attacks and get Bloodlust this never happened for me (see the Leech build). You should write up a bug report for 3.04. Maybe they can quickly fix this.
  8. DEX can never lead you to 0 recovery. DEX gets applied after all the attack speed mods got calculated. If you already have 0 recovery it does nothing for your recovery any more. If you have recovery left it will dininish it but can never put it to 0.
  9. Depends on the class. With a wizard you can use Deleterious Alacrity (1.5), Gauntlets of Swift Action (1.15), Durgan Steel (1.15) and you are already near 0. Those speed modifiers get multiplied, not added - so every tiny bit more helps a lot. In this case it's 1.5 * 1.15 * 1.15 = 1.98 where 2 would mean 0 recovery. If you now have a weapon with speed like the Blade of the Endless Paths you can even multiply this with 1.2 and be at 2.38. That means you could even wear durganized plate (-0.35) and be > 2 which still means no recovery. A fighter with access to Alacrity (potion, spell bind item) could even wear durganized plate AND use Vulnerable Attack and reach 2. But this is only possible with the speed enchantment. Other 2 handed weapons will still have a tiny bit of recovery with a wizard, but it's not really noticable. Those speed penalties get substracted instead of multiplied by the way - I know - it's totally intuitive. A chanter can do this with the Champion invocation, but since it only speeds you up with 1.4 instead of 1.5 he will not reach the speed of a wizard, but close. A barbarian can use Frenzy (1.33) and stack it with Bloodlust (1.2). That way he's even faster than a wizard and doesn't need a speed enchantment on a two hander to reach 0 recovery. Although that is a bit circumstanctial. With Frenzy only he's also pretty close. And he also has Blood Thirst which nullifies recovery after a kill. A cipher can use Time Parasite as a wizard uses Alacrity. Both do 1.5. A ranger can use Swift Aim, but since it's 1.2 only he will not reach 0 recovery with two handers - not even with the speed enchantment. Same with a monk's Swift Strikes (1.25) All others have to use Outlander's Frenzy or potions to get near 0 recovery with a two hander. A potion of Alacrity always helps.
  10. Rofl You have to use [spo!ler] and [/spo!ler] tags. But obviously you should use the word "spoiler" with an "i", not an "!".
  11. For HoF it's best to use dual annihilating sabres (even in 3.04), The Merciless Hand, lashes, Vulnerable Attack and Frenzy as well as One Stands Alone and combine that with a Ring of Searing Flames. Before triggering HoF debuff the bunch of enemies so that crits become more likely. Everything that survives the HoF itself and is not immune to burn dies after a few seconds from the quadrizillion combusting wounds. At least that was the setup that worked best when I did the last PotD solo run with a dual wielding meatshield barb. As you said: you can just use the 2. weapon slot for this and use the other one for your auto attacks. Sabre + bash from Badgradr's or Dragon's Maw is also great. Their special effects work perfectly well woth HoF. The thing about Bloodlust is that that it usually starts working when Frenzy wears off - so I woudn't say that it's useless even if you can get to 0 recovery with dualwielding + Frenzy. And if that wears off Blood Thirst can kick in. But this is only really useful when you solo. In parties the fights are normally over while Frenzy is still on and it might be ok to skip both if you're already fast. By the way: all jumping spells stop when the actual target dies. Mind Blades do it as well as Bounding Missiles and Chaotic Orb (as far as I know) - so Firebug is no exception. But even if it only hits one enemy the damage is quite good. With a burning lash in the other hand an Scion of Flame as well as decent MIG it shouldwork well. It should also wirk with Deathblows - now that might be a weapon that could make a rogue interesting again, since it's a way to deal kinda AoE damage. Steadfast + Unlabored Blade: Champion's Boon and Deathblows + Scion of Flame applied on Firebug. Second Weapon set is dual Flames of Fair Rhian for 6 Fireballs... nice?
  12. Patch 3.04 should go live next week - it's currently in beta.
  13. Or kinda... boooring?
  14. Ok - but the thread opener meant "best party for plot" - not for steamrolling.
  15. No. Diablo III is so boring. Hell is it boring. It's so boring it even bores me to tell folks how boring it is.
  16. Oh, that's good to know! Didn't use a wounding weapon with Blood Thirst that much and didn't realize this.
  17. Paladins are better at healing than priests or druids in my opinion. Priests are more about buffing - and are really awesome at it. Druids have some healing spells, but you should cast them in advance since they are not made for the "oh crap" moment when you see that one of your chars is in trouble. Paladins are good at saving a friend from getting knocked out. You will have Pallegina - so you're good. And there's always potions - they work pretty well if you manage to gulp them down in time. Generally said: if you combine a buffer with a debuffer (for example wizard, druid, cipher...) things get pretty easy. You don'r even need a dps character then. The whole game is about hitting the enemy - the more you hit the better. High damage is useless if you can't hit (or are k.o. all the time). So try to keep the difference between your ACC and the enemies' defenses as high as possible while doing it the other way round with the enemy. I's always skip rogue - even in a party of six. I would let Aloth do the mechanics. If he's in the back line he doesn't need tons of survival bonuses or athletics. Stealth is useless anyways. Go for 4 survival in order to get the +10 ACC bonus and the rest you can put into mechanics. I also don't think that the companions are inferior to hirelings. At the beginning of the game they are one level above hirelings which is a tremendous advantage. And later on, when hirelings catch up with exp the game becomes so easy anyways that their non-min-maxing doesn't matter. In fact, some of their special abilites or talents are very nice and totally make up for a few "suboptimal" stats points here and there. For example Pallegina's Wrath of the Five Suns is so nice it's totally worth to build a whole character concept around it.
  18. Your game is totally messed up. I never heard of this - but some of it sounds like fun. I mean getting Argwe's Adra twice and looting the Battery for durgan steel twice. You should clear your game chache and see it this helps. Sometimes it produces hickups.
  19. Sword of Daenysis + March Steel Dagger for the win! Fulmineo knew it all along! Belfetto *in a galvino-ish voice*!
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