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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That's because you never played my berathian "Gatekeeper" build. Which is no wonder because I'm writing it atm.
  2. I couldn't read the whole thread because it's way too long, so excuse me if this was already asked for: Can we get some more weapons which fall into the category "unarmed"? I mean we already have awesome things like The Long Pain and Shiritshift claws, tusks, horns and such - but those are reserved for certain classes. I would love to see things like pitfighter gloves, brass knuckles and so on. If you are concerned about the interference of gloves and weapons: certain gloves could make it so that if you equip them in the glove slot they automatically equip the related weapon (and you can't equip another while you're wearing that special gloves) - just like with summoned weapons. For example if you put on Pitfighter Gloves (gloves slot) you automatically get 2 "Spiked Knuckles" as weapons in all your weapon slots. You can then decide if you can use weapons with those gloves (weapons "override" spiked knuckles like with monks' fists) or not (you can't wear other weapons while wearig those gloves then, like with spiritshifted claws). Brass Knuckles on the other hand could be treated like normal weapons - you can wear them over your gloves. And what I also would like to see: more defensive weapons that are no shields. Like parrying daggers (what's the right term?) and the like. They can even be unique daggers (or other weapons you can imagine that fit) with a special enchantment "interfering". I really wonder why such unique daggers weren't part of PoE. I mean we have the Vailian Republics - tehre should be such daggers in the game. There's a pike and a wand which have that interfering enchantment which cuses -5 ACC on hit. I don't mean that - I mean the thing hatchets have, plain +5 to deflection. Oh yeah: whips! Please give us whips. This is the second time I beg for this. I did it when you guys were doing WM and WM II... to no avail.
  3. I don't think the hit rolls are too complex. Roll a d100 against certain defenses, that's it. What is a bit complex are calculating ACC (esp. the stacking rules) and calculating (weapon) damage and healing power (and healing received). And the most complicated of all: attack speed (you mentioned round mechanics). Maybe there's a smart way to reduce the complexity with those. I would maybe allow every character a certain base number of attacks during a given timespan. Then this can be influenced by DEX and attack speed mods. Not percentage based, but flat numbers. COmes close and would be easy enough. Maybe something similar with healing and damage: not doing it with percentage based values, but with flat numbers. I know it's not ideal because fast weapons do profit more from such an approach, but maybe one could scale the bonuses. Instead of getting +20% small weapons get +1, normal weapons +2 and two handers +3 from a talent like Savage Attack (just an example with some random numbers) or something like that. Would also solve the problem that weapons with higher base damage get a lot more out of dmg bonuses (like sabres did).
  4. I was an altar boy in the catholic church for many years (no "incidents") and if I know one thing for sure it's that clerics cover the whole range of dispositions - like the rest of all people do. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz-Peter_Tebartz-van_Elst That guy is an example for a deceptive priest - in a faith that tells you that "superbia", "luxuria" and "gula", are capital sins. In that regard, priests in the PoE stand true to their faith.
  5. Why? You can use Gyrd Haewanes Stenes to its full potential with any priest. Also Eothas if honest and benevolent are your favourite dispositions. Another ROFL for "a cleric who is not honest... how can that be?" I hope you didn't mean real life...
  6. 1: Any soulbound weapon works with a priest's weapon profiency. This means Weapon Focus and also things like "The Pallid Hand" and so on work. And you don't have to bind your soul to the soulbound weapon in order to use it. So, for example a priest can easily use Stormcaller, but not bind it. It might still be of some use until he finds better equipment. I'm sure gods like Hylea or Galawain would have favored bows or other weapons that are not covered yet. Unfortunately their priests are not covered in this game. Magran allows arquebuses - it seems to be a good weapon for your purpose. It's not a pistol, but it's close. 2.: Gyrd Haewanes Stenes does work perfectly well as it's a soulbound. And I can't imagine which weapon fits better to a priest of Wael. You could also use a quarterstaff like Llawran's Stick and attack from behind the backline. 3.: You should pick up the bartender's ring in Defiance Bay. It's exactly your thing. It's in a locked chest in the inn "Goose and Fox" in Copperlane. It will give you +20% damage against spirits and vessels. You could then pick "Sanctifier" and "Ghost Hunter". This will give you additional +25% damage. You could then enchant two similar weapons (like two generic rods): one with vessel-slaying and one with spirit-slaying. That's +4 ACC and +25%. And then take Dangerous Implements and you will get +25% damage again. So you could use Gyrd Haewanes Stenes for all foes except spirits and vessels and have +25% damage (and insane ACC because that scepter has a +21 !!! ACC enchantment) - and against vessels and spirits you would pick the right "special" rod and do +4 ACC and +95% damage and just rip them apart. +95% is more than rogues do with Sneak Attack (at the price of two talents). This can all be done with Weapon Focus Noble (+6) and Incomprehensible Revelation (+10 ACC). If you don't have a paladin in the party, you could als use Gallent's Focus. You're in the perfect position (=in the middle) for that. That would give you +20 ACC in total.
  7. Erm... this statement is also true for severe bugs.
  8. I don't know if that's all. I experience the same "problems" while using a fighter with the Tall Grass pike: sometimes I do a knockout, the counter goes from 3 to 2. But at some point during the fight the counter resets to 3. It seems to happen randomly and it's rare, but it happens. Never reported it because it's quite convenient.
  9. Interesting. I did not experience this with 3.03. I didn't monitor every kill of course, but I guess I would have noticed this during my barb solo run.
  10. It's a continious heal spell like Consecrated Ground - just more powerful - and you need a corpse.
  11. You mean party or solo? I would disagree for solo. But yeah - compared to other rulesets the attributes don't have a huge impact. That's cool with me because you can't improve them while leveling up. I would have liked it if there was an option to raise stats in some way. Maybe class talents or abilities for certain classes. I mean besides temporary boosts like Frenzy and stuff and story related talents like Gift from the Machine.
  12. Yes! All checks are done on hit. You get "hit" first from your own buffs (if centered on you): 1. you receive the buff 2. the visible radiance goes off 3. when it meets the enemies the hit roll is done with your buffed stats
  13. He can use the speed chant and kite most enemies while destroying them with his Sweet Winds of Death. And don't forget: he has summons which can soak up a lot of damage. The phantom is crazy powerful early on. Imagine what 6 phantoms could do. And then imagine how you turn of "gib" in the options and kite all foes of a map to a chokepoint where you piled up all the corpses from previous fights and then cast 6 times "White Worms". I cleared Raedrics Castle that way with a solo chanter without resting once. Very powerful but a lot of positioning. By the way: ranger's animal companions also don't have health. So it might also be possible to use those in some way to prevent resting. If you can make it so that they get frequently healed without using per rest resources they are great tanks for such a run: no health loss! I'm thinking about chanters (Ancient Memory and so on), Ciphers (Pain Block) rangers themselves (per heal), priests with spell mastery Consecrated Ground, Druids with Spell Mastery Nature's Vigor and stuff. Maybe that also works nicely.
  14. All builds that use not too many per rest resources might work. Also keep in mind that low health might force you to rest. So: no squishies with 3 CON. Chanters might be best because they can combine great dps with good defenses. Good defenses prevent health loss. One of the best tricks for late game is: - Priest with Spell Mastery Withdraw (stuns chanter but lets him keep chanting) - takny chanter with a preservation shield and another preservation item (=+100 to all defenses when stunned) - Cipher with Defensive Mindweb It's like a win-button: all party members get the insane defenses of the chanter while he's still able to chant The Dragon Thrashed. Also works with any other tanky character but chanter. But those will not have the advantage of doing something useful while being withdrawn. In addition to Wound Binding and Field Triage you can also use potions of Infuse with Vital Essence. All of them work with all the healing bonuses like high MIG, survival bonus and items (Belt of Bountiful Healing, Fulvano's Amulet). A chanter can also sing the late game phrase "Mercy and Kindness" as soon as the healing gets activated, which will give additional +100% healing - also for your health, not only endurance. COmbined with 14 survival, high MIG and those items you will be at ~+200% healing power (or healing times 3 in other words). Wound Binding for example heals ~120% of your health instead of 40% that way.
  15. I didn't say you should do it. I only said it's possible without spending money.
  16. Actually I did WM1 with such a barb (2DEX) and it wasn't too bad. Darzir was a bit hard, but I solved the problem with Blood Thirst + scrolls of Fan of Flames. after a few casts you can keep on casting with 0 recovery because every time a winter wolf and then later ogres die.
  17. Gimp is free and it's powerful - it's def. potent enough for altering fantasy portraits.
  18. Yeah, priest is hard in the early game - then it becomes a LOT easier. Barbarian is also kind of tough during the first few levels, then also gets a lot easier. After lvl 11 it's a joke with the right build (except dragon fights) because of HoF.
  19. Right. Although a priest with Crowns and Inspiring Radiance and stuff might indeed be better than an additional chanter. It's like a pastor with his acolyte choir.
  20. And they have some nasty summons with nasty immunities. Look at the animated weapons. They can really annoy the sky dragon. With the Blackwarden's Breastplate and the best slaying chant (stacks) those summons are serious business for dragons. At level 16 you can even fit 2 Dragon Thrashed into the linger time of the beast chant - letting them hit very hard. And I have a special weapon, enchanted for dragons. Even my weapon attacks hurt them a lot. So, even great in most boss fights.
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