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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Is my memory fooling me so hard? I would've sworn up and down that they stacked. But I don't think OBS changed that recently. So It must again be my swiss-cheese-brain.
  2. Huh? That shouldn't be. Last time I tried a tanky cipher (remember the Wild Leech stacking with over 50 DEX I talked about in another thread?) it stacked (3.03). It should stack because Psychov. Shield only raises deflection while Borrowed Instincts raises all defenses - they should be in two different categories.
  3. It also stacks witt Psychovampiric Shield. Yes, the chanter with scrolls is much easier than without.
  4. Sure it is. But a paladin is a healer. And one of the best. Besides that - Veteran's Recovery/Constant Recovery help a lot, too. Concelhaut's Siphon is also good healing, but only for the wizard. Barbs have Savage Defiance, which I would always recommend. It's superstrong at the beginning and still good later on. Blunderbuss is actually not a good choice for a paladin because of the way lashes work. The multiple pellets with low damage lead to multiple lashed with low damage that all have to overcome burn DR. So, it's only good against soft targets with lowish DR. Pen. Shot and so on don't work with the lashes, only with the direct pellet hits. Because of that, it's better to use an arquebus, Firebrand or dual weapons like Resolution + Purgatory. Sworn Enemy + FoD will give you +35 ACC which often leads to a crit with FoD - so annihilating can be good. Most of the tie I find an Island Aumua with Arms Bearer, Coil of Resourcefulness, three arquebuses and war hammer is nice. I also always use the Outworn Buckler. 2 FoD Shots with burning lash, Intense Flames, Remember Rhakan Field and Scion of Flame and 1 Runner's Wounding shot (the +80% also work with the lash damage of the weapon) do a lot of burst damage. Then I switch to support/tank mode with the buckler. If you want to have high MIG and INT you should also think about Envenomed Strike to help with more dps. It's totally independent from weapons' damage. Only ACC, MIG and INT count.
  5. Damn it, I forgot Mob Justice. Cladhaliath is the best weapon choice I think. With the dozens you get it early, you get +5 from spears, +4 from Coordinating enchantment and also Mob Justice. Good point about cloak & breastplate. Multiple paladins with marking/coordinated attacks: I don't think so. If it was was stackable, you could never make sure the two paladins don't buff each other and not the third ally. But I never tested this. You can stack coordinated attacks +marking with a coordinating weapon. Do multiple Inspiring Exh. or multiple Insp. Radiances stack by the way?
  6. Ok. I just want to set the rules. So without stronghold items to keep the thing "pure" solo.
  7. Hm... another paladin with FoD + Swotn Enemy could indeed be better than Tactical Meld + Borrowed Insticts. But if the cipher can manage to get multiple Wild Leeches on PER he's still better.
  8. Wild Leech does indeed stack with itself. But you can't prolong it with Spelltongue: it's an effect that's on the enemy, not on you (like with most self buffs the cipher has). You can only see the effect in the character sheet's attribute scroes - no timer, nothing. I don't keep track of my ACC values, but I always try to have it very high since it makes the game so much easier if you focus your effords on ACC rather on damage or speed. The things that come to my mind (without consumables): Priest + Darcozzi + Cipher can stack Insp. Radiance (+10) + Devotions (+20) + Crowns (+6) + Zealous Focus (+6) + Insp. Exhort. (+10) + Marking (10) + Coordinating (+10) + Tactical Meld (+20) + Borrowed Instincts (+20 - does this stack with Devotions? Not 100% sure, maybe not) + Wild Leech (+x) + legendary weapon (+15), Coordinating Weapon (+4) + spear (+5) + single handed (+12, all from Cladhaliath) + Survival (+15)+ Weapon Focus (+6) for a total bonus of +169 without Wild Leech. Did I forget something? If you go against dragons, you could also add Blackwarden's Breastplate (+15) and with an additional chanter +20, too. Add the CLoak of the Frozen Hunt +6. You may be able to add Beast Slayer to the weapon - but I think there are no points left for that. So maybe +210 against dragons on top of ability bonuses and base ACC and level bonus. Maybe you could end up at ~300? A boreal Dwarf can add +15 against certain encounters, a human +7 when under 50% endurance. A Wood Elf can't use his Distant Advantage with a single handed weapon.
  9. This all sounds fun. I think nobody expects us to do those encounters with a char that we dragged through a whole playthrough. I will use the console to create some chars for those encounters next week or so. Do we allow all items (also from stronghold adventures) or will we be limited to those that you can obtain during a "real" solo run?
  10. A wizard who stacks those pulsing things like Chillfog and Malignant Cloud and adda a Wall of Many Colors in the same AoE where he cast Pull of Eora and then pokes with Spirit Lance or uses Kalakoth's Minor Blights can deal enough damage even without using all of his spells. I played a fun priest build with max MIG (over 50) and with his ACC buffs his Shining Beacon + Cleansing Flame and Symbol of Berath (in mycase) whiped some WM bounties alone without any problem. When solo, healing bonuses + Triumph of the Crusaders + potions of Infuse are a great combo. However - I think he might have a hard time against Magran's Faithful because the constant bombardment of spells may be too much. It takes some time before the first enemy dies and triggers Triumph otC. But I think he would have enough spells to kill them.
  11. For me it's always like that with the bounties. There's just too many of them to kill them all with SI or the foes have too much endurance or too high defenses to get killed by the limited pulses. It's still a really nice ability. I also tested Magran's Faithful again with the chanter. And while it's doable I found it to be harder than Brynlod. The druids with their Sunlances often hit me so hard (despite high defenses) that I can't heal fast enough while at the same time they have very high reflex (>140) so they often only get grazed by The Dragon Thrashed. However - it helps a lot to just run around them in circles (Fast Runner + Graceful Retreat + Night Runner armor) and drink a potion from time to time. They tend to follow you and don't cast so many spells while the chant also works while you're running. I also did that Withdraw-thing again and it works when you put summons out which you heal a bit with Ancient Memory. But they get obliterated very quickly. I didn't try yet to charm one of the mentally weaker Faithfuls and then withdraw. With 3.04 this should work. But I admit I didn't buff up too excessively. I had no resting bonus, no story talents and no prostitutes. Also no scrolls. I only tried it with survival bonus + food + potions. With a paladin and Sworn Enemy + Munacra Arret ist should be possible to charm, too. Does SI also work when you are withdrawn?
  12. Are you on Steam? Your should try to verify your game cache. Sometimes that helps.
  13. So, Pillars of Eternity runs on your friend's phone? How did you do that?
  14. I asked Google: "Shadow Keeper Pillars of Eternity"? And surprisingly, it came up with this: http://eternity.mantas.me.uk/ This seems to be it. Never used it though. But several guys on the forums here mentioned it.
  15. Melee wizard and priest for the win. The priest has the aweseome ACC buffs (Blessing + Devotions + Crowns + Insp. Radiance stack for >+40 ACC ), the wizard has his awesome self buffs (e.g. Hardened Arcane Veil + Wizard's Double stack for +115 deflection) and AoE CC, both can do a ton of damage with spells and (summoned) weapons. Tidefall on a priest with 40 MIG is really good, while Citzal's Spirit Lance just wrecks everything. Wizards can have summons, too (phantoms), which help a lot to take the initial aggro and let the casters do their buffing/debuffing thing. Tanky druid is also nice. Relentless Storm is very good for a melee druid. Tanky Chanter + cipher if you don't like resting during the early levels too much. Whisper of Treason is a very good spell, it's cheap and it's like having unlimited summons for distraction. It also works on most dragons. Stuck & Paralyze (Mental Binding) + The Dragon Thrashed is a very good combination.
  16. Vicious Aim doesn't work in melee. Only Swift Aim works in melee as well as ranged. Both don't work with Powder Burns - like Twinned Arrow.
  17. Very glad I could help. If you know all the tricks this game becomes pretty easy with a full party. But it's a lot of info to be digested. The hardest part is Act I. And I guess you just managed to beat the hardest encounter in Act I.
  18. Yes, it's basically the same thing. But both stack with everything else, which makes a paladin with Coordinated Attacks who also wears a marking weapon interesting. Things that stack with everything can be quite powerful. For example: A Darcozzi Paladin with Inspiring Exhortation (+10 ACC fo a single ally, also stacks with everything), Coordinated Attacks and a marking weapon can mark a dragon for a fighter with Disciplined Barrage and a single handed stunning weapon (like Cladhaliath). The fighter will get a ACC bonus of +70 and +12 (one handed) = +82, easily stunning the dragon after he used his initial attack for a Knockdown. Dragons can become easy prey with this combo. You can take this even further: add a priest with Inspiring Radiance and Devotions of the Faithful and the fighter could have +112 ACC. Then add a chanter with the Blackwarden's Breastplate and the "Slay the Beast" chant and your fighter will have +147 ACC against dragons... so, about 250 to 260 ACC at lvl 16 I'd say.
  19. Try to switch when the game is not paused. During pause this is a problem, but usually it will work properly if you klick while the game is running.
  20. Playing a melee wizard. When I get knocked down by the shrooms in the cave at Anslög's Compass and get back up, my recovery bar is frozen. I can move around, but I can't take any actions. Then I get pummeled to death. This is new... and very, very annoying. At the phone atm. Will try to upload a save game later. Did anybody else also experience this ?
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