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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. As I said: there were similar questions here and on twitter - it's perfectly fine to summarize them. No problem with that. So you could say some (few) questions from here were answered. My questions about throwing weapons and bashing were yelled into the chat at the end of the stream (not exclusively by me, but also by me). Especially the throwing weapons got asked so many times it was hard to ignore. These were the questions I considered to be the least interesting ones to be honest. I really would have liked to know about the bad sorting in the stash (because it affects the performance of the game a lot on older cmputers) and the command queueing (make it visible). But it's hard for me to yell such complicated things into the chat with a few words only. "Throwing weapons??? Come ON!!!" was much easier.
  2. Maybe when he was 100kg, but at 85kg I think he's lost the +2 Might necessary for it (I say this as someone who's 1.97m and 95kg and definitely doesn't have the +2 Might) I guess have some bonus MIG (although MIG is not maxed atm), but sadly, I also always had a stupid malus on CON. There's no pillars race which can do this. I may be special. And who says Orleans can't use growth hormons? I ate that ethereal pig that somehow found it's way into my backpack and it was full of that stuff... albeit tasty. Also gave me nasty pimples...
  3. I liked to play as assassin with illusion, sneaking and backstabs'n stuff in Skyrim. Totally different gameplay then and very immersive, too. I once nearly peed myself when I was playing at night... on the PS3 with projector (~4m screen width) in my living room, exploring a dark and gloomy cave... and suddenly a hand was placed onto my shoulder... It was my wife and I nearly knocked her out by accident because I was jumping up like a crazy rabbit who licked a 1000-Volts-wire. Today I would just suffer a heart attack and instantly die I guess.
  4. Aloth has the arms sombody would have who is not sitting at a desk all days. Who knows what he has been up to lately. I stopped lifting nearly 10 years ago (now sitting at a desk all day) and dropped from 100kg to 85kg (I am 1.90m)... and my arms still look bigger than his. My belly now, too!
  5. Great! I love to abuse game mechanics. Gogo Missileneous Wizard who's blind as a bat and can't even hit an adra titan with a sawed off blunderbuss at point blank! I mean... he can literally stand there with his back to the enemies and still hit them. Awesome! Paladins get all zealous auras with one single ability and can switch between ACC/DR/speed: that's cool with me - good idea.
  6. Really? I read through the questions here again and I don't recognize any of them being answered on the stream. One/two similar questions came from Twitter. Answering questions from Twitch towards the end of the stream is very chaotic. Once they start doing that the chat gets flooded with stupid nonsense which obscures the good questions. And the 120 sec delay doesn't help much because there are too many people chatting. Maybe I will post questions on Twitter next time - but I don't like Twitter very much. I would be very thankful if resonable questions from this forum would be answered, too. At least we got an answer on the bashing stuff.
  7. Maybe you can extract the captions from Youtube? Edit: oh wait... there are none.
  8. I also liked Dragon Age: Origins a lot. Especially the spell combos were neat. Too bad the skill/talent system was a bit simplistic and lacked a bit of variety. But the whole game was great.
  9. You are indeed wrong. But that's OK. I'm making wrong statements all the time. I hope not this time though - would be embarassing... I did multiple solo PoTD runs and every class I tried was doable. Rogue and fighter were the most tedious for me to be honest. Priest was lot of fun after the first few levels. If you can beat the game on solo PotD you can also do it on ToI. Every encounter that's not too far above you in levels can be won with either pulling/kitig/splitting and/or excessive use of consumables.
  10. Priest is not necessary, also not on PotD. But he surely makes things easier because he has the best accuracy buffs in the game. Debuffing is good, but it's even better if you can buff your entire party with +30 stackable accuracy (Inspiring Radiance + Devotions of the Faithful) before trying to debuff the enemy. But it's not necessary. Some fights against enemies with really good defenses might be noticeably tougher without that stackable ACC boost, but they always are doable without a priest. Most things a priest does can be substituted with scrolls, but those +30 ACC can not. And also no immunity against stun and prone, but that's minor.
  11. I like Clear Out very much. I'm not the guy who spares per-rest abilities for the tough fights. I simply use them when the opportunity i good. That has some impact on how you perceive Clear Out. I didn't use into the Fray that much because I don't use fighters as "hold the line guys" - it can deal good damage with high MIG and high ACC (if you crit a lot) and it's kind of a ranged attack which can be cool. But yes: since I wanted that fighter to be a good disabler (with maxed Knockdowns and prone on crit) Clear Out came in handy. It also works with ranged weapons by the way. It's function & damage is not connected to your weapon damage.
  12. Before I got Charge I used the cape of the cheat that can be achieved quite early if you're lucky. But you can also use Boots of Speed to reach the back line quickly. Reach helped to attack enemies that stood behind tanks. My build was high MIG, PER and high INT with the rest quite balanced. At first I placed him in the second row and used Take the Hit combined with max self heal (hence the pike). But because Take the Hit is superbuggy I quit that and made him a disruptor and that was so much better. Max self heal was very useful for that, too. After I got charge I used Hours of St. Rumbalt, too. So, not very Lady-of-Pain-like.
  13. @LLaney: That made my laugh and cry at the same time. How big is your office? Maybe we can buy one and send it to OBS. Of course that's futile if you'd have to place it on top of your desk or something like that...
  14. Just curious: why don't you just wait until it's released and then buy it via paypal? Why do you want to be a backer so badly?
  15. Yeah... erm... I was basically agreeing. More talents = more variety.
  16. I wrote a PM to Aarik. He's the nicest guy and will totally understand why you talked me into that.
  17. Some of the phrases and invocations need some balancing, that's true. The talents the chanter has now though (Ancient Memory + Beloved Spirits) are like putting an additional Veteran's Recovery on everybody. I really like that. But a bit more variety wouldn't hurt - also true.
  18. Hi, I used Ploi with a fighter with Tall Grass. It was my go-to team against dragons and it worked tremendously well. The fighter would Knockdown the dragon all the time, be it with Knockdown or crits from Tall Grass. He could combine Disciplined Barrage with Marking + Coordinated Attacks (and also Devotions of the Faithful from a priest) which let him knock over dragons pretty easily despite their resistance to prone. A monk like Zahua could try the same with Force of Anguish. He will not have Disciplined Barrage, but Force of Anguish has an innate acc bonus (+1 per level) and is not limited in uses like Knockdown is. And the prone time is much longer. So - monk seems to be a good partner against bosses. To get even more acc you could have a second weapon set just for Force of Anguish which will give you +12 ACC and results in no damage loss (per FoA use) because FoA is a primary attack only. Try to combine it with Enervating blows because that will cause weakened which will make it even easier to cause prone. Marking+Coordinated attacks doesn't work well for barbs because the carnage hits won't profit from it. To be honest I never tried if marking & co do work with spells, but I assume it does. I always used it combined with flanking - so two melee chars attacking from opposite sides. Since Aloth is a wood elf the Blast thing makes the most sense. But it's relatively easy to send him into melee though: pick Citzal's Spirit Lance and choose some defensive buffs for your grimoire and he will do great damage with the lance. But for most encounters it might result in better dps if you just cast Alacrity and fire away with the soulbound sceptre or Golden Gaze or Minor Blights + Blast and use Combusting Wounds before. Edit: don't you miss one more party member - or did I miss something?
  19. Underwhelming? It's one of the most powerful classes in the game despite being no vancian caster.
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