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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Single class Assassin pays off once you get Vanishing Strikes. Because then you'll have 100% Backstabs and lots of Assassinates during the duration of that unbreakable invisibility. Also wear the Stalking Cloak... Until then playing around invisibility/Backstabs/Assassinate can be fun - but only if you like to grind. You can start an encounter, kill an enemy, go invisible and cancel the encounter, repeat. Once you get Vanishing Strikes you can really go to town (and don't care that you are a glass cannon).
  2. It doesn't say weapon damage in the description though. Well I will find out soon enough.
  3. Everything that you initiate while stealthed will benefit. It doesn't matter that the recovery itself is not taking place while stealthed. The recovery time gets calculated while performing the action - while you are still stealthed. All offensive actions that actually hit enemies do break stealth - even if they make no noise (e.g. Marked Prey). Most abilities that are quite (see description) and don't hit enemies won't break stealth. Most buffs can't be cast outside of combat - but if a party members starts combat and you are still stealthed you can cast a buff and profit from the stealth bonus. Best is if you test it yourself.
  4. Unity console mod lets you give any subclass (including Stormspeaker) to your main char, companion or hireling without losing achievements.
  5. I can only say from experience that the high deflection approach usually is a lot sturdier than the meatshield apporach. I did a Barbarian with 3 CON and max RES and also one with 20 CON and 3 RES. Even though Barbs have bad deflection to start with. But at the same time the meatshield approach can do more dps since he isn't bound to a shield. But especially when it comes to builds where the defensive setup doesn't gimp the dmg output (e.g. Dragon Thrashed Chanter) the defensive approach is MUCH more effective. Also have in mind that even with a tremendous amount of self healing (which I usually do to increase the meatshield's "virtual" endurace even more) you'll run into health issues which you have to compensate for - while high defense characters usually don't have those issues. But as I said: the high defense char usually pays for this with crappy dps while a meatshield can be build to be rel. sturdy while doing good damage.
  6. As I showed above the benefits of RES (like any bonus to a defense) are not linear but exponential and coverge to infinity (when it comes to deflection). Like the bonus that CON gives to Fortitude. That's because there's an attack resolution that has to overcome the defense - and every additional point of defense makes it more and more unlikely that this will happen up to the point where it can't happen at all (e.g. deflection is so high that the enemy with the highest ACC can't even graze you). The bonus that CON gives to endurance is linear. With a base endurance of 50 you'll get 2.5 additional endurance with every point of CON.
  7. Yes. Recovery time and reloading time is -85% in stealth (NOT invisibility). THat means that after an attack from stealth you usually can do the next one very quickly. Actions that don't break stealth can be done in very quick succession (e.g. some spells).
  8. Exactly. You cannot simply add the damage bonuses like that. Damage bonuses like Sneak Attack are additive dmg bonuses which have weapon bas damage as... well, base. Lashes take the overall damage (you see in the combat log) and multiply it. This is usually better than an additive bonus. Best results you get when you can add lots of additive dmg bonuses (MIG, quality enchantments, Sneak Attack, Deathblows, Backstab and so on) and combine them with a high lash (e.g. Flames of Devotion with Dragon's Dowry etc.). Usually this combo is better than only go into lashes (Paladin + Monk) or only go into additive dmg bonuses (Rogue + Cipher). Depends on weapon choice though and if you have a Chanter with Mith Fyr and whatnot. Also keep in mind that abilities get +5% base damage per additional Power Level. This means that a for example a single class Rogue with Prestige will have an Arterial Strike with *1.45 base damage (10 PL - 1 PL = 9 * 5 = 45%). This is multiplictive since it's base damage - so at least as good as a 45% lash. If you combine that with the plentyful dmg bonuses a rogue can have this leads to great damage. A multiclass Rogue/Paladin can only get to PL 7 (items and comsumables aside) so his PL bonus on Arterial Strike is only 5*5 = 25%. This is a difference of 20% multiplicative dmg - so what a paladin/rogue with FoD would give you. Multiclass synergies are nice - especially since they start to unfold early. On the other hand single classes are always 1 to 2 PLs ahead. This not only means they get access to certain gamebreakers earlier (or at all) but also have higher base damage, PEN and ACC with their abilites. Don't forget the above when comparing damage potential of single class vs. multiclass. Of the above I would think that Shadowdancer (Streetfighter/Helwalker) would win the race for best (sustained) dps. I think he would need to give way to a single class monk or rogue in the end though. Their PL8/9 abilites are just too strong. I would also consider a Mindstalker (Assassin or whatever/Soulblade). With Sun & Moon for example you'll get plenty of dmg - and stuff like Borrowed Instinct is great for both defense and offense.
  9. To be honest I think that linger stuff on Backstab is unneccessary. The "real" perfect weapon for a Backstab is a dagger or a stiletto - single handed. Usually you'd grab/hold the victim with one hand and then do the "stab". Now, to bring this into Deadfire there would be only one thing that Backstab needs to do: apply a fixed amount of bonus damage that is not percentage-based on the weapon. Basically like Soul Annihilation is. Not +100% dmg bonus but something like +50 (+PL scaling + crit bonus - maybe even with a bonus per remaining Guile) for the first attack. That would give you some motivation to use a small, light, single handed weapon. Or at least it wouldn't gimp yourself to use one of those. THen one could also think about a higher bonus for light (concealable) weapons and lower bonuses for the heavy hitters. Because let's face it: doing a Backstab with an Arquebus at point blank currently is the best way - but it's also the most ridiculous way. Dual wielding setups need no buff with Backstabbing in my opinion. If you do something like Finishing Blow with Backstab you're good enough I'd say. If you want that go for Vanishing Strikes.
  10. I just did the Nomu the Marauder bounty with the Essence Interrupter. Nomu got marked my the bow and then got killed by somebody else in my team. He turned into a bird which also got killed. Nothing dropped. Nomu is supposed to drop Chameleon's Touch. So this bug is not fixed. Since I started to use this bow in the current playthrough I had the impression that "turned" enemies wouldn't drop loot but I wasn't sure. Now I am: bug still persists. Redid the fight without using the bow and the ring drops.
  11. It depends. If you have a build who wants to have a lot of deflection then RES is superior. Because the higher the deflection already is the more impact every additional point of deflection has. Up to the point where 1 last point can make the difference between "slight chance to get grazed" and "only misses" - where the gain would be infinity. An example would be a paladin/fighter/wizard with shield. If you have a build that can't reach high deflection numbers anyway but has more base endurance and health you would do better with high CON. Example: non-shield Monk or Barbarian. I once played a Monk with maxed CON and also a Barb with maxed CON and dumped RES and they can take a beating after several levels (needs some buildup because at low levels high CON doesn't make a lot of difference if you receive crits a lot). But they will be never as tough as sombody who can just avoid getting hit at all. But they will also get interrupted a lot if you don't have other means to prevent that (items, Holy Meditation). Of course it would be best to raise both. Also if you look at Fortitude which is the most important defense when it comes to afflictions (paralyzed etc.).
  12. Not only do you gain accuracy with levels but you also get it via weapon enchantments (fine, exceptional etc.), via talents (Weapon Focus etc.) via abilites (Flames of Devotion and others) and buffs (Inspiring Radiance, Devotions for the Faithful...). Those I listed do stack. But you don't have access to all that in the early game and so the bonus from PER has a lot of impact. A tip: ifyou have a Priest pick Inspiring Radiance asap and cast it at the start of combat. It gives you +10 ACC for your first few actions in combat (which should be debuffs!). Helps enormously. If you have two priests you can even stack it. It stacks with everything (no exceptions). Also your a single one haded weapon if you have problems hitting things. The automatically applied +12 ACC if using a single one handed weapon only also helps a lot in the early game.
  13. By the way: you can edit the thread title by choosing "Edit" --> "Use Full Editor".
  14. Hm, when I turn off the smart cam I can center the camera on my chars. Anyway, if people want to know where to turn off the smart cam:
  15. With the Unity console mod you can change subclasses for everybody without loosing achievements or anything. I generally agree that the subclasses were chosen with the charater in mind. But while in some cases they are obvious (Pallegina, Tekehu...) others are not (Aloth, Edér...). For example it wouldn't really collide with anything if Edér was a Streetfighter instead of a normal Rogue or Aloth was an Evoker etc. On the other hand, some subclasses just don't fit: Assassin or Trickster for Edér? Nahhh...
  16. Totally OT: That's something I always wondered (also in times of PoE): when an item had/has a spell- or ability-binding (like for example Girdle of the Driving Wave had Knockdown, Rokowa's Fingers have "Sparkcrackers", Flames of Fair Rhian had Fireballs and so on) it seems to be a (code-)copy of the original ability, not the ability/spell/effect itself. Why would you do this? Whenever you alter the original effect you'll have to search for all the copies and alter them, too (or simply forget). Afaik Knockdown from the Girdle is still a Primary attack in PoE while the FIghter's version turned into a Full Attack. Does anybody know if there's a good reason for this kind of implementation? Since it returned for Deadfire...
  17. And the same to you with brass knobs on?
  18. Same problem with Amra's "Carnage" by the way.
  19. Yes, I guess Forbidden Fist was supposed to fill that role since they neither have to receive nor to deal damage in order to gain wounds. Their wound mechanic motivates the player to raise RES and use stuff like Clarity oA and Crucible oS. Sadly in their current state they fulfill no role at all. I mean besides the comfy role of a shelf warmer...
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