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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. I'm inclined to believe nothing changed regarding the Inspired Dexterity bug. I just ran two scenarios in a row where I lost a Favor of Erastil because I used that blessing to defeat the villain. I'm still convinced that the scenario end is preempting the resolution "Inspired Dexterity blessings," and as a result some blessings remain caught in a neither-discarded-nor-returned limbo. Hey Ehtics You are correct, we still have the bug in our system but we will definitely fix it in the next update.
  2. Hey guys, It has come to out attention that the new iOS 10 upgrade has been replacing users accounts with new Gamecenter ID's and creating new PlayFab IDs. We would advise not updating your iOS device to iOS 10 until we have investigated the issue further. If you have already upgrated to iOS 10 and find that your game data is missing, please refer to this thread and see if the workaround by Ethics Gradient works for you. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88500-updated-103-trouble-logging-in-here-is-a-workaround/?p=1847635 If you data is still missing, please contact support@obsidian.net with your PFID# (located in settings) and your new Gamer ID (i.e username #xxxx) Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter. -Pathfinder Adventures Team.
  3. Hey Leskaat, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. It looks like in the iOS 10 update, Apple removed the Gamecenter App and created a new ID. Please refer to Ethics Gradiant work around and see if that brings back your game account with your old data. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88500-updated-103-trouble-logging-in-here-is-a-workaround/?p=1847635 Thanks!
  4. Hey Drewsouth, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have a similar bug reported here http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89417-cant-select-role/. Do you think you could upload a screenshot? Thanks!
  5. Hey LogantheBard, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are currently aware of the bug right now and we are investigating the issue right now. Could by chance upload a screenshot? You can use dropbox or any other cloud storage site, etc. Thanks again!
  6. Hey guys! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll investigate the issue further and see whats going on. Thanks again!
  7. Hey Robfu, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Did you happen to look at this thread? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88500-updated-103-having-connectivity-problems-here-is-a-workaround/ Take a look at that and see if that works for you. Thanks!
  8. Hey guys, Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll double check on the bug, it is most likely a new issue. If you could please tell us your PFID# we can look into your account. Thanks.
  9. Hey Teddybier, We'll look into the bug again, but if you could please tell us your PFID# that would be great so we can look into your account. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for letting us know.
  10. Hey Bajie, Thanks for letting us know about the issue. We'll investigate the bug further. Thanks again!
  11. Hey guys, Patch is being uploaded now. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89407-the-stone-giants-are-here-patch-notes-for-update-114-patch-out-now/ Edit: Ethics beat me to it! *shakes fist*
  12. Thanks guys, We'll look into your saves and see whats going on.
  13. Uninstalling would delete your local data and possibly fix your quest mode. The only thing you would lose is the Quest Mode Save. Character data, Story Mode Saves, gold, and purchases are all stored in the cloud.
  14. Hey guys, this sounds like a bug to me. I'll have it checked out.
  15. Hello amaslows, Your save could possibly be corrupted. Try deleting the party and reforming it and see if that works. Thanks.
  16. Hey everyone, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Seeing how a lot of you are reporting on this issue, it should be easy for us to track it down and get a fix in. Thanks again!
  17. Hey Slin, Sorry for the delay. Could you please post up your PFID# (located in settings) so we can look into your account and see whats going on with your character? Thanks!
  18. Hey everyone, Thank you all for stepping in and helping VannHagen out. Could you please go in great detail on what is happening step by step? Are you in the tutorial? Story Mode? Quest Mode? Uploading a screenshot with Dropbox/imgur/etc would be super helpful. Thanks!
  19. Hey Rom129DCS, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Fortunately this is a known issue and we are still investigating on the cause of it. Thanks again!
  20. Hey guys! Great news, in the next update, we will be fixing the issue where users have multiple instances of reward cards when there should only be one in Story mode. The fix will automatically audit your cards and remove and excess number of reward cards and bring them down to 1, (if need be). Thanks and bunch!
  21. Hello znajoma, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We haven't seen this as well, but just so you know, we do not run ADs in the game, if you are seeing ads, then its quite possible you are playing on a pirated copy of the game. Are you playing the game on your Phone or an emulator? Where did you download the game from? Thanks.
  22. Hey Speeder, Thank you for bringing this to our attention and thanks everyone for helping out! I apologize for the inconvenience. I have written up a bug report and have our team investigate the issue further. Thanks!
  23. Hello Andyrgreig, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Sorry for the inconvenience, there is a fix in the next patch which will resolve this issue and you'll be able to continue playing normally. Sorry that you'll have to wait until then to continue playing. Thanks!
  24. Hey everyone, Just want to thank everyone for posting or emailing us about Daily Gold not having any mentions in regards of the 30 days subscription. This was an error on our end and the text will be properly updated in the next patch. It was not our intentions to misinform or deceive anyone who have purchased the Daily Gold thinking it has no duration. We apologies for any miscommunication and any inconveniences. Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.
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