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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. I agree. Many times I plan a character thinking about how to make them powerful, just to mess the build with something I think is cool. Well, I am OK with builds being sub-optimal but I don't like feeling gimped. As long as a character as abilities of its own, I don't care if it is not the best Single Target DPS or the best Tank. But I like to have at least a "special perk". That is the reason why weak classes are more a concern for me that strong ones. I am OK with Wiz and Monk being a bit too strong because they still can't replicate unique abilities of other classes. Wiz cant' heal so they aren't stricly superior to Druids or Priests. That's the reason why the only big concern I have is about Martial Single Class Ressource Pool. They're currently so low that their High Tier abilities can't be used more than a couple of time. Their sustainability is abysmal compared to infinite ressource classes, single casters or multiclass martial. And that feels weak and kills the fun at the same time ^^
  2. I think it's normal that Challenge achievements are locked with blessings and mods. But I think it'dumb to lock the Challenges themselves.
  3. Well, Ascendant only gets -1PL below other Ciphers. They also get more starting focus and more focus gain. So if you're cating when not yet ascended you're basically trading a bit of power for a substancial increased amount of focus. I think Ascendant would even be balanced if they hadn't access to Ascendant state. IMHO people are too obsessed about Ascension and miss the versatility of this subclass.
  4. This is a bit ironic, given the widespread image of the Barbarian class as a quintessential melee in most RPGs! It is still about killing stuff. Multi Barbarian are simply open-minded about how to kill them.
  5. When speaking about Barbarian + Caster Multi, Lion Sprint should be remembered. Positionning buff + small buff to Dex (minor but even more attack speed won't hurt) + instant 15 Acc (for next spell) is a relevant feat for both damages and CC. It is not as good as Fighter's Barrages, but it adds up. I think Barbarian is probably the best martial suclass for DPS casters, unless going DoT which is Helwalker/X realm.
  6. Bad balance is still a bit annoying. It is especially bad for replayability and number of options. One is usually tempted to go for the strongest build, or at least a build that has an unique combination of relevant feat. It is not a big issue if some abilities are no brainer and a couple are bad. The sweet spot is when all classes/races are strong enough to find a room in a party without feeling gimped, and all subclasses could be good enough for at least a couple of builds. This sweet spot is quite close at the moment IMHO. We should not expect perfect balance as it is not needed for a single player game. Yes Wiz and monk are a bit strong, Corpse Eater and Fire Godlike could get a bit of love and most Martial Single Classes feel a bit limited compared to their Multi counter parts. But it is already MILES ABOVE BG2 .
  7. Your wish has been more or less granted. The new Ranger Heart Seeker Tier 3 Constitution Debuff basically does this (more conveniently than perishing strike). (of course, you have to apply Enfeeble before debuff, not after like a baleful Salvation of Time would do)
  8. Sure but Terrify prevents everything meanwhile Frightened is basically a Silence effect that also affects Martial. It seems the closest thing from actual Silence in the game, and not too difficult to proc for reasonable duration (Ben Fidel shout or Secret Horrors).
  9. Reaping knives cast on a Single Class Ranger with Whirling Strikes into 1000 cuts spamming. That's the rawest thing I can think about.
  10. Maybe it's only because it's a tier 9 ability that should be powerful ? Persisting invibility sounds legit, but if OP, maybe its duration should simply be tweaked. Anyway it would be nice to now what was intented and if it works.
  11. Well Soulblade / Corpse Eater is more about ripping one's soul then eating his flesh. Sort of reversed Morag.
  12. It depends on many factors indeed. Many classes have small utilities that can't be replicated easily by other classes. Such as : - Dispell (Wiz and Rangers) - Summons & Pet - Healing (especially passive - ancient memory, semi-passive - shepard FoD, and continuous - Pollen Patch) - Invisibility - Increasing Debuff / CC effects durations (Single Class Ranger) - Brillant Inspiration - etc... Even if Soulblade/Rogue has a higher DPS, he might not be able to deal his DPS while in pesistent invisibility from Vanishing Strike. And I think one of the reason Ranger is seen weak (especially for multiclass) is that he brings very varied abilities, ranging from dispell, "passive summon", DPS (in the semi-hidden form of ACC boni + Driving Flight), semi-hard CC (binding roots) and even a bit of mobility. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Rogue brings a very clear bonus in the DPS department, plus a couple of debuff and positionning stuff.
  13. I think it's the idea behind Priest and Druid subclass design : all of them give 1 spell per PL by default. You don't have to pick a single spell ability to be able to cast and use all your spell PL slots. Of course it is far worse than Grimoire. Grimoire belongs to another league. Druids/Priests get Spiritshift/Radiance at "level 0". Wiz doesn't get a "level 0" ability. Grimoire swapping has probably be designed as their level 0 ability. And it is far stronger than other caster's.
  14. Arguably, there is no true obvious "weakest class" at the moment. All classes have enough perks to be worth a slot in a party (Priest has decent AoE buffs, AoE affliction removal and decent AoE damages spells at high level). That doesn't mean Priest, Barbs, etc... couldn't get a couple of improvements (too many meh spells and Barbaric Blows cost a bit too much). I also think that Martial Single Classes should get a bit more ressource but that's another debate. For strongest classes, Wiz seems to be the clear winner, and Monk gets the silver medal. The ability to change Grimoire is incredibly versatile on its own (even if not "gamebreaking" IMHO. EDIT : as Boeroer said, I agree it is indeed a bit gambreaking for Multiclass) and Empowered Missile Slavo (and maybe meteor swarm) feels a bit OP too. Monk is excellent in general and its Tier 9 is borderline OP. ​Probably a slight nerf could be a necessary evil for these 2 classes.
  15. Only if you're confused. Which happens quite often as a berzeker cause it is the downside of his upgraded Frenzy. But as well as you're resistant or immune to Intellect afflictions, even Berz won't hit friendlies. ​Overall I don't think Barbarian are significantly weaker. It shares the DPS (+ Mobility) type with rogue. Its single target DPS is worse but AoE is better (same for its debuff). And its Action speed buff are top tier, especially for casters multiclass who get the killing blow. ​I won't say its the stronger class either. Wizard is, especially because of its Tier 9 and Grimoire abuses.
  16. Yup but in this case, a +50% damages increase would have led to 60 damages However, also note that +50% damages get multiplied by lashes which can be significant (while carnage is multiplied by Might)
  17. +50% bonus damage is basically +50% base weapon damage. So it's similar, except it is on another target (which is arguably worse) Carnage is not a "multiplicative" bonus anymore like in PoE1, but bonus damage isn't multiplicative either. EDIT : however, it's Raw damages and Might bonus does apply to it. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103685-mechanics-barbarian-carnage-testing/
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