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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. It depends on the DR of what you are shooting at. Given that most enemies have high DR, you usually benefit more from higher damage and DR penetration than extra speed, especially if you are using a feeble weapon like a hunting bow. There is no point in peppering your enemies with arrows if they just bounce off.
  2. That was my thought too. An ark launched before the ending of ME3 would allow them to ignore the outcome of that game, just as they ignored the outcome of each previous game.
  3. The Rogue would do more damage, unless you are fighting hordes of wimpy enemies. Barbarians are for clearing out the trash.
  4. It's really a topic for the off topic forum, but the politicians have screwed up that dream bigtime, and almost certainly beyond repair. The founding idea behind the EU was to make another European War unthinkable, but instead, it has made it almost inevitable. Even before the Germans decided to punish the Greeks for not being good little capitalists, imperialistic expansion by the EU into former soviet territory (as it specifically agreed not to do when the USSR dissolved) had provoked conflict with Russia.
  5. No, the economic approach to expansion packs it to provide more content: "You liked this, so we are going to give you more of the same". Taking the approach "You liked this, so we are going to give you something different" is, at best, reckless.
  6. Just out of curiosity, XPerNX, did you actually try creating a module in NWN, or did you just play stuff other people had created? Because you don't seem to have the foggiest notion of how a toolset works (or even what it is, really).
  7. I would say the advantage of AR over VR is it's easier to add actual player movement into games. For example, you could run around the garden fighting monsters without having to worry about falling into the pond. Running as a stand alone device rather than a peripheral probably adds about +1K to the price, which would make it more of a rich person's toy, and hence make the software available more limited, than the mass market VR headsets that require a computer or console to run. It may get used more for serious medical applications, or for some kind of arcade type entertainment. Add better VFX to laser tag for example.
  8. The origin of the "stronghold" concept is the AD&D first edition DMG. It was really intended for characters who had reached high level (level 9 in the days before inflation) and had retired from adventuring.
  9. I expect it will come. I just want something more sophisticated than e-Pen to mark exam papers with at the moment though!
  10. If it helps, the people who want to kill him are basically the Mafia. But the reason they want to kill him was because he was infringing on their drug dealing. I don't think your character's background need influence your decision.
  11. X-Com 2 has been confirmed as PC only. But I expect the OP knew that, and was simply using it as an example of the type of gameplay they where thinking of. Selling gadgets has worked pretty well for Apple.
  12. You can make much more effective use of Carnage if Barbarian has a reach weapon. Since you can really only fight two abreast in doorways and corridors, four party members are going to need reach weapons or ranged weapons. I agree with making the paladin the main tank, and perhaps switching the tank fighter for a monk. With a party like this, you don't need to be as worried about tanking, since no one will be all that squashy.
  13. That's the thing: some of us AREN'T preoccupied with romance. Some humans are obsessed, and assume everyone else must be too. Sports fans are pretty much the same.
  14. Greece? Isn't that a cluster of islands off North Africa?
  15. Cleric of Skaen for RP reasons, but clerics of Wael are good with staves, and without ranged weapons you will need a lot of reach weapons, or most of your party wont be able to reach a target.
  16. Spaceships aren't actually that unusual at all. Remember the classic AD&D module "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks"? There is a Kilrathi spaceship in Ultima 7. The Draenei ship in WoW. Spelljammers in Baldur's Gate 2. And it goes the other way, with magic creeping into many SF settings.
  17. Aragorn (book version) is a good example of a character who had their priorities right, setting aside all thought of romance until after the evil was defeated. And Han Solo? He's a married man.
  18. I find watching other people play games on YouTube as boring as hell, regardless of what game they are playing.
  19. Don't recall, but I wouldn't have handed anything over to someone who threatened me. I most likely selected a "reasonable" option, but I was playing with the [] turned off.
  20. Not to accuse Bioware of dumbing down or anything, but Mass Effect 5 will be accessible for goldfish.
  21. Did you BUY DAI? If not, how do you know that you would have found it "boring as hell"? I quite enjoyed it, despite the faults mentioned in reviews. If you did buy it WTF did you waste your money on a game you think "is boring as hell"?! Do you have unlimited time and money to waste?!
  22. Isn't the PoE card game for iPad (and other systems)?
  23. I have a very simple way to tackle that. Borrow the Sanity mechanic from Call of Cthulhu. You start with a San score of 100% and after encountering the Biawac it would gradually decrease, based on events and sleeping (and possibly resisted by Resolve), It wouldn't have to actually do anything, the chance of it actually reaching zero before the end of the game could be very low. Simply seeing a counter tick down would be enough to suggest a degree of urgency.
  24. Well, really, it's not that big a deal if it's in there. Those who have no wish to explore that path with a companion need not click on anything remotely marked as a [flirt] and they will never see the content. There's room for both choices in these games, and that makes them more enjoyable to a wider market. Which isn't to say that only sad and lonely people play games for the romance. Some do like the roleplay aspect and do not self-insert, so it does add to the story and helps indiviuals to possibly relate better to the companions. I only have an issue when that's the only way to do so; friendship content should be available to anyone that earns it, and not just those that are sharing a bedroll. But in a game like this, I still hold with it being better for there to be only minor flirting and a promise to consider more when the bulk of the save-the-world adventure is over. Keep anything else to an epilogue slide. We don't need a fade-to-black sexy cutscenes in every game, I do agree. And it's not a big deal to include a space combat minigame. If you don't wish to explore that path you can simply avoid any option marked as [buy spaceship]. One is genre-appropriate and one isn't. Your syllogism is faulty, yo. Rubbish! How do we know Eora isn't one system away from Tatooine? It's quite obvious that "souls" are really midichlorians. Last time I was in a bookshop "Romance" was a separate genre, but "Science Fiction and Fantasy" was all together on one shelf.
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