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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. But how could you find out any of that until after you had already splashed out a large wodge of cash on a sequel to a game you didn't like anyway? The same goes for RE4, why would someone who didn't like RE3 even consider buying it, unless they had money to burn?
  2. Well, really, it's not that big a deal if it's in there. Those who have no wish to explore that path with a companion need not click on anything remotely marked as a [flirt] and they will never see the content. There's room for both choices in these games, and that makes them more enjoyable to a wider market. Which isn't to say that only sad and lonely people play games for the romance. Some do like the roleplay aspect and do not self-insert, so it does add to the story and helps indiviuals to possibly relate better to the companions. I only have an issue when that's the only way to do so; friendship content should be available to anyone that earns it, and not just those that are sharing a bedroll. But in a game like this, I still hold with it being better for there to be only minor flirting and a promise to consider more when the bulk of the save-the-world adventure is over. Keep anything else to an epilogue slide. We don't need a fade-to-black sexy cutscenes in every game, I do agree. And it's not a big deal to include a space combat minigame. If you don't wish to explore that path you can simply avoid any option marked as [buy spaceship].
  3. They should give Barbarians this talent: It's Only A Flesh Wound!: (100-armour penalty)% chance to convert crits to hits, (100-armour penalty)% chance to convert hits to grazes.
  4. ..and robot dinosaurs! What's not to love?
  5. I guess it would depend how far on you are in the main questline when you reach that point in Durance's questline. Once you get to Twin Elms there is enough evidence to tie Magran and Woedica together.
  6. True, if you look beyond Apple products I'm sure you can find a mobile device that can run PoE.
  7. I'm pretty sure I was given that option, the second time I played through that quest line. He gave me the breastplate, I promised to keep quiet about his ancestry, and no one died. Maybe it depends on attributes or reputation? Or maybe because second time around I was a hulking great barbarian?
  8. It's pretty obvious that the gods are screwing with everybody if you follow the main story. In the end Durance accepts that Magran, like the other gods, is a fake, and becomes an atheist. At least that's the ending I got.
  9. There is also the matter of the number of abilities required to optimise the weapon. Firearms need Gunner, Hunting Bows need Penetrating Shot, so War Bow leaves you with an extra ability that you can spend elsewhere.
  10. I'm not an expert, but I'm reasonably confident iPad hardware isn't up to PoE. Maybe by the time iPad 10 comes out...
  11. Single weapon style works with a shield equipped, but not with fists, so SWS would not work with fists+shield. Shield style would though.
  12. They only have a "right" to a refund if the item sold is "unfit for purpose"*. If the item sold is working, or has clearly been used before becoming broken, the retailer has the right to tell the customer to take a hike. If it looks like the item was deliberately broken, that is fraud, and the police will be called - especially if it is a big retailer like B&Q. My wife had a hard time getting a refund on a pair of trousers she bought from M&S, even though one leg was several inches longer than the other! *This is UK law, but I think the rest of the EU is the same.
  13. It wouldn't be hard to have better side quests that DA:I, since it has pretty much the worst ever included in a single player game. But it dosn't matter how good the quests are in Witcher 3, I'm not spending good money on it if I can't abide playing Witcher 2. I quite accept that for some players the Witcher character may suit their personalties better than the Inquisitor character. I have heard it said before that Canadian culture has a lot in common with British.
  14. I think I'm with HoonDing's mother on this one. Games fundamentally aren't mature, and "maturity" is not a desirable characteristic in a game. If I wanted to be mature I would be marking exam papers like I am supposed to be doing.
  15. Right, because people who go around conquering dungeons and killing monsters are psychologically incapable of falling in love or lust with another person. No, because not every game has to have what YOU like. It's exactly the same with the multiplayer crowd: "I like multiplayer, therefore I am going to insist that every game should have multiplayer!!". Well, you know what? I like Science Fiction, so from now on, I am going to insist that every game must have spaceships!! It's just pure selfishness!!! The stupid thing is, when it is tagged on, it is never actually any good. Tagged on multiplayer sucks. Tagged on romance sucks. Tagged on spaceships suck (See Ultima 7). If you want a good multiplayer game you have to design a multiplayer game from the start. If you want a good romantic story you have to write a romantic story from the start. There is nothing wrong with romance. If you like it, fine. There is certainly room in the market for more romantic games. But I don't like it personally so I don't want it rammed into EVERY SINGLE GODDAMNED GAME!!!!!
  16. I'm pretty sure Shadowrun can get away with that. Sure, you can have both, but you wouldn't want every game to have both.
  17. I can think of a whole bunch of games that have suffered greatly because unimaginative developers (or publishers, more likely) consider multiplayer a must have feature. Mass Effect 3, DA:I, Civilization: Beyond Earth to name but three. It's not just the diversion of resources away from the core single player game, it is the "streamlined" (i.e. dumbed down) gameplay. Also remember, there is a big difference between "having" multiplayer and having GOOD multiplayer. For example the infinity engine games have always had tagged-on-completly-crap-cross-both-fingers-and-pray multiplayer, and the EEs haven't been able to do much to fix it.
  18. I know it isn't. But why did you choose to respond to a dead argument from an old thread here, if not to use it as a strawman? We had actually reached a fairly broad consensus here. 1. Yes, a replacement for NWN is desirable. 2. It isn't feasible to convert existing PoE into a replacement for NWN, but you might do something in the same setting with similar rules. 3. It might be feasible to add a basic Baldur's Gate style multiplayer, but there is disagreement if that is an effective way to allocate resources.
  19. Characters randomly break out into song all over Tolkien, and it's usually not funny at all.
  20. Err, I don't think anyone has said they "dislike" sex scenes. Where they disagree with you is the idea that they are high art. I really enjoyed Jurassic World, but that didn't stop me thinking "this is a load of old tripe" just the same. You can enjoy something without it being "good".
  21. The thing that is silly is the idea that "roleplaying a character trying to conquer a dungeon or killing monsters" and "roleplaying someone who's romancing another character " must exist IN THE SAME GAME. It's like saying all games should include both dragons and plasma rifles.
  22. How about YOU read the comments?! NO ONE has said anything about MMOs sucking, because everyone, apart from you and the OP apparently, realise they are completely irrelevant to the discussion.
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