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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Sure, why not.
  2. TESB or ANH. Nah, TESB ROTS was worst. "War! etc. And especially that "There is heroes at both sides, evil is everywhere" or something like that is wors pars of it.
  3. That is about Sion, not T3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lol, T3 woudl'be even more scratched!
  4. Thats because he gave everything to <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ouch, that was bad (w00t) MCCarthy was crazy. Commies are cool. They had nice national hymn.
  5. Still waiting answer, sorry for my anxiousity. ^_^ Is Death of EH deleted from LS ending?
  6. Stop copying me, that is piracy! Umm, so it seems. Worst one of these is Mission. "Hey, I'm 14 years old twi'lek girl and know what, I saved Galaxy, yippee! Who's the pro, who's the pro?" Duh
  7. Yeah. I don't agree (and facts donn't agree, guh, I am using too much word "fact") but no craptalking to others. This is about jedis and siths, not forum members
  8. Great argumentation Jediphile, I have exactly same opinions as you.
  9. Unless you buff yourself with neat-o-powers and slices your enemy to pieces with lightsaber! >=)
  10. "I hate jedi AND sith" She uses force as assasin would use poison, you know. (she says that in the end)
  11. Says the guy who wears a hood and mask. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And Revan HAS gloves in cutscenes, bracers propably too
  12. FTL? For the live? Meesa hate GOTO, Meesa thinks GOTO is stupid and useless
  13. Aww, poor Vaklu. Can't even afford good moustache
  14. She thinks E is greater than anyone else because (s)he could abandon force etc. That is why she admires you. And of course E can be death of the force too
  15. One thing is quite sure: EH was in M 5 and Kreia found it from there
  16. One thing: I've seen some 10 x 10 "plots" for Kotor III. Why people are making them? Obsidian will surely make their own plot
  17. I always thought that holocrons etc. "trained" Revan. But I always believed that Trayus was deserted when Revan came there. Planet was tabu to mandalorians. Surely they would've killed person instantly if they'd seen him/her walking down in the planet.
  18. Xard

    Vote LORDI!

  20. Can you delete death of the Ebon Hawk from LS ending?
  21. Yeah, I'll do that. Just wondered that if you would know.
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