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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Hk-47, are ya calling k2's story deeper as female? How so, I really wanna know.
  2. Ouch not much dex I put normally 14 dex, 14 con, 14 Wis, 12 Cha, Int (dunno, it depends. In k1 it doesn't matter so I leave it to 8 ) depends on class of k2, Strenght 16 or 15, it depends how many points I have left. More strenght and dex/con (depends, usually CON) points with points with those that are released when you put int 8
  3. he is not speaking telephatically. he is speaking in the ancient sith language, <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, that is just assumption.
  4. life is suffering. by turning to the lightside, you are only deceiving yourself. by turning to the dark side, you finally see the truth. Darkness is Power! Long Live the Dark Side! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh my god! Teen angst strikes back!
  5. Seriously, in the end GL wil make all these movies with pure 3-D
  6. Or do you mean first remastered Ot or the newer remastered OT
  7. HE could take him down easily. He is mastermind, he could've easily persuaded him. (anyway I believe that you could kill him in non-ds planet ) Why Kreia didn't kill Malak then? Nihilus isn't even sith
  8. I would be DS propably if I really had any reasons to be DS. I usually make my choices in RPG like I would do in real life, so I normally end up some 3/4 (or 4/%, not sure) to light side.
  9. Same here edit: Bur original original trilogy isn't in DVD until these will come out
  10. Old Trilogy (or Original, but original old trilogy makes more sense than original original trilogy )
  11. Yeah, I agree. Though multiplayer duels are funny
  12. VEGETA, or Vegito (Vejita) But even he is cooler, Goku is stronger as Vegeta finally admits drung "Buu-time" and in GT he is real pr0 Wait, I aren't otaku Yeah, Darth Pudding could've pwned everyone! Force sense: I can feel locking coming closer and closer with each post...
  13. I hate polls. Where is Draken Fett and his 'nadds messages when we need him? Han
  14. isnt he that bloke in final fantasy 7 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats what i thought and by the way... jerk-phiroth isnt a jedi <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly =P Obi Wan IS good character, Benjamin Korr. One of My favorites
  15. Gameplay thing Yeah Exactly So true Chewie FTW
  16. NO! Fricking h*ll, no! This thing came mostly because the great pleading from fans. But yeah : If they want to buy original movies, so why not, we get cash from it anyway. But making them with ep3 quality tech! OMG! No no no! Everything is so plastic and unrealistic in PT.
  17. Wrong. He has the power to drain the life and power from the LIFE on planets. He can drains jedis life and power. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mm dosn't it mean prety much the same thing. I mean if you kill everything on planet isn't it wiping out the planet? He can kill all life. Monster? No he was the greatest of the Sith and maybe the greatest being of all time though he had a bit different kind a thoughts than the other Sith. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wrong. He cared nothing about teachings of sith, neither of destroying jedi and conquering Republic. All he cared about how to feed his hunger. He was nothing but slave of that hunger. And when whole Galaxy would've been gone and dead as a one big hole in the force, he would've died because there were nothing to feed him. He might've even died sooner, it depends. I wouldn't call it power or strenght <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He'd beat the hell out of anyone exept the Exile <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If Visas dies, he is damaged severely! And how do you know so? I don't believe he can use his "eating"-power very fast. It requires great concentration etc. So he could've been killed if toe to toe combat. As he was. Still he isn't sith ^_^ edit: There isn't any proofs about Marka's strenght after all. I mean, he gets beaten by Jaden Korr in LS Jedi Academy, so... Not so
  18. Any proof? Sorry, facts suggests otherwise "
  19. And paint your face pale as death, and wear dark leather clothes and sunglasses, and... " I never get any kicks when I play DS. I don't ever have any good motivations for it. It is like: Mwahahaaa, I'm dumb and nasty bastard, now gimma teh money and ten I'll rip you to pieces, mwahaaaa!"
  20. Who is he? I don't remember any Gradenko. Vladimir, bald guy, Tanya, Romanov, Yuri...No Gradenko! Goku is
  21. It'll have both versions in one DVD. Edited and original
  22. How interesting...
  23. Do you listen to yourself you can't deflect all of those shots as once <{POST_SNAPBACK}> who said he cant? who says that thats not possible? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I " Yes it is impossible. Only Goku could destroy Death Star all by himself Yeah, rly. But they are from different series. "
  24. They would've pwned him instead
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