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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. I find it strange spells somehow fire off faster if i have high dexterity. You no longer need to wave your hands like in IE games. Does magical energy flow faster through veins of creatures with nimble fingers? Maybe cast speed should be moved from DEX to something else just like damage got split between 2 stats?
  2. It's not a problem if some stat is dump for a BUILD. It would be if it were for a class. Ranged glass cannons not getting attacked is a problem with AI not stats. Making all attributes offensive would be solving the wrong problem. What’s your suggestion then? You first argue that if Res boost power level, than it would be a dump for a ranged glass cannon build, now you are saying its not a problem if a stats is a dump for a build?? I merely asked how useful RES would be for ranged weapon users. If not much then fine, that's all right, otherwise it would be a bonus. I don't have better suggestion than yours. I'd move healing to resolve and add something extra but i don't know what that extra would be. I like the idea of changing affliction/inspiration durations but if i'm not mistaked it's not a new idea so Josh Sawyer considers it unworkable.
  3. Quest in Divine Divinity with a man polymorphed into a boar who wanted you to find him a cure.
  4. It's not a problem if some stat is dump for a BUILD. It would be if it were for a class. Ranged glass cannons not getting attacked is a problem with AI not stats. Making all attributes offensive would be solving the wrong problem.
  5. I've that ranged weapons are often omitted in balance discussions. Does it mean they are balanced well?
  6. It's not. Builds are about focusing on some stuff while giving up on other. It's enough if a stat is useful to a class.
  7. Phrases from crits are melee only. Sure you can make ranged Skald but you won't be using its full potential.
  8. It works like in POE1. It's more like they didn't rethink this design.
  9. If Sharpshooter becomes good in melee i want Skald to work at range too.
  10. Ok. And what about ranged weapon users?
  11. Looks like Empower gives spells boost they need. At least some of them.
  12. Sword - 15 damage. Mace - 10 damage, 50% armor bypass. Leather armor - 20% damage reduction. Platemail - 80% damage reduction. Sword vs leather: 15 * (1 - 0.2) = 15 * 0.8 = 12 Mace vs leather: 10 * (1 - 0.1) = 10 * 0.9 = 9 Sword is better. Sword vs plate: 15 * (1 - 0.8 ) = 15 * 0.2 = 3 Mace vs plate: 10 * (1 - 0.4) = 10 * 0.6 = 6 Mace is better. Above certain armor value higher pen weapons is always better than low pen one. And the higher damage reduction the better high pen weapon compares to low pen one. As a bonus light armors are always doing something, unless attack happens to have 100% armor penetration. No more "I can as well go naked".
  13. I'd rather have v2. "damage and buff" reminds me of leader units in Legends of Eisenwald (mostly Knight and Baroness) who could do damage but also buff initiative of adjacent units. "debuff and heal" reminds me of witches in Legends of Eisenwald who were doing just this. "buff and heal" reminds me of healing women in Legends of Eisenwald who were doing just this. Damage and heal are two ends of same stick. Same with debuff and buff. I think it's more interesting if a unit has two ends from two different sticks
  14. This thread is much bigger than "Weakest beta build". We shouldn't be surprised if Obsidian nerfs more than it buffs
  15. What's male and what's female differs from language to language. And that's why I specified italian on top of the post. To be absolutely clear: it was made looking only at what people and media would generally use. What grammar rules and military tradition dictate can be quite different. So you're fine with changing ship names to fit gender? I didn't think about it.
  16. DR is good but in POE1 was done just badly. Quality on weapons gave them % damage bonus increase while armors got a flat value. Just like Obsidian wanted armor to be weak at higher levels. Each tick of a DOT was reduced by 25% DR. WHY? Why not divide DR by number of ticks and use this value? Lashes did not have a minimum damage that goes through DR. Why? Every lash goes against 25% DR. No matter if it 10% Lightning Punches or 50% Flames of Devotion. Former talent was actually buffed to 25% because it sucked. I don't think i need to tell anyone why it sucked. It just make sense for lashes to go against same % of DR as their damage multiplier is. Armor penetration was a flat malus. You are correct, % penetration is the way to go. If you have two weapons, one with 13 damage and 3 DR reduction, other one with 16 damage, 2nd is better. But if one weapon has 13 damage and 40% DR reduction while other has 16 damage, which one is better? Yeah, you can't tell because it depends on enemy armor (or at least it depends more than in case of flat malus). I know my example is a little biased but the thing is % armor penetration is better at preventing penetrating weapons from being obsoleted by high DPS ones. Flat DR malus is too similar to damage bonus. How many damage multipliers were applied after damage was reduced by armor? Das Schwarze Auge has them. I don't think there were any in PoE1 but i'm not Boeroer/MaxQuest/AndreaColombo. "B-but... DR deals poorly vs high damage attacks!". Ok Obsidian, but you solved this in your arguably best game - Fallout: New Vegas. Damage reduction was mostly flat but there were drugs that temporarily provided % reduction. Those Deathclaws had surprised look on their faces. Sure, absolute reduction tends to work poorly with HP/damage bloat, but bloat is not good to begin with. Without bloat you can for example use low level enemies as a support to high level ones in high level encounters and they'll be doing something. With bloat they will just die to some low damage AoE player used to debuff stronger foes. Moreover if you have bloat low level enemies will be non issue to high level heroes no matter what armor system you use. When i want bloat i play JRPGs or Diablo 3. Ok, i never played D3 but you get the point.
  17. What's male and what's female differs from language to language. Polish "kot" is male but German "die Katze" is female. Both mean "cat". "King Robert's Hammer" translated into Polish will be male. You'd need "King Robert's Mace" to have female name in Polish. And what if there's a language where "mace" is male or neuter?
  18. Any help for spells is welcome.
  19. What's the level of broodmother suggested by Joe? It's around 9? Ok, i've expressed myself poorly. Let's try again. If i were making a game where crits increase Penetration by 50% and where extra penetration is a main benefit of crits a defender would be able to reduce crit damage by 3/4 only when overleveling the attacker. Or maybe also in extreme situations like when defender is a tank and attacker uses low PEN weapon like a sabre or dragon's breath.
  20. This is a Warcraft 3's armor system DotA stole. Give credit where it's due, please. The problem with % armor reduction (one of them) is that low values do too little and high values do too much. How much reduction do i have with 1 armor? 2%? This is nothing. With 80 armor i have over 80% reduction. Even strongest attacks will become meh. And in case they are so strong they still threaten me they will completely obliterate anyone with 50% damage reduction.
  21. Passives in POE1 stacked with everything. Did it change in Deadfire?
  22. Couldn't tooltip be correct? Did Obsidian say they are changing overpenetration?
  23. The thing is you have to double their AR in order to over-penetrate. There is a lagufaeth with 9 PEN. On crit it would be 13.5, and it's not that hard to achieve 16 AR, or lower their PEN. I was talking about regular penetration on crit. Let's say i have 2 points of armor above my enemy's PEN. I resist 50% of his damage when he hits me. But if he crits he penetrates my armor and deals full damage. Since it's a crit full damage is 125% of his base damage (if we ignore other modifiers). This is quite a difference. If my armor can reduce damage of enemy's crit to 25% i'm probably overleveling him.
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