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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. Paradox does a lot to make their games more casual. Hearths of Iron 4 is very accesable considering scope of the game. Crusader Kings have a lot of jokes when it comes mating rituals or backstabbing (most of the game). Stellaris and EU are bit more complex, in EU some addons could made game really heavy (so many sliders). Im not sure how MOBA are connected to strategy in any way. You may do shoot-them-all game using starcraft assets. But that will not be strategy. MOBA are more like pvp diablo. (cool idea and everything) Note: Many games are created as shameless clones of some other bestsellers. Also strategy AI is nighmare to develop. Also we separate TB from RTS. In the same way there is only 1 isometric cRPG. *Rest in action or turn combat, totally different. Maybe there is hope in Very Massive Online Combat, games like planetside or eve. After 256 players there may be enought strategy in addition to action. Other type is hero strategy. Like dawn of war or starcraft. Small squads where every units matter. Easier to control. Modern RTS aproach: No base building, just capture and secure strateguc points. There is some prep module before each mission. Small number of units, heroic style. Like 4-10 per mission. Each unit have number of special powers You can activate AI (hold mouse) and just order to do something smart in contex order (nearby allies will capture, attack, move forward and so on). Maybe too much console game or reinventing Total War.
  2. I think we can have some serious problem with names. Sidekick - suggest some form of aprentice. Helpers. Like batman sidekick. Fallowers. Suggestion: Companions - fully fleshed out companion like Eder Henchmen/Hirelings/Mercenarry - fully custom body from inn with just some combat barks. No personality or any extra content. Adventurers, journeyman - some quest, dialogues, banters, lore dump and even backstory but not dynamic relationship, and possibly less text than companions. Adventurers sound proper, since they go with us for an adventurer but are not that attached to our cause.
  3. I am ok with gore and fountains of blood. But even more important is kill animation, the one where we jump on ogre shoulder and chop his head off, or when we split enemy in half, or wizard freeze it and then we shatter... all that jazz. Animations in general will improve perception. But it is not top priority for me.
  4. Companions 2.0 (modern) generate expotencial workload the more you add. Not only add all the stuff for new one, but also change all previous to react the new guy and have relationship tracker. That could clog pipelines. Companions 1.0 (oldschool) are easier, and have strong benefit of obeing able to add more of them. They will have banters, related quest and probably some dialogues. In comparison to BG or KotOR they will be totally fine. If PoE1 was ok for you, this bonus companions will also be fine. Maybe sidekicks is deragatory term? Lets call them friends with benefits. Part time companions allow future addition of Vithracks Cipher/Ranger with pet wyrmling. That is something to stand behind.
  5. We can argue that Skyrim was using only 2Ghz/0.5GB GPU/2GB ram. (a bit less than Tyranny) But Switch is just one specification so it could be easier to optimaze. Will be easier to say when the thing will came out. Using Tyranny for probing if consoles can take some isometric crpg sounds cool. Dont have any of pc mustard race vibe, so as long as it pays off, sail to all the ports. Probably porting on well sold platform makes sense.
  6. It is not about crushing but learning from past projects and making next games a bit better from early. Defiance Bay was ok. But neketaka will have some new tricks. If there will be PoE3 it will have even more bonus tricks.
  7. Sidekicks - that is one way to do it. Not being forced to make a fully developed character but just "fun" concept gives freedom. Like Rekk is a joke, but whatever. Somebody will enjoy that. Ydwin sounds interesting. Our first friendly neighbourhood animancer, yay. Players will complain if they could not readjust stats. Players are always salty as seasoned sailors. The thing is that: some companions will be in 2.0 modern mode with vision quest, relationship and possibly more. And some sidekick will be oldschool 1.0 companions with some dialogues, lore dump, some quest, but not much reactivity. In comparison to BG2 this sidekicks will be totally ok. But today ok stuff is not enought. This is why we cant have nice things. 1 city, 2 cities... making 2 cities make sense if there are counterparts. Like there is great war, and we have hubs on both sides. That could make sense in some future PoE. Example: 1 city in classic medieval fantasy, the second in... spirit world EDIT: If we have a puzzle where we could decipher Rekke language in some logic minigame... that would be something.
  8. As for bad Romance idea: Aloth, he is not really into, serious stuff, need to shuffle grimuars and all that Jazz. And Isemyr is like: Man, give books a break, lets have some fun, fun, fun. She will also keep giving dating tips "be more confident" "It is not gay if you can polymorph".
  9. It is possible that Eora pantheon wasnt consulted with enographic specialist, since it is just video game and rule of cool apply. But it is not big deal, since questioning fantasy pantheon is on the list "worst things VG geeks do". There are some imprefections in deities: Who is agral god? It should be important deity. Eoathas is more solar (also good pick). Gaun aspect seems to be connected with vegetation. So nature godlikes are more Gaun. Can Solar and Nature aspects exists as separete godlikes? Galawain looks more like deity of primal woods, woods=hunt, wood, but also many threats wolves and stuff. Beastlike godlike is an option. Whose are death Death godlike? They have cancer face so that would suggest Rymrgand, but that is also one cool god, when Death Godlike are more into shadows and rapid death. Connection with bereth is not clear so far. Skaen godlike with scarface and wounds everywhere or bleeding eyes would be an option (scarry AF) Pain, Madness, Hatred, betrayal could make nice set of powers and perks.
  10. Drowned Godlike looks great. What is dead may never die. There is always a time for some thorny ladies. I would avoid closer relationship with the last one, she has some serious fungus.
  11. It would be nice if godlikes ware more emphased, since that is something very connected to Eoara Lora. NPC freaking out on PC godlike some quest to embrace or denay godlike heritage feats to pimp up our godlike (the pun) powers it would be cooler if stat bonus was mix of godlike and "frame", yes we could reach some sick combos (natural 21 might) As for Godlike ideas: Winter Godlike - Ice cold white walkers with frost instead of beards. Quite popular among boreal dwarves. Most often living us outcast on Wending White. Blue Ice Eyes. Shard crown. 100% coolness factor Power: Never Cold - immune to cold dmg and freezing and chill effects Power: Rymgard breath - exhale cold air in cone of cold effect Power: Great White Wyrm - summon Rymgald servant errupting from the guard knocking enemies in are and biting their asses off. Power: White Thralls - use enemy corpse to create slow dumb frost zombie to fight on your side. Abydon - this god does not spawn godlikes, but prefers forget one. So there may be priest or orders dedicated to creating iron giants. Dawn Godlike - so much this. Aesimar of Eoara. Probably even more common in last 15 years. In dyrwood most killed just incase. But elsewhere nobody got a memo. Now young dawnling are grown enought to start great journey, and meet the maker. Power: Second Dawn - killing once is never enought Power: Orbital Lazor - when in doubt nuke from orbit Power: Aurora Crown - blast aura blinding enemies around us Beastlike - as furry as orlan, but the size of aumuna. Blessed by Galawain are often left in woods as infants. But often survive and end quite well. May however get to wild and become problem for local community as all other beast. Galawain dont care who wins. It is all about the hunt. Power: Animal vigor - heal at slow rate in addition to all other sources Power: The claws, the fangs - unarmed attacks deal a bit more damage Power: Natur ally - can summon something fuzzy when in need for cuddle Blindfolk - birth without eyes, but seeing EVERYTHING. To not scarry others wael band (Le Sin style). Power: Eyes wide shut - cant be blind, and in dialogues have 22 wisdom Power: Sees but not seen - invisibility at will Power: Sandman - cast a sleep on enemies Living Scars - born with shattered body coverd in fresh scars. Open, bleeding wounds which never heal, but they somehow survive. Adults often wear masks, to not freak out others. Power: Strenght from Pain - taking damage makes them only angrier (that monk synergy) Power: Hatred - pick one enemy, deal more dmg against him, can only pick one target at once Power: Madness - pick one enemy, curse him with constant damage over time pain, he also attacks randomly untill dead or time out. I also can imagine Adra folk, being like humanoid ore. Obsidian folk. That would cool. But not sure with who they are connected. Maybe they are just Adra. Can Adra itself be nervous about gods action. And create own agents? Random ideas: Death Godlike Power: Plaguebarer - cast plague on enemies, if you kill them, they explode. (classic) (they look like living cancer) Natue Godlike: Power: Natural Hentai - summon poison ivy entangling enemies and spreading vines in all the dark places. Bereth Godlike (not sure if it is Death or maybe Death are Rymbald) 1000 gates - teleport on battlefield (i am the gate i am the key) Note: It is all brainstorm so dont go serious.
  12. It is great that this time i can pick my favorite characters but still have alot of freedom with what they do. Like have Eder, and make him Rogue DPS with dual sabers (yarrr). Or give him fuzzy animal companion. I can play with same crew 2 times, but each time with completly different class set. wow wow wow.
  13. Not really interested in solo poe, since game mechanic is more tactical. There are games with good action gameplay (Path of Exile or Witcher) where solo makes total sense. But not PoE
  14. I am fine with 1 stronghold + 1 ship for travel. But with some quests and meanigful content. Class/race specific content... that is alot of work, so really depends on devtime. Something for godlikes would be nice.
  15. PC: Cipher, probably will try melee variant. Maybe godlike (moon moon) Aloth: I like him Aloth Eder: We both love fuzzy creatures Pallegina: who dont want knght in shinny armour? Xoti: someone need to pick support and... that is it.
  16. It is not about thinking what is good or bad, or how to introduce some elements into game, but about opportunity to tell other players that their opinion sucks. Also Bioware ended on BG2. Prostitutes: I think it is kind of joke. And tieing gameplay with narration. It is ok. As for sex without love, and love without sex. With who? Depends on companion. Hilvaris: i could imagine him going with the instinct and some furry quickie. Probably not long term relationship. Pallegina - If we have a knight in shinny armour there is a place for chilvaric roman. But this time Knight is a chick. This character have alot of conflict potencial of duty, justice, destiny. We can make it easier adding feelings to the mix. Game story time would probably be too short to sort it all out, but we can have thing going. Once narration dev get greenlight for romances all colour and shapes are possible. Just make it not an accident, and leave safety exit "Sorry the feeling is gone" if player misclick.
  17. Well it is ok mechanic: You can be good, and have game a bit harder but manageable You can sacrifize innocent for unlimited power. Greater good requires greater sacrifize. And best sacrifize is one done by others. That s what Lucifer says. In fact i enjoy all this moment when we have choice, and can make somebody suffer or disapear for personal gain. Evil is not all demonic laughter and black leather. Sometimes you just need to believe, that your own good and opinion is so much better than anyone else.
  18. It seems we may get Aloth in the streets, Isemyr in the sheets and lots of love to fuzzy things. Good stuff.
  19. You are right. OE repeatedly express conclusion that 2nd big city "is a trap!" since each big city is bigger inside than outside (many interiors, multilevel dungeones/towers/temples) not to mention density of quests. Funny thing: PoE1 - twin elms feel empty and stretched Tides of Numerea - second big city ended as small vilage of limitted importance Witcher 3 - even here we have 1 big city. I hope everyone sees the patern here.
  20. Unless somebody is going to die soon there will always be second walkthought of most epic games. At some point you will get that killer cold when gaming is max you can do. World will probably be wars and disasters so not much traveling on retirment neither.
  21. In VtB nighlife was part of gameplay. We need to feed, we could go with rats, or stroll in backalleyes and grab some strollers, or we can go to nightclub and use our stats to seduce chicks (or gals). If we ware preatty that could also alter some quest or npc interaction. With Nosferatu... there is no play for us. Overall sexytimes worked well in VtB.
  22. WFRP as crpg is a decent idea. Fantasy crpg generally are well received. One with specific dark and even grotesque tone (so many skulls) could be something fresh. WH40K is weirder and over the top. Probably more risk involved.
  23. Bunch of region specific. So seamen, pirate are the most missing. We can argue that Raider is basicly pirate. We also have Merchant, Colonist, Explorer. There could also be some fun even if not region specific like: Gladiator - could be on arena, or on tournaments, or for noblelords to set their honor debts Courtezan - We worked with a lot of seemen That is region specific. Cultist is cool. But overall i dont care that much about background, it is just nice to see my background give special dialogue line here and there, and that is enought.
  24. Telltale games are fun to, good story, interesting characters, you make some choices but they dont matter all that much. As for funny gaming story: In Witcher 2 we could be a good guy, save some monsters, kill some ppl. Good job. And then kings decide that it is time to kill each other and 10k people died one day. And lone witcher cant do sheep about it. When it came to final boss, killing him was unimportant, might as well spare him, probably has good reason. At least in witcher we cant shape the world completly, but if we rescue our foster YogSothoth daughter and necromancer girlfriend and still live, we can call it a good day. What really matters in life, what we have experienced or what we missed?
  25. The song mechanic is fresh so that is a good thing. I wish chanters to be top3 healers. With healing songs and invocations. It is just cooler if you can use other class for healbot duty other than priest.
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