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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. You should do some research before you post. Timothy did only programming as far as we know Adam handled the PR stuff as the project's CEO and did some programming here and there Fenstermaker did most of the writing (that's why writing is one of the few strong points this game has) Avellone wrote a few (awesome) companions and ingame books. Being the creative lead gives him the freedom to get involved as much as he wants - which is not much So yeah, Pillars was Obsidian's B-team project with JES at the helm. That was decided before production started. It's not a bad thing. New talent must be forged in fire.
  2. Ditto though keep in mind PoE is Obsidian's B-team project. The only 'senior' that's truly on it is JES as the project lead, and he has some irremediable design fixations and cant even listen to his own advice. Considering the young and relatively inexperienced crew PoE turned out a lot better than expected.
  3. for a 700 yo santas helper gnome you mean...
  4. Try compatibility mode.
  5. that was an iconic fail in the history of video games
  6. I love people who are defending every bad decision Obsidian makes , at every cost.... Obsidiots
  7. I find encounter design of that kind gimmicky. You just have to die once to figure out the trick, and then it's easy. Far better than to have NO encounter design whatsoever (PoE) Ugh... no problem, ill show you what I meant You don't remember because 1) you didn't play BG 2 2) you have a memory span of a goldfish Seriously, why don't you play Call of Duty?
  8. Agreed. It doesn't make it outstanding either. No one said PoE wasn't fun. Big difference between a good/fun RPG and outstanding/long-lasting classic Youre really reaching daemonjax. There's a big spectrum between Chess (near-infinite possibilities) and binary tactics (PoE) youre choosing to ignore You didn't play BG2? You walk into a room and get ambushed by 6 orc arches firing from the sides, unreachable unless you fin the secret doors. Wow, a clever use of environment and secrets! PoE even has the supposed advantage that any party composition can detected traps and unlock doors, so why not explore this? No, instead you can't detect nor disarm traps mid-combat.
  9. Forgot your rabies shot today Nachel? Sheesh
  10. You guys are clueless and have awfully low RPG standards , and I'm gonna show you why. 1) PoE has no encounter design like I said During most battles you just send a tank to engage their melee fighters and have the rest of the party attack them. You rarely face anything that requires a different tactic. There's no swarm of weak enemies to overwhelm your tank, no ogres doing a pincer attack inside a tight corridor, no archers in hard-to-reach places , battles inside traps, NOTHING! The only ambush you'll face the entire game is in the tutorial! Battles in PoE are memorable due to their context (a lone powerful bear early in game, a big dragon, another big dragon, assaulting a fortress) and not for actual interesting fights. Most of them are just frontal fights with a straightforward approach , which brings us to point two below... 2) laughable "tactical" combat a) either you are in open areas where you must protect your squishy characters, or b) you are in tight areas where you block the chokepoint with your tank, while the rest of the party chugs spells and ranged attacks The peak of this amazing "tactical" combat are teleporting phantoms and burrowing beetles (which are essentially the same thing, yeah) EDIT: And guys, I am pleasantly surprised by PoE overall . Its far better than I thought it would be . You are really destroying the modern criteria for these games with such remarks.
  11. After the first season all went downhill
  12. Coz its another trash mmo in the world of trash mmo's and its taking advantage of the same time period and characters from KotOR 1-2, which is taking a dump on while it could have been KotOR 3
  13. if you found the encounters fun , or found combat to be tactical, I don't know what to say
  14. Pillars is overrated only the beginning of the game I'd rate 9/10. Rest is watered-down
  15. It's good but Underrail is goty. both are amazing. also remember legend of grimrock This is the age of indie games because people make far better games in modest conditions
  16. PoE is overrated. And this game (SCL) will likely be a streamlined forgettable trash
  17. gog gave me like 10 classic games for free.. and 10 more crappy ones.. its still a better customer service than steam will ever be
  18. Not really, theyre SD (Standard quality)
  19. One of the best. A classic. Ugh .... I remember that disaster. Unfortunately
  20. yeah combat was grindy... there is a utility which speeds it anywhere from 2-1000x so that alleviates it a little bit yeah :D haha or when one of my female party members died, someone said in a burly voice "aye she was a bony lass" xD
  21. Watched nearly half of the entire season yesterday. A historical leak if I ever saw one. Thanks Pirate bay! On a side note, this show has become just average. Acting is mediocre at best, with occasional peaks here and there. Such an overrated show.
  22. Wiz8 and especially Wiz7 have some awesome class systems don't you think :D
  23. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Raping? more like unsuccessful trolling
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