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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. Wait just a second there. If youre gonna hoard traps for the entire game and blow the final boss with 30 traps that's, 1) your choice, 2) it doesn't come without a price (as you'd be restraining from using traps the whole game). PS Anyone with half a brain should know that
  2. Yo mind breaking it to a newbie who the hell are these people ? I feel Im missing something terrible here.
  3. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    What do you mean by "19th century Belgian tribal distinctions" ?
  4. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Rwanda it's artificial genocide created by hands of US corporations. Main goal of this operation is kick off French corporations from this region. Just Baldur's Gate Iron Throne operation in real world. http://dissidentvoice.org/2009/04/the-rwanda-genocide-fabrications/ I am aware of their involvement. In my opinion western presence only played off their hatreds to own ends. That approach was essentially no different from Yugoslavia.
  5. I can understand putting the limits on glyphs seeing how those are spells. Traps in BG2 were also skills. But here we're talking about items. It makes no sense to limit the player's capability/desire to hoard items for the goal of using them all at once during a specific encounter.
  6. Wow that screenshot. I want that too. Is your game patched? I found your statement to be only partially true for me. In addition to being set by a different companion, each trap must be of a different type. For example I cannot set two Noxious Cloud traps, even if I use different party members. Hmm. When I do that, the traps below disappear. Now that's weird.
  7. Looks like a tank Barbarian is possible after all. Props to you Sir. However I'd still leave Con at 10. Three percent is just meager. The biggest impact on Health is your base class. As a Barbarian you'll have high Health anyway. I'd put those points in Dex if this build can get away with dumping Res and Per
  8. Battleforged is OP. Not only it works with Carnage (somehow), it goes up with your level and Might attribute. Someone mentioned it gets bonuses from Savage attack & Vunerable attack as well. Holy ****.
  9. I rarely use any stock portraits in RPGs I play. Nearly always I make my own, or use custom ones.
  10. I don't think a full-fledged party AI is necessary. However we need companions to auto attack if idle, seeing how they'll do nothing after using an ability or spell. I found that a tad annoying.
  11. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Rwanda was terrible and that's an understatement. It's a class A genocide. People mostly talk about the Holocaust, but no one is mentioning the Armenian genocide, Rwanda or DRC.
  12. Not worthless maybe, but overall have a low impact in most fights because you can use only 1. You can use six. I cannot confirm this, still lets me set only one trap per encounter. It's one per party member. Doesn't matter which party member I use to set a trap, the previous one always disappears. I didn't patch up my game so maybe that's it. I sincerely doubt this. At least the majority of them isn't. Furthermore, the traps that trigger on the player are devastating. My own traps don't have nearly such an impact. These are clearly not the same traps.
  13. It's kind of normal to release patches with so many bugs in the game. No, not normal. Mandatory.
  14. Not worthless maybe, but overall have a low impact in most fights because you can use only 1. You can use six. I cannot confirm this, still lets me set only one trap per encounter.
  15. On a side note, I'd prefer to be able to build more constructions than one at a time in my Stronghold.
  16. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    I'll admit being stupid for debating politics at all, but taking that to heart? Nonsense :D
  17. How stupid. Would've be better overall if there'd be no option to escape.
  18. I noticed will escape my prison at a point, no matter what I do (or my level of security in the Stronghold). Is this true?
  19. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Mr. Bruce you could use a little less mass media influence methinks :D
  20. The best choice for developers is usually giving the player a choice. I.e. on/off box in the option window.
  21. Scripted interactions remind me of gamebooks, if anyone still remembers those, e.g. choose your own adventure series.
  22. Wasteland 2 had the same feature and I regret missing it completely at first play through :D.
  23. Yes please. Oh yes. I don't like these vague descriptions. Let's talk numbers here.
  24. In what way is Barbarian bugged that'll put it next to the OP king Cipher?
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