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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Je suis Oby
  2. They make video games. Not really, they're publishers. Most of the time they either produce bad franchises or destroy the really good ones. And the number of games they developed (helped develop) can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
  3. There is at least one 40k mod in the works for Legend of Grimrock 2. Sounds like Space Hulk?
  4. I want to play a Ferengi Raider.
  5. The new joke is even better, mind you. I stopped viewing this whole limerick ordeal as some kind of a defeat.
  6. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Croats and Serbs are fine people. Their hospitality is unmatched. I know this personally. Too bad our interests have ripped their country apart.
  7. Not really. They should've just let it blow over. There'd still be the butthurt. So what?
  8. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    That "genocide" was never proven mate. It was just made up because US needed a base there. I served there I know. And Libya is not fine. In fact, it was never worse in Libya. Ever.
  9. Not really. They should've just let it blow over.
  10. This is just the start of a new age where fringe demographics harass developers. In the end, art will suffer.
  11. And I'm sure loonies will always find something to get offended.
  12. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Oh boy I remember that disaster.The west ripped through Yugoslavia while the whole world was watching. And that peasant Yeltsin was too busy drinking Vodka at the Kremlin.
  13. EA and Ubisoft ..... parasites.
  14. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    So the US invented something to bypass the UNSC, how convenient.... In other words, when US kills its completely fine. OK for me but not for thee. Biggest load of BS ever... Its no different from American athletes exempted from steroid tests at the Olympics PS you should know the words "Clinton" and "humanitarian" just don't work in the same sentence . xD
  15. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    True, it works both ways. However the biggest threat to world peace is clearly NATO. It lives off civil wars and third-world warzones Russia is no global threat, get real. 1,800 operational nukes in the hands of a textbook sociopath say otherwise. Who is this "textbook sociopath" you are talking about ? That would be Putin of course Get real.. Why don't you swallow more mass media trash ? PS I asked him not you, but I guess that speaks about your jumpiness towards Russia
  16. Maybe its a covert omage (incase of which that'd be brilliant) but its still a fantastic design.
  17. Rewritten by whom? What are you saying?
  18. The worst part for me was the Raedric's Hold crash. Had to edit my savegame with WinRAR.
  19. That robot design was visionary to say the least. EDIT: I felt Interstellar's strongest point was its mid development. The beginning felt sloppy and the end was unsatisfactory. It was too happy (the ending) for my taste and felt improbable to say the least ( I mean that he'd find his way come). Such impossible things kill the immersion for me. The scrapped ending in which he ended up trapped in the black hole unsure whether his signal got out was much better.
  20. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    Indeed. A technically inferior country where superstition is still rampant. I remember few years ago when opposition accused the ruling party of consorting with Djinn :D I still have respect for their culture and tradition, however. Iran and Syria are the last "stubborn" countries in the Middle East that wont easily budge to USA, NATO and Israel. I respect that a great deal despite everything.
  21. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    True, it works both ways. However the biggest threat to world peace is clearly NATO. It lives off civil wars and third-world warzones Russia is no global threat, get real. 1,800 operational nukes in the hands of a textbook sociopath say otherwise. Who is this "textbook sociopath" you are talking about ?
  22. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    True, it works both ways. However the biggest threat to world peace is clearly Israel. It lives off civil wars and third-world warzones Russia is no global threat, get real. Fixed that for you. Israel comes close second to NATO... It can't match their level of organization and systematically creating warzones to fuel the war machine.
  23. Luj1

    Hey Oby!

    True, it works both ways. However the biggest threat to world peace is clearly NATO. It lives off civil wars and third-world warzones Russia is no global threat, get real.
  24. Sorry mate but that is BS... don't swallow mass media trash. True.
  25. Hey, thx for posting a possible solution. But how can i modify the .savegame files? What do you mean by "compressed inside your savegame"? You use WinRAR or 7zip to open a savegame in question. Some say one of the flesh golems are bugged, others say that the chest with patient records is.
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