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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. Oh God, let's please not go down the "I'm not calling you stupid, just that the types of games you play are made for stupid people" route. I actually wanted to point out that I grew up reading books and studied literature at university. However, when I got stuck playing league of legends and after that dota 2 for almost 5 years (a couple thousand hours), around age 23-28, I had a rather hard time sitting down with any kind of fiction and not scream at the slow pace of the book. I was doing alright studying and reading technical documentations, but I had to force myself to sit for 30 minutes and read fiction, and even to play point&clicks and RPGs because I knew I was losing a piece of myself that I found way too important to just let go. It took a while to get back, but it only took time, patience and letting go of habits that were not beneficial in the long run. It all comes down to supernormal stimuli, as discussed in this comic. http://www.stuartmcmillen.com/comics_en/supernormal-stimuli/ Dota and Lol killed your attention-span.
  2. Pillars was too bland , did two playthroughs, now Im playing Daggerfall and Outcast (awesome adventure game)
  3. Call of Duty much?
  4. LOL what bull.....
  5. Because voice acting is soo important. Gamers these days omg go play Skyrim/CoD
  6. So upgrading fine to exceptional or superb isn't possible after all?
  7. this isn't fixed yet? If it isn't that's disappointing. Did they fix Raedric hold crash at least? I didn't update since purchase due to new bugs showing up
  8. OP is right. Defiance bay isn't even as big as some mega-city is supposed to. Zones are small with few locations. Baldurs gate and City of Neverwinter are far larger and these are ancient games with a lot lower budgets. I'd say they didn't deliver in this regard. And what is this second mega-city supposed to be? Wasn't just one mega city promised? (Def. bay)
  9. Yeah. At first. After the third season it's all downhill however.
  10. You don't condone piracy but - yeah, I can't even follow this logic. Need moar vitamin B
  11. Ditto. Im not digging the art direction either.
  12. agreed. josh is visible so he gets undue credit and blame. nevertheless, pointing out that poe mechanics did not spring forth from josh's skull like athena, fully armed and armoured and looking to make grognards suffer for their crpg pretensions, is wasted breath. PoE's mechanics *did* spring from JES' skull moreso than from any other team member's skull. Furthermore if JES gets critiqued (I wouldn't say blamed as you did), it's because he didn't listen to his own advice. However I'm going to cut him some slack because he carried a great burden, perhaps the greatest in his career so far.
  13. You're making up those percentages out of air. Yes I am but that is how it really is. Sure, Tim has a ton of system design experience being (among other things) one of the co-creators of SPECIAL we all know and love. Anyone who denies that has no clue. Therefore he probably was there for Josh as a senior consultant and a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. But he mainly did programming while JES had near-total or total freedom in doing core systems. Had Tim done system design , believe me, Pillars' mechanics would have much more sense. (And I'm not taking a dump on Sawyer, I may or may not like his approach, but it is evident that he had his hands more than full) Look everyone can have a say. Developers are people, they work together, talk to each other, eat together, spend time together. Tim, Boby or person X may have influenced some design decisions with their good ideas or good advice. But If everyone did everything this wouldn't be half the game it is. That is not how these companies work. Everyone has his or hers sphere. That being said, JES had the last word on system design. Core systems were JES' job as the design lead, not Cain's or Boby's. Pillars of Eternity was his Trial of Iron, so to speak. Bobby Null as far as I'm aware was the level lead on Pillars and did fine. Od Nua (Mega-dungeon) was his idea and that's great.
  14. That's no different from what I said in any meaningful way. Timothy Cain's work on classes I'm unfamiliar with but I'm betting he didn't get involved much in that. Basically they left 90-95% of system design to JES (as evident from the plethora of developer videos). Which was possibly a little too much for the dude despite his senior status.
  15. N'Gasta Gasta Kwakis !!

  16. Amen sister. blinding skeletons? blinding Ooze? Knocking adult dragons prone? Killing a flame blight with fireball?
  17. Yeah really. Instead of addressing a game's weak points (which keeps developers focused on improving) I should just accept anything thrown my way with just gratitude and arse-kissing. He is totally right. That's why most games today don't come close to old classics. Because the audience standard is much lower and they only talk about the stuff they like, and less about stuff done wrong. I prefer to be a harsh critic. IT's better for everyone.
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